

中文摘要 本工作團隊執行「屏東縣112年度資源循環工作計畫」之執行期程為112年1月1日至112年12月31日止,截至11月6日為止,各工作項目均依規定執行,完成各工作項目量化目標達成量,執行成果如下列說明: 依據112年度環境部考核計畫,完成研擬本縣執行機關資源回收工作績效考核初核計畫,並辦理2場次業務交流會,向33鄉鎮市公所清潔隊說明今年度環保局初核重點及環保業務配合事項。為掌握本縣各鄉鎮市資源回收成果,本計畫完成輔導32鄉鎮市清潔隊簽訂資源回收物標售契約,並針對鄉鎮市清潔隊資源回收變賣量及變賣金額進行調查,1-9月期間33個鄉鎮市公所清潔隊資源回收變賣量為8,783,276公斤,合計變賣所得為7,555,134元,平均變賣價格約0.9元/公斤,其中採分項分包方式之資收物變賣價格普遍高於採統包或部分統包方式之資收物變賣價格。每月亦掌握各公所包裝用發泡塑膠回收量及再利用量,統計1-9月各鄉鎮市清潔隊包裝用發泡塑膠回收量總計49,566.6公斤、委外清理量總計43,628.0公斤、已再利用量共計38,117.0公斤;並調查廢輪胎儲存場堆置數量及協助清運,總計112年1月至9月共協助18鄉鎮市公所進行輪胎清運,共計清運82車次,進處理廠57車次,計清除處理廢輪胎290,270公斤。。 另執行各公所資源回收貯存場盤點作業,屬A級之資收貯存場為1場、B級共18場、C級共9場、D級共4場,為提高資收貯存場環保優質形象,今年度選擇崁頂鄉、麟洛鄉及霧臺鄉之資源回收貯存場進行形象改造作業,形象改造內容包含設計及製作資源回收貯存場緊急應變聯絡單位指示牌、緊急應變人員組織圖、災害應變組織及人員執掌看板、廠區平面配置及逃生路線指示牌、資源回收貯存分類標示牌及資源回收相關宣導帆布,並張貼宣導標語及海報,以達到標示改善及資源回收貯存場之環境美化。資源回收車方面,亦完成輔導179台清潔隊資源回收車設置照明光源回收設施。此外,有意願於資源回收貯存場設置太陽能光電設備之3鄉鎮包含潮州鎮、佳冬鄉及車城鄉,目前潮州鎮土地縣府所有,需取得土地同意使用權,佳冬鄉及車城鄉有意願設置,但需待資收場土地地目用途之確認同意。 為提升本縣垃圾減量及資源回收成效,本計畫積極推動各項資源回收相關工作,包含持續輔導53站村里資源回收站運作,完成辦理3場次回收站志工之教育訓練及20場次社區源頭減量及資源回收宣導說明會,維持漁港資源回收站運作,完成辦理63場次資源回收相關宣導活動及說明會,完成辦理34場資源回收相關兌換活動,並協助媒合20名資源回收個體業者進入社區服務,以及辦理資源回收媒體宣導計1,011則,藉以強化民眾獲得環保資訊管道,讓民眾對垃圾減量、資源回收相關政策推動有感,並落實環保行動。 本計畫執行期程自112年3月1日至112年12月31日止,截至11月10日為止,各工作項目均依規定執行,完成各工作項目量化目標達成量,並配合環境部重大政策施行及環保局交辦事項。 今年度成功推動萬丹夜市成為環保夜市,包含輔導10家提供餐飲內用服務業者不使用一次用餐具,並依店家需求補助購置筷子、湯匙、碗、杯等可循環使用餐具,完成輔導40家攤商業者以非免費方式提供購物用塑膠袋,並設置3處資源回收設施及執行夜市巡檢作業,提升環保夜市形象,亦透過辦理1場次源頭減量宣導活動,促進民眾自備環保餐具響應環保;稽查輔導作業方面完成執行71件責任業者稽查作業,包含43件未登記責任業者稽查、1件未標示回收標誌稽查及27件未按期申報繳費責任業者稽查,其中屬於屏東縣主動稽查案件計16件,已達環境部考核目標8件;針對應設置資源回收設施之販賣業者執行查核180家次,其中12家次不符合規定均現場完成輔導改善;另輔導82家電子電器販賣業者使用線上取號套表列印聯單,並統計1月至11月10日期間本縣業者使用線上取單列印之業者計有298家,達到考核完成輔導目標(43家)。 回收處理業方面,共完成查核262家次已登記回收處理業稽查,及114家(194家次)列冊回收業清查,已登記回收處理業目前查核1家業者有「無設置緊急沖淋設備」之缺失,列冊回收業則有44家次「未定期環境消毒及記錄」及2家次「滅火器過期」及1家次「未張貼嚴禁煙火標示」,均已輔導業者改善。應設置紙餐具回收設施之販賣業者計執行查核120家,其中有37家解除列管或非屬列管對象、新增列管3家,依據查核結果,持續列管及新設列管對象共83家;因應環境部加強紙餐具管理政策,稽查時同步調查業者使用之紙餐具有無標示本體來源標誌及貨品來源,208家受查業者中有1家營業場所中使用之紙餐具有未標示本體來源標誌情形,現場輔導業者應購買符合規定,有正確標示本體來源標誌之紙餐具使用。 統計112年1月至9月期間,本縣機關學校申報源頭減量之平均填報率為95.75%,各單位共辦理7,439場會議,計使用78,700個環保餐盒,減少使用包裝水或紙杯240,449人次,外帶方面提供非塑膠包裝之餐點共34,089個,推估垃圾減量效益達3,230.7 kg,減碳效益達6,655.3 kgCO2e。為持續推動機關學校減少使用免洗餐具及包裝飲用水,本計畫完成辦理3場次推廣私部門參用之宣傳說明會及活動,並積極輔導地方社區集會據點於辦理活動時,以循環容器供應餐點,減少產生一次用產品垃圾,另亦成功輔導屏南工業區2家區內事業參用作業指引,於辦理會議、訓練、活動及平日員工用餐時以循環容器盛裝餐點,推估每年分別可減少約109,500個及13,050個一次性紙容器垃圾,成為區內事業實踐源頭減量行動之領頭羊,發揮帶動引領效益。餐飲業者亦為輔導重點對象,今年度完成輔導88家餐飲業者提供可循環容器盛裝餐點服務,並統計目前屏東縣提供本項服務之餐飲業者計有130家,並成功輔導11家餐飲業者提供循環容器外帶外送服務,相關業者名單均登錄於環保局相關網頁露出相關資訊,並於營運門市現場張貼「屏東縣循環容器供餐服務」標誌貼紙,以利民眾查詢辨識。 在垃圾分類破袋檢查方面,總計執行破袋作業95場次(2,116包),執行破袋行政區包含屏東市、內埔鄉及萬丹鄉,平均合格率66.4%;另亦針對破袋路線執行一般廢棄物物理組成分析,結果顯示第一季3批分析樣品之一般垃圾占比為61.6%,資源回收物占11.8%、廚餘占26.6%;第二季3批分析樣品之一般垃圾占比為65.8%,資源回收物占5.9%、廚餘占28.3%;第三季3批分析樣品之一般垃圾占比為70.3%,資源回收物占9.8%、廚餘占19.9%;第四季3批分析樣品之一般垃圾占比為78.5%,資源回收物占8.4%、廚餘占13.1%,顯示資源回收宣導得宜,第四季較第一季一般垃圾占比提升約16.9%,資源回收物占比下降約3.4%,廚餘占比則下降約13.5%,但仍需持續加強宣導,以達到持續降低垃圾中的資收物比例;主要資收物包括紙餐具、紙盒包、紙張、PP容器、PS(保麗龍)及玻璃容器。 為促進本縣照明光源汰換作業,總計完成337處公私立學校/機關/軍營/公共場所(館)使用傳統照明光源實況調查,已全面汰換為LED照明光源共140處,尚未完成全面汰換LED但有意願或已進行汰換規劃者共171處,無意願全面汰換LED者共26處,無意願汰換之主因為原照明光源使用情形良好、經費不足、建築物將改建、照明光源具特殊用途且使用頻率低或無合適型號及裝設位置難以汰換等因素。 為提升資源循環成效,本計畫於屏東市家樂福新屏店設置一台智慧收瓶機,截至10月底止,共回收6,798個寶特瓶、2,329個手搖飲料杯及1,585個鋁罐。為擴大民眾使用智慧回收機,特別辦理「暑期回收趣 你回收我加碼」活動,平均每個活動日回收約1,233個寶特瓶及803個電池,活動期間總計回收19,723個寶特瓶及12,842個電池,達到促進民眾多加利用智慧回收機,享受輕鬆做環保的智慧回收服務。
中文關鍵字 資源循環、垃圾減量


專案計畫編號 1111205-A 經費年度 112 計畫經費 12178 千元
專案開始日期 2023/01/01 專案結束日期 2023/12/31 專案主持人 曾聰億
主辦單位 屏東縣政府環境保護局 承辦人 吳㛢菱 執行單位 康廷工程顧問企業有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 屏東縣112年度資源循環、提升資源循環計畫報告--.pdf 15MB

A Plan on Resource Recycling Work of Pingtung County in 2023

