

中文摘要 本計畫係以蒐整與環境管理署業務相關之國際溫室氣體資訊及盤點國內現況,據以擘劃一般廢棄物清理過程之淨零轉型推動方向,以落實我國2050淨零目標,包含下列四大工作主軸:(1)蒐研減碳趨勢掌握國際發展現況:以電子報形式,發行環境管理新知,每期至少10篇議題;且摘整國際CCUS發展動態及國內外案例;並進行2場次國內負碳技術試驗場所參訪。(2)擘劃一般廢棄物清理過程淨零路徑:完成環保機關、廢棄物處理設施及清潔隊部之溫室氣體減量措施之執行率調查,且摘整國際一般廢棄物溫室氣體評估工具、國內外廢棄物處理之管理措施及評估指標;據以提出一般廢棄物清運及處理過程淨零之策略與減碳措施之規劃建議(含5年內可行減碳策略及對應指標)。(3)研析國際廢棄物處理設施調適政策與計畫:摘整國際廢棄物處理設施調適相關政策與計畫,並依我國面臨之氣候風險因子,就界定受影響之人與物、擬定可採行之調適行動、擬定調適行動之一致性程序及完備程序/計畫或法令之研修參考等四面向提出可借鏡處。(4)配合環管署推動節能減碳相關業務,出席會議,協助製作簡報、圖卡,並提供相關諮詢或其他行政支援或臨時交辦事項。
中文關鍵字 一般廢棄物清運與處理之淨零路徑、一般廢棄物清理流程、碳捕捉、再利用及封存技術


專案計畫編號 經費年度 112 計畫經費 2070 千元
專案開始日期 2023/06/09 專案結束日期 2023/11/30 專案主持人 許惠敏
主辦單位 環管署綜合規劃組 承辦人 王怡婷 執行單位 環科工程顧問股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 112AA227.pdf 60MB

The 2023's Plan of the Environmental agencies and the general waste management for net-zero emission transformation

英文摘要 To outline a net-zero transition direction for general waste disposal processes and achieve the national goal of reaching net-zero by 2050, this Plan involves gathering international greenhouse gas information related to the Environmental Management Administration’s activities and taking stock of the domestic situation. The four main areas are: 1.Researching Carbon Reduction Trends: distribute environmental management updates through e-newsletters, with at least 10 topics per issue related to international Carbon Capture Utilization and Storage (CCUS) developments and domestic or overseas case studies. Two visits to domestic test sites of negative emissions technologies are also planned. 2.Mapping the Net-Zero Pathway for General Disposal Processes: conduct surveys on the implementation rates of greenhouse gas reduction measures by environmental authorities, waste disposal facilities, and cleaning teams. It also involves summarizing international tools for assessing greenhouse gases in general waste and evaluating the management measures and assessment indicators for waste disposal both domestically and internationally. The information gathered will be used to propose strategies for achieving net-zero waste clearance and disposal processes, including feasible carbon reduction strategies and corresponding indicators within five years. 3.Analyzing International Waste Disposal Facility Adaptation Policies and Plans: through researching international waste disposal facility adaptation-related policies and plans, define affected people and objects based on the climate risk factors faced in Taiwan, formulate adaptable actions, outline the consistency procedures, and provide references of comprehensive procedures/plans or laws/regulations. 4.Collaboration on Energy Conservation and Carbon Reduction-Related Tasks: attend meetings, assist in creating presentations and graphics, and provide relevant consultation, administrative support, or other temporary tasks.
英文關鍵字 Net-Zero Pathway for General Disposal Processes, general waste disposal processes, Carbon Capture Utilization and Storage