

中文摘要 我國自民國80年開始推動垃圾資源回收(焚化)廠興建工程計畫起,目前共有25座焚化廠完工營運,可妥善處理各縣市之生活垃圾。為有效督導與管理焚化廠之操作營運,本計畫協助環境部環境管理署辦理查核評鑑相關工作,共完成焚化廠不定期查核作業33場次、管理機關查核作業13場次、臺東廠撥款查核工作2場次、年度營運成果報告審查24廠次、查核評鑑小組會議3場次、技術論壇及頒獎典禮各1場次、連繫平台會議2場次,並就焚化廠營運資料進行彙整、審查與分析,以協助環管署強化地方政府管理工作。 為督導國內焚化廠完成升級整備,本計畫已掌握各廠升級整備規劃與辦理現況,目前共有9廠已完成整改、7廠整改中。另針對已完成整改廠評估升級整備效益,並協助辦理焚化廠申請特建審查1案,另持續更新施工單價資料庫並蒐集國內外熱處理設施或其他廢棄物處理整備技術,據以提出未來國內焚化廠精進實質建議,以提升焚化廠營運績效。 本計畫另協助研擬飛灰減量及再利用方案之短、中、長程精進措施,檢討飛灰關鍵績效指標並提出源頭減量技術之減量方案,以及完成飛灰最終處置與再利用情境之減碳及成本評估,結果顯示飛灰採行再利用其碳排放量與成本投入皆較穩定化處理更佳。 為掌握一般廢棄物清除處理費徵收及基金管理,輔導各縣市填報年度資料並完成檢核作業,並依基金管理指標試算掌握基金管理風險。收集、彙整及研析清理費徵收辦法管理架構、國內外環保基金法規及廢清基金相關法令,研析清理費徵收、支用及基金運用遭遇的問題,提出精進作為。 自行政院106年核定多元化垃圾處理計畫以來,各焚化廠陸續進行升級整備工作,本計畫協助環管署推動並掌握各焚化廠整改規劃事宜,並將署內政策導入地方執行重點,以達成焚化廠升級整備工作之各項目標。
中文關鍵字 垃圾焚化廠、績效指標、升級整備、飛灰循環


專案計畫編號 經費年度 112 計畫經費 7578 千元
專案開始日期 2022/12/14 專案結束日期 2023/11/30 專案主持人 王天元
主辦單位 環管署一般廢棄物管理組 承辦人 郭室均 執行單位 環興科技股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 成果報告定稿(公開版).pdf 26MB

Project for Operation Management and Technical Support of Large-Scale Refuse Incineration Plants in 2023

英文摘要 In Taiwan, the construction of refuse incineration plant project has been promoted since 1991, and there are currently 25 completed and operational incineration plants that can properly dispose of household garbage in all counties and cities in Taiwan and support the treatment of general industrial waste. In order to effectively supervise and manage the operation and maintenance of refuse incineration plants, this project assists the Environmental Management Administration (EMA) conducting inspections and evaluations by completing 33 unscheduled inspections of incineration plants, 13 management agency inspections, 2 funding check of Taitung Plant, 24 annual operating result report reviews, 3 inspection and evaluation group meetings, 1 technical forum, 1 award ceremony and 2 connection platform meetings. Also, this project compiled, reviewed and analyzed incineration plant operating data to assist the EMA in strengthening the management of local governments. In order to supervise the completion of upgrading and maintenance of domestic incineration plants, this plan has grasped the current status of upgrading and maintenance planning and processing of each plant. Currently, a total of 9 plants have completed rectification and 7 plants are undergoing rectification. It also evaluates the benefits of upgrading and maintenance of completed rectification plants, and assists in