英文摘要 The execution period of " A Plan on Resource Recycling Work of Pingtung County in 2023” is from January 1 to December 31, 2023. As of November 6 of 2023, each work item is executed in accordance with the contract, and the quantitative goals of each work item are completed. The execution results are summarized as follows: According to the assessment plan of the Ministry of Environment for 2023, the preliminary assessment plan for the performance evaluation of resource recycling work conducted by the executive agency of Pingtung County has been completed. Two business exchange meetings were held to explain the key points and the needed-to-be cooperated environmental protection affairs of this year's preliminary assessment to the cleaning squads of 33 townships and municipal offices. In order to understand the resource recycling results of each township and city in the county, this plan has completed the guidance of 32 township and municipal cleaning squads to sign resource recycling bidding contracts, and conducted a survey on the resource recycling sales volume and sales amount of the township and municipal cleaning squads. During the period from January to September in 2023, the resource recycling sales volume of 33 township and municipal cleaning squads was 8,783,276 kilograms, with a total sales income of NT$ 7,555,134, and an average sales price of about 0.9 NT$/kg. Among them, the sales price of recyclables collected in the itemized subcontracting method is generally higher than the sales price of the recyclables collected through turnkey or partial turnkey approach. The amount of recycled and reused foam plastic used for packaging in each cleaning squad is also collected every month. From January to September of 2023, the total recycled foam plastic used for packaging by the cleaning squads in each township and city totaled 49,566.6 kilograms, the total outsourced cleaning volume totaled 43,628.0 kilograms, and the total reused volume totaled 38,117.0 kilograms. The task team surveyed the amount of scrap tires pile up in storage sites and assisted in their removal. From January to September, the task team assisted 18 townships and cities in clearing and transporting scrap tires, with a total of 82 vehicle trips and 57 vehicle trips to the treatment plant, a total of 290,270 kilograms of waste tires were removed and processed. In addition, an inventory operation of resource recycling storage sites in various cleaning squads was carried out. There was 1 Class A resource recycling storage site, a total of 18 Class B sites, a total of 9 Class C sites, and a total of 4 Class D sites. In order to improve the environmental friendly and high-quality image of resource recycling storage sites, the resource recycling storage sites in Kanding Township, Linluo Township and Wutai Township were selected for image renovation this year. The image renovation includes the design and production of emergency response contact unit boards, emergency response personnel organization charts, disaster response organization and personnel management boards, storage site layout and escape route signage, resource recycling storage sorting signs, and relevant promotional canvases on resource recycling. Promotional slogans and posters are also posted to improve the signage and beautify the environment of the resource recycling storage site. In terms of resource recycling vehicles, the task team also completed guidance on setting up lighting source recycling equipment for 179 resource recycling vehicles of cleaning squads. In addition, the three