

中文摘要 因應氣候變遷因應法施行,實現 2050 淨零排放目標,氣候變遷專業人才已是國家未來不可或缺的角色。本計畫藉由完善氣候變遷人員訓練教材,透過類似專責人員的訓練方式,藉以提升溫室氣體減量相關知能,促使企業及產業進一步瞭解國際氣候變遷發展趨勢、產業的因應與調適策略,將有助於落實國內的氣候變遷政策,降低及有效管理溫室氣體排放,達到國家永續發展的目標。 團隊完成蒐集及研析國內相關淨零排放、溫室氣體減量課程資料,舉辦專家諮詢會議共 10 場,提出氣候變遷教材規劃草案,草案內容包含初階教材與進階教材,總計 6 大模組,36 冊教材與 102 小時,同時提出編撰專家名單,教材規劃及編撰專家名單。在訓練課程辦理規劃方面,研擬辦班標準化作業流程,擬定課程折抵原則、訓練簡章與分階分級成本估算,並依據專諮會與工作會議討論結果,擬定政府機關、企業/產業及民眾等三類型受訓對象,賡續估算分區量能需求與短中長程訓練目標及逐年培訓規劃,考量國家環境研究院原既有業務量能,建議短程(2024 年至2026 年)訓練部分先以委辦計畫辦理,待市場需求穩定,逐步建立環保訓練機構辦理氣候變遷專業人員訓練之機制,提升各地區培訓量能,以國家環境研究院委託訓練機構為主,自辦為輔。
中文關鍵字 氣候變遷、氣候變遷因應法、淨零排放


專案計畫編號 經費年度 112 計畫經費 4920 千元
專案開始日期 2023/04/21 專案結束日期 2024/04/30 專案主持人 江政傑
主辦單位 國環院環教認證中心 承辦人 盧素如 執行單位 社團法人台灣水環境再生協會


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 氣候變遷人員訓練教材編撰工作計畫_成果報告.pdf 11MB 氣候變遷人員訓練教材編撰工作計畫-成果報告

Compilation of Training Materials for Climate Change Personnel Programs

英文摘要 In response to the implementation of climate change adaptation measures and the achievement of the 2050 net-zero carbon emission target, climate change professionals play an indispensable role in the country's future. This project aims to enhance the training materials for climate change personnel, using a specialized training approach to improve competence in greenhouse gas reduction. This will encourage businesses and industries to better understand international trends in climate change, industry responses, and adaptation strategies. It will contribute to the implementation of domestic climate change policies, reduce and effectively manage greenhouse gas emissions, and achieve the goal of national sustainable development. As of March 15, the team has completed the collection and analysis of domestic materials related to net-zero carbon emissions and greenhouse gas reduction courses. They have organized ten expert consultation meetings, proposing a draft plan for climate change education materials. The draft includes basic and advanced materials, comprising a total of six modules, 11 textbooks, and 102 hours. The team has also submitted a list of experts for approval by Ministry of Environment, which will be executed upon approval. In terms of course planning, the team will continue to formulate principles for crediting courses offered by domestic schools or institutions for each module, along with cost estimates. They will further develop training regulations to facilitate the offering of various types of courses in the future. The team has preliminarily estimated the training capacity in Taiwan to accommodate future training session arrangements.
英文關鍵字 Climate change, Climate Change Response Act, Net zero carbon emission