中文摘要 | 本計畫工作內容包括:執行桃園市場址改善後之驗證作業、工業區預警網地下水監測、監測井巡查及維護、列管場址巡查、場址定期監測、場址巡查監督、民眾陳情緊急應變工作、法規宣導會及相關行政協助。(一)依據公開評選投標須知補充規定,得標廠商應於決標後10日內,提送「委託計畫之品保規劃書」送行政院環境保護署審查,已於2月4日核備;(二)調查與查證:工廠類污染場址驗證,已執行15處工廠污染場址驗證;(三)監測井巡查維護作業:上半年完成352口次、下半年完成366口,並完成28口外觀維護、56口次井中攝影、56口次微水試驗、14口井體設施修復、5口廢井、5口異物排除、29口再完井;(四)場址定期監測工作:地下水受限制使用區,完成2處場址監測作業;(五)工業區預警系統地下水監測:完成枯水期、豐水期各3口次地下水採樣監測;(六)貯存系統管理:加油站油氣檢測已完成28處,法規符合度複查已執行86處;(七)公告事業用地查證:公告事業89條申報及查核作業,已完成至少114件審查作業,並提送未依規定申報及疑義廠址篩選原則,篩選出5場次辦理污染查證;(八)高污染潛勢工廠預防管理作業:已完成5場次查核輔導,每場至少邀請2位專家學者執行查核輔導;(九)監測式自然衰減與評估作業:於10月23日完成2口次監測井設置,於11月1日、2日先後完成4口、6口監測井採樣作業;(十)事業土壤及地下水污染預防作業:已辦理4場次說明會、完成C群68家事業現勘、完成A群59家現場查核,並辦理6場次污染查證、執行24場次B群輔導;(十一)環工技師查核:已完成10件次簽證案件書件查核,其中2件辦理現場查核,之後召開第一階段查核會議即完成辦理;(十二)法規及預防管理宣導:本年度辦理4場次土壤及地下水宣導業務說明會;(十三)緊急應變事件處理:執行20場次民眾陳情緊急應變工作及調查作。 | ||
中文關鍵字 | 土壤及地下水、污染調查、污染查證 |
專案計畫編號 | 經費年度 | 112 | 計畫經費 | 32343.156 千元 | |
專案開始日期 | 2023/01/01 | 專案結束日期 | 2023/11/30 | 專案主持人 | 董仁 |
主辦單位 | 桃園市政府環境保護局 | 承辦人 | 劉亭亭 | 執行單位 | 亞太環境科技股份有限公司 |
類型 | 檔名 | 檔案大小 | 說明 |
期末報告 | 3_112年度桃園市土壤及地下水污染調查及查證工作計畫_期末報告(公開版).pdf | 63MB |
Soil & Groundwater, Pollution Investigation, Verification
英文摘要 | The work of this project includes: implementation of verification operations after the improvement of the Taoyuan market site, groundwater monitoring of the early warning network in the industrial zone, inspection and maintenance of monitoring wells, inspection of the management site, regular site monitoring, site inspection and supervision, and emergency response to public complaints Work, laws and regulations publicity meeting and related administrative assistance. (1) According to the supplementary provisions of the public selection and bidding instructions, the winning bidder should submit the "Quality Assurance Plan of the Entrusted Plan" to the Environmental Protection Agency of the Executive Yuan for review within 10 days after the bid is awarded, which has been verified on February 4. . (2) Investigation and verification. Factory pollution site verification, 8 factory pollution sites, and 16 farmland site verification have been carried out (3) Groundwater monitoring of industrial zone early warning system, 3 times (6 times in total) have been completed in high and dry seasons ) groundwater sampling monitoring. (4) Regular monitoring of the site:Two site has been implemented in the restricted use area of groundwater; (2) The inspection of monitoring wells completed 352 times in the first half of the year and 366 times in the second half of the year. In view of the abnormal inspection operations completed in 2011 (signposts, stagnant water, covered by asphalt and other situations, they have been The appearance maintenance of 28 monitoring wells, the repair of facilities of 14 monitoring wells, the in-well photography of 56 wells, the micro-water test of 56 wells, the re-completion of 29 wells, the removal of 5 foreign objects and 5 abandoned wells were completed on site. (6) Execute 20 The public report emergency response work and investigation work. (7) Announcement of 89 declarations and inspections, 114 inspections have been completed, and the principles of non-declaration and doubtful site selection have been submitted. After screening, submit to the Soil Pollution Law Section Articles 8 and 9 Declaration of Inventory Investigation and Verification Operation_Preliminary Screening Result and Data Check and Supplement.(8) Simultaneous sampling of farmland has now completed 80 samplings; preventive action has been completed on October 7, and has applied for supervision and verification operations. (10) This year, 11 soil and groundwater publicity business briefings have been completed. | ||
英文關鍵字 | Soil & Groundwater, Pollution Investigation, Pollution Verification |