townships that are willing to set up solar photovoltaic facilities in resource recycling storage sites include Chaozhou Town, Jiadong Township and Checheng Township. Currently, the land of resource recycling storage sites in Chaozhou Town is owned by the county government, and it is necessary to obtain the land use rights. Jiadong Township and Checheng Township are willing to set up, but they need to wait for the confirmation and consent of the land used for the resource recycling storage site. In order to improve the effectiveness of waste reduction and resource recycling in the county, this plan actively promotes various resource recycling related tasks, including continuing to provide guidance on the operation of 53 village resource recycling stations, completing 3 educational training sessions for volunteers of recycling stations, completed 20 publicity and briefing sessions on community source reduction and resource recycling, maintained the operation of resource recycling stations at fishing port, completed 63 resource recycling related publicity activities and briefings, completed 34 resource recycling related exchange activities, assisted in matching 20 self-employed individuals entered into community for resource recycling services, and 1,011 release on media for resource recycling promotion to strengthen the public to access environmental information, so that the public would be perceived the promotion of policies related to waste reduction and resource recycling, and implement environmental protection actions. The execution period of this plan is from March 1 to December 31, 2023. As of November 10, each work item is executed in accordance with the contract, and the quantitative goals of each work item are completed. The task team also has cooperated with the implementation of major policies of the Ministry of Environment (MOENV) and affairs assigned by the Environmental Protection Bureau. This year, the Wandan Night Market has been successfully promoted to become an environmentally friendly night market, including coaching 10 catering service operators not to use disposable tableware, subsidizing the purchase of reusable tableware such as chopsticks, spoons, bowls and cups according to the needs of the stores, coaching 40 stall traders not to provide free plastic bags for shopping, and setting up 3 resource recycling facilities, and conducting night market inspections to enhance the image of the environmentally friendly night market. The task team also organized a source reduction promotion event to encourage the public to bring their own reusable tableware responding to environmental protection. In terms of inspection and guidance operation, 71 inspections of responsible operators were completed, including 43 inspections of unregistered responsible operators, 1 inspection of unmarked recycling signs, and 27 inspections of responsible operators who failed to declare and pay on time, of which 16 cases were proactive inspections by Pingtung County, which have reached the assessment target of 8 cases set by the Ministry of Environment. Conducted 180 inspections on vendors that should set up resource recycling facilities, of which 12 were found to have failed to meet the regulations and were provided with on-site coaching and completed improvement. The task team also provided guidance to 82 electronic and electrical appliance vendors to use online number-taking system and printing of serial receipts, and 298 vendors in the county used online number-taking system and printing. The number