

中文摘要 無機再生粒料由無機資源物經資源化處理產製而成,其性質與天然砂石相近,可替代天然資源應用於陸域及港區工程。計畫依據「推動再生粒料應用於港區填築工程綱要計畫」盤點港區可填築區位及量能,包含臺北港2處、臺中港2處、高雄港1處及彰濱工業區1處,潛在總填築量約51,453萬公噸,可提供無機再生粒料預估填築量約5,147~7,718萬公噸。 為驗證焚化再生粒料於港區填築工程應用合適性,針對焚化再生粒料應用於港區工程便道及消波塊試體浸泡於純水或海水中進行重金屬檢測。焚化再生粒料鋪設之港區工程便道,在環境監測迄今約6年之周遭土壤及逕流水監測顯示,重金屬測值皆無呈現上升趨勢。焚化再生粒料消波塊試體浸泡試驗執行至第8個月,未浸泡及浸泡之試體抗壓強度無明顯變化情況,且浸泡液之重金屬濃度皆為未檢出或低於定量偵測極限,顯示焚化再生粒料可適用於港區工程應用。 依據行政院於110年6月11日核定之「再生粒料應用於港區造地填築作業程序」,延續前期計畫進行「焚化再生粒料於臺北港區現地填築試驗」之填築後環境監測及辦理位於臺中港北側林帶之「焚化再生粒料於臺中港區現地填築試驗」,本計畫於112年8月18日填築焚化再生粒料,計118.61公噸。現地填築試驗皆於施工前後進行背景調查或環境監測,檢測包含土壤、地下水、海水水質、海域底質重金屬及土壤戴奧辛濃度。臺北港與臺中港現地試驗分別完成填築後7次(至第17個月)、填築後1次(至第2個月)之環境監測,採集樣品於重金屬(鎘、鉛、砷、汞、鉻、銅、鎳、鋅)及戴奧辛濃度均符合其對應之相關標準,且填築後歷次監測值與填築前背景值多數沒有明顯差異。
中文關鍵字 無機再生粒料、填海造陸、現地試驗


專案計畫編號 經費年度 112 計畫經費 17070 千元
專案開始日期 2023/01/17 專案結束日期 2023/12/01 專案主持人 方孟德
主辦單位 循環署循環處理組 承辦人 許百俊 執行單位 財團法人工業技術研究院


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 112AB002_成果報告.pdf 24MB

Application and management of inorganic recycled aggregate in the harbor area

英文摘要 The properties of inorganic recycled aggregate are similar to natural sand and gravel, a good alternative materials for land reclamation. Many developed countries, such as Japan, tried to reduce the usage amount of natural resources by using not only construction residual soil but also inorganic recycled aggregate for land reclamation. In this project, we inventories six harbor area of potential construction/development and reclamation capacity, including Taipei Port, Taichung Port, Kaohsiung Port, and Changhua Coastal Park. We estimate the total potential reclamation capacity up to 51.4 million tons, including a proximately usage amount of inorganic recycled aggregates reach to 51~77 million tons. To verify the suitability of incinerated recycled aggregate in port land reclamation, a long-term study of heavy metal leaching was conducted with the application of incinerated recycled aggregate immersed under different categories of water bodies. According to the heavy metal leaching results, no significant numerical variation or increasing was observed between samples and background, which samples of soil and water are collected from the port area filled with incinerated recycled aggregate within six years application. The incinerated recycled aggregated processed products were immersed under normal water and seawater for eight months, the results showed that no effect on sample compressive strength, and the heaving metal leaching value were not detected or below the quantifiable detection limit. According to the results, the incinerated recycled aggregate is deemed acceptable for application in land or port area reclamation. A total of 118.61 tons of incinerated recycled aggregate are filled in the windbreak area of Taichung Port, in August, 18, 2023. A detailed monitoring and analyzed of soil, groundwater, seawater and sediment samples were conducted before and after the land reclamation. The environmental monitoring and analyzed for Taipei harbor and Taichung harbor were conducted seven times (up to the 17th month) and once (up to the 2nd month) respectively after the completion of land reclamation. The results showed that heavy metals leaching (including of cadmium, lead, arsenic, mercury, chromium, copper, nickel, zinc) and dioxins concentration from all samples were found to comply with their respective environmental standards. Moreover, the monitoring values after land reclamation showed no significant differences compared to the background values.
英文關鍵字 Inorganic recycled aggregate, Land reclamation, Field test