

中文摘要 臺中市為臺灣中部工業發展、交通及運輸的樞紐。相對的,開發建設行為帶來的龐大的污染,環境負荷因人口、車輛數及民眾陳情案件每年攀升,致使空氣品質維護需更加多元策略並進。為了有效即時掌握臺中市空氣品質,臺中市政府環保局於臺中市29個行政區廣泛布建空品感測器共計1,411台,善用空品感測器,低成本、體積小、布建地點有彈性之特性,透過4G網路無線傳輸監測數據(1分鐘1筆數據),結合物聯網科技,建立即時且不間斷,達到街道尺度與分鐘尺度的高解析度的空氣品質數據中心。運用地理資訊系統將空品感測器位置及最新監測污染物濃度視覺化,於空氣品質數據中心地圖上呈現污染熱區及最即時空品資料提供一般民眾查詢,同時提供空品感測器監測數據統計及分析功能,包括污染物濃度趨勢圖及不同監測項目(PM2.5、TVOC、CO、O3、溫度、相對溼度及風速風向計資料)數據交叉比對、污染風瑰圖以及污染物高值時段統計,提供給臺中市政府環保局與相關業務單位進行區域空品狀況分析與污染源限縮等稽查應用。採用人工智慧學習建立臺中市各工業區最佳告警機制,透過智慧型手機LINE進行告警推播通知,以提升稽查單位追蹤工業區污染來源及稽查便利性與機動性,同時應用於多項環境治理措施改善臺中市空品狀況。
中文關鍵字 細懸浮微粒、空品感測器、物聯網


專案計畫編號 N1111110105 經費年度 112 計畫經費 22000 千元
專案開始日期 2023/02/03 專案結束日期 2023/12/31 專案主持人 黃致霖
主辦單位 臺中市政府環境保護局 承辦人 鄭丞峰 執行單位 思維環境科技有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 202402190922520600.pdf 10MB 期末報告書定稿本

2023 Taichung City Air Quality Internet of Things (IoT) Development, Operation and Maintenance Project

英文摘要 Taichung City, as the hub of central Taiwan, plays an essential role in industrial development and transportation systems. However, construction causes severe pollution. The number of people, vehicles, and petition cases increases year by year, which leads to high environmental loads. As a result, air quality needs to be maintained by multiple strategies. In order to effectively check out the air quality in Taichung City in real time, Taichung City Government Environmental Protection Bureau set up 1,411 air quality sensors around 29 districts in Taichung City. These sensors with the advantages of low cost, small size, and location flexibility, which can transmit monitoring data wirelessly through 4G network (1 data can be transmitted in 1 minute). Besides, these sensors combined with IoT technology, which can precisely mark the street in high resolution, establishing a real-time and uninterrupted Air Quality Data Center. The monitor locations of air quality sensors and the latest concentration of pollutants can be visualized by using geographic information system, and pollution hotspots and the real-time data can be displayed and searched. At the same time, it also showed the statistics and analysis functions of the data, including cross comparison of trend graphs for the pollutant concentrations and different data for monitoring, such as: PM2.5, TVOC, CO, O3, temperature, relative humidity, anemoclinograph, wind rose, and high-level pollution periods. These data can be applied on regional air quality analysis and pollution source reduction by Environmental Protection Bureau and other related business units. Additionally, AI technology adopted to establish the best warning mechanism for industrial area in Taichung City. Alert notifications through smart phone app- LINE can improve the tracking of pollution sources in industrial areas, increasing the convenience and mobility of inspections. It can also be applied to environmental management measures to improve air quality in Taichung City.
英文關鍵字 PM2.5, air-quality sensor, IoT