of vendors coached meets the assessment goals, 43 venders, of the MOENV. In terms of the recycling and processing industry, a total of 262 inspections to registered recycling and processing industry have been completed, and 194 inspections to 114 recycling and processing industry listed have been completed. Currently, one registered recycling and processing industry operator has found a drawback of not to set up emergency shower equipment. For the listed recycling industry, 44 drawbacks has found for failure to regularly disinfect the environment and record, 2 drawbacks for fire extinguishers expired, and 1 drawback for failure to post “no smoking” signs, all of which have coached the industry for improvement. A total of 120 vendors that should set up paper tableware recycling facilities have been inspected. Among them, 37 have been removed from the list or are not in the list, and 3 have been newly added to the list. According to the inspection results, a total of 83 vendors were continuously listed and newly listed. In response to strengthen the paper tableware management policy set by the MOENV, the inspections also investigated whether the paper tableware used by the vendors had the original source mark and the source of the goods. Among the 208 vendors inspected, 1 paper tableware used in the business did not have the original source mark. In this case, on-site coaching the operator should purchase paper tableware that complies with regulations and has the correct source mark on it. From January to September in 2023, the average reporting rate for source reduction declarations by schools and government agencies in this county was 95.75%. Each unit held a total of 7,439 meetings, used a total of 78,700 eco-friendly lunch boxes, and reduced the use of packaged water or paper cups by 240,449 pieces. In terms of take-out, a total of 34,089 meals were provided in non-plastic packaging. The total estimated waste reduction amount were 3,230.7 kg and carbon reduction of 6,655.3 kgCO2e. In order to continue to promote schools and government agencies to reduce the use of disposable tableware and packaged drinking water, this project has completed 3 publicity briefings and activities to promote the participation of the private sectors, and actively guided local community gathering bases when holding activities to serve meals using reusable containers, reduce the generation of disposable product waste. The task team also successfully provided guidance to two businesses in the Pingnan Industrial Park to adopt operational guidelines and use reusable containers to serve meals during meetings, trainings, activities, and daily employee meals. It is estimated that this can reduce the number of disposable paper containers by approximately 109,500 and 13,050 per year for each of two businesses. The two businesses will become a leader in the implementation of source reduction actions for businesses in the park, and play a leading role in source waste reduction. Catering operators are also the key targets for guidance. This year, 88 catering operators have been coached to provide meal services in reusable containers. There are currently 130 catering operators in Pingtung County that provide this service. And 11 catering operators have been successfully coached to provide take-out service in reusable containers. The list of operators has been logged on the website of the Environmental Protection Bureau of Pingtung County Government to reveal relevant information, and "Pingtung County Reusable Container Food