

中文摘要 土壤及地下水污染整治法(下稱土污法)於民國89年2月2日公布施行,基本上採取比較偏向過失責任主義之立法,因此實務上產生污染場址無污染責任人負責整治之窘境。99年2月3日作大幅度之修正,將無過失責任主義、狀態責任原則及揭穿公司面紗原則適度引進土污法中,使得機關能夠運用之法規利器較前有顯著之增進,但在實務上地方環保主管機關仍有待純熟運用本法,且法院判決亦有若干歧異見解,仍產生諸多之疑義與問題。本計畫所設定之主要目標包括:協助各級主管機關順利推動執行行土污法,處理土污法在實務上所生法律疑義,提供法律專業諮詢;針對土污法執行窒礙情事,研擬對應解決方案;針對本法現行法規制度研擬配套修正建議;另亦協助各級主管機關推動基金求償業務,針對土污爭訟案件提供專業法律訴訟服務。本團隊於本計畫已完成之主要工作成果如下: 1. 針對擴大現行土壤及地下水污染整治基金求償範圍、強化債權保全作業,及整治利得優先權之引入,分別研擬: (1) 放寬現行第12條第13項增加授權主管機關得委託專業機構辦理監督作業。 (2) 擴大第43條之求償項目,由現行主管機關已支出費用擴及待支出與預估支出費用。 (3) 第45條之保全作業由現行委託相關機關禁止相關財產移轉登記等項目,增訂主管機關得免供擔保聲請假扣押、假處分。 (4) 新增第45-1條、第45-2條關於主管機關就污染場址支出整治費用,對該整治土地之公平市場價值上升享有整治利得優先權。 2. 針對目前實務污染土地之相關污染責任人免責要件不夠嚴格情形,造成污染場址改善進度延滯情形,研擬增訂污染土地關係人之善良管理人注意義務認定準則之土地管理要件,及調整土壤及地下水污染整治法裁罰基準之罰鍰計算方式實質提高罰鍰額度等修正草案。 3. 對各級環保主管機關所提出之法律問題,完成法律交辦協助審視行政處分及相關函文7件、提供法律意見書9則。 4. 協助審視土污法英譯條文全文,並提出修正建議。 5. 蒐集研析日本、美國土污相關之罰則規定、工業區污染之管理與預防作業,並比較我國現行土污法後,提出適用於我國之具體修正建議。 6. 維護及更新土污法及相關法規彙編行動裝置版本內容,讓使用者能隨時查詢最新、最完整之土污法規。 7. 辦理2場善良管理人注意義務認定準則暨土污法規說明會,使民眾與相關土地管理之機關、單位得以了解並遵循相關法令規定。 8. 辦理1場次以各級環保機關人員為對象之「土壤及地下水污染整治基金求償作業暨債權保全程序訓練班」。 9. 計畫期間內,協助各級主管機關辦理共15件土壤及地下水污染整治法相關爭訟案件。
中文關鍵字 土壤與地下水污染整治法、土污基金、修法、法律諮詢、求償、爭訟


專案計畫編號 經費年度 112 計畫經費 4260 千元
專案開始日期 2023/01/17 專案結束日期 2023/12/31 專案主持人 張訓嘉律師
主辦單位 環管署土壤及地下水污染整治基金管理會 承辦人 許位嘉管理師 執行單位 立言法律事務所


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 112年度土壤及地下水污染整治基金求償推動暨法律資詢與爭訟服務計畫-成果報告.pdf 11MB

Project for Providing Services on Cost Recovery Motivation, Legal Consultation and Dispute Litigation relating to the Soil and Groundwater Pollution Remediation Fund, 2023

英文摘要 The Soil and Groundwater Remediation Act, SGRA(hereinafter referred to as the Act) was promulgated and enacted on February 2, 2000. The legislation of the Act was mainly based on the fault liability principle, which caused the awkward situation that in some cases it was difficult to locate the responsible person to perform remediation duties. On February 3, 2010, the Act was substantially amended by the adequate introduction of the principles of liability without fault, status liability and piercing the corporate veil. Therefore, the legal weapons competent authorities may use after the amendment are evidently better improved than before. However, in practice, the local environmental authorities still are not quite familiar with the application of the amended Act, and the courts have some discrepancies in the interpretation of the Act, which resulted in various ambiguities and problems. The main purposes of this Project are as follows: assisting competent authorities of all levels in enforcing the Act smoothly, providing legal consultation on dissolving the ambiguities encountered in practice of the Act, drawing up proposals to resolve the problems in implementing the Act, conducting review on the present laws and regulations, and providing suggestions on the revision thereof, assisting the competent authorities of all levels in motivating cost recovery of the Fund, and providing professional litigation services on legal disputes. In this Project the team has accomplished the main working results as follows: 1. Enlarging the scope of cost recovery, strengthening the preservation of claims and introducing Windfall Lien into the Act by the works as follows: (1) revising Articles 12(13) of the Act by authorizing competent authorities to entrust professional entities in conducting oversight on the remediation works of the sites; (2) Enlarging the scope of cost recovery provided in Article 43 of the Act, by adding the cost to be paid and the estimated cost to the recoverable costs in addition to the cost already paid by the Fund; (3) Increasing the regulation that competent authorities may file application for provisional seizure or provisional measure without providing security bond, in addition to the present regulation concerning cost claim preservation that the authorities may request the relevant registration agency to forbid the title transfer registration of certain properties owned by responsible persons ; (4) Prescribing new Articles 43-1 and 43-2 regarding to the “windfall lien” of competent authorities to recover the remediation costs of contaminated sites due to the increment of fair market value. 2. In coping with the loose regulations on the liability exemption of interested parties for land contamination, which causes the retarded situation in the improvement of contaminated lands, we have researched and drafted the amendment to “The Guidelines for Determining the Due Diligence of Interested Parties as Good Administrators of the Polluted Lands” and “The Fine Determination Criteria of SGRA” in order to increase the requirements on the management of lands and to revise the calculation method of the fine amount so that the amount may be elevated substantially. 3. Reviewing 7 drafts of administrative disposition & related documents, and providing 9 legal opinions concerning the various legal questions presented by competent authorities of all levels. 4. Assisting the authority in reviewing the complete English translation of the Act and providing suggestions for revision. 5. Collecting and analyzing penalty provisions related to soil and groundwater pollution in the laws of Japan and the United States, as well as the management and preventive operations for industrial zone pollution; comparing these provisions with the Act, and proposing specific amendment suggestions. 6. Maintaining and updating the compilation of the Act and related regulations on mobile device, so as to enable the users to search the latest and most comprehensive relevant regulations of the Act at any time. 7. Holding 2 conferences on propagating and explaining “The Guidelines for Determining the Due Diligence of Interested Parties as Good Administrators of the Polluted Lands” and related regulations of the Act, so as to enable the general public and pertinent government agencies to understand and comply with relevant laws and regulations. 8. Holding “Training courses for the cost recovery of FUND and the precautionary procedures of its recovery” once per year during the execution period of the Project, the participants of which are environmental protection personnel at all levels of competent authorities. 9. Assisting competent authorities at all levels in handling a total of 15 litigation cases related to the Act.
英文關鍵字 the Soil and Groundwater Pollution Remediation Act, Fund, Amendment, Legal, Consultation, Cost Recovery, Litigation