

中文摘要 2050年達成淨零排放已成為全球政策趨勢,我國也於民國112年1月將淨零轉型目標入法。淨零目標之實踐,不僅需透過能源生產、工業製程、供應鏈之技術提升、設備汰換,促進溫室氣體減排,同時也必須建立適當的政策環境來鼓勵並促進民眾改變認知與行動,採取較為低碳的生活模式。本研究旨在思考如何應用輕推策略鼓勵民眾改變既有的行為模式,輕推之提出基於行為經濟學理論,透過改變「選擇結構」,在不影響民眾選擇自由與福祉的情況下,以較低的成本或是較簡易的方式,引導民眾做出對自身與整體社會有利之決策。首先本研究透過理論文獻爬梳,了解輕推策略之定義,輕推執行之要件,主要運用之輕推策略,以及運用輕推可能遭遇之障礙與應對策略。其次,完成盤點國際組織與各國發展輕推策略之組織架構,以及與淨零綠生活相關之輕推實驗與執行個案,作為後續實務參考。同時,本研究也完成輕推應用於我國淨零綠生活行動戰略推動措施之可行性盤點。第三,本研究研析國際組織或智庫設計輕推策略流程,並參酌深度訪談、專家座談、社區訪查之結果,提出適用於我國情境之輕推設計流程指引。另一方面,本研究也以上述輕推設計流程為基礎,同樣參考深度訪談、專家座談、社區訪查以及設計思考工作坊之意見彙整,針對循環杯利用、資源回收行為以及公共運輸使用三大議題設計輕推實驗。透過理論文獻爬梳、制度與執行個案之回顧,以及相關設計方法之提出,作為後續設計符合台灣政治經濟社會條件脈絡之淨零綠生活輕推策略之參考,促進民眾參與淨零生活轉型,有利於2050淨零目標之實踐。
中文關鍵字 淨零、輕推、行為科學


專案計畫編號 經費年度 112 計畫經費 4250 千元
專案開始日期 2023/03/31 專案結束日期 2023/12/15 專案主持人 郭銘峰
主辦單位 氣候署國際事務組 承辦人 鄭玉琴 執行單位 國立臺灣大學


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 112AA196成果報告_定稿本.pdf 12MB

The Study of Applications on Nudge theory toward Net-Zero Life Transition

英文摘要 Achieving the target of net-zero carbon emissions by 2050 has become a global policy trend. In January 2023, Taiwan formalized the goal of net-zero emissions by 2050 in the Climate Change Response Act. The realization of net-zero carbon emissions targets not only requires equipment upgrades and technical advances in energy production, industrial chains, and supply chain to reduce greenhouse gas emissions but also creates a conducive policy environment to prompt changes in public perception and behavior, fostering a more low-carbon lifestyle. This study aims to explore how to apply 'nudge' strategies to encourage people to change their existing cognition bias and behavioral patterns. The idea of nudge, rooted in behavioral economics, is to alter the 'choice architecture' to guide individuals towards decisions that benefit themselves and the society, without impinging on their freedom of choice or welfare, and at a lower cost or in a simpler manner. First, this research reviews theoretical literature to understand the definition of nudge, the prerequisites for nudge implementation, the primary strategies employed, and the potential obstacles and countermeasures. Secondly, it sorts the data of the organizational structures of international organizations and countries that have developed nudging strategies related to a net-zero green life, as well as the cases of experiments and implementation as a reference for subsequent practice. Additionally, the study conducts a feasibility assessment of applying nudges to Taiwan net-zero green lifestyle transitions. Thirdly, this research analyzes the design processes of nudging strategies from international organizations or think tanks worldwide and incorporates the results from in-depth interviews, experts focus group, and field surveys to propose a nudge design process guideline applicable to our country's context. Moreover, building on this design process, the study conducts experimental designs targeting three issues: the utilization of reusable cups, resource recycling behavior, and public transport. By reviewing theoretical literature, examining institutional and implemented cases, and proposing relevant design procedures, this study serves as a guideline for subsequent design processes aligned with the political, economic, and social conditions in Taiwan, promoting public engagement in net zero lifestyle transition, thereby contributing to the achievement of the 2050-net zero target.
英文關鍵字 Net Zero, Nudge, Behavioral science