Service" stickers are posted at the operating stores to facilitate public inquiry and identification. In terms of garbage sorting bag-breaking inspection, a total of 95 bag-breaking operations (2,116 bags) were carried out. The administrative areas where bag-breaking inspections were carried out including Pingtung City, Neipu Township and Wandan Township, with an average pass rate of 66.4%. An analysis of the physical composition of general waste was also performed on the bag-breaking inspection route. The results showed that the proportion of general waste in the three batches of analyzed samples in the first quarter was 61.6%, resource recyclables accounted for 11.8%, and food waste accounted for 26.6%; for the three batches in the second quarter, the proportion of general waste in the analyzed samples was 65.8%, resource recyclables accounted for 5.9%, and food waste accounted for 28.3%; the proportion of general waste in the three batches of analyzed samples in the third quarter was 70.3%, resource recyclables accounted for 9.8%, and food waste accounted for 19.9%; the proportion of general waste in the three batch of analyzed samples in the fourth quarter was 78.5%, resource recyclables accounted for 8.4%, and food waste accounted for 13.1%, indicating that resource recycling propaganda was properly promoted. The proportion of general waste in the fourth quarter was higher than that in the first quarter. increased by approximately 16.9%, the proportion of resource recyclables decreased by approximately 3.4%, and the proportion of food waste decreased by approximately 13.5%. However, it is still necessary to continue to strengthen publicity in order to continuously reduce the proportion of recyclables in garbage. The main recyclables collected include paper tableware, carton packages, paper, PP containers, PS (styrofoam) and glass containers. In order to promote the replacement of traditional lighting sources in the county, a total of 337 public and private schools/agencies/military camps/public places (halls) have completed a survey on the use of traditional lighting sources. A total of 140 places have been fully replaced with LED lighting sources. There are 171 places which have not yet fully replaced with LED lighting sources, but they are willing to replace or have already made replacement plans. And 26 places are not willing to completely replace with LEDs. The reasons for the unwillingness to replace with LEDs are that the original lighting sources are in good condition, have insufficient funds, the buildings will be rebuilt, and the light source has a special purpose and is used infrequently, or there is no suitable model, and the installation location is difficult to be replaced. In order to improve the benefits of resource recycling, this plan set up a smart bottle collecting machine at Carrefour Xinping Store in Pingtung City. As of October 31, a total of 6,798 PET bottles, 2,329 hand-cranked beverage cups and 1,585 aluminum cans have been collected. In addition, to expand the public's use of smart recycling machines, a special "Summer Recycling Fun, You Recycle, I Increase the Reward" campaign was held. On average, approximately 1,233 PET bottles and 803 batteries were collected on each campaign day, and a total of 19,723 PET bottles and 12,842 batteries were recycled during the campaign period. To encourage the public to make more use of smart recycling machines and enjoy smart recycling services that are easy to do environmentally friendly.
英文關鍵字 Resource Recycling, Waste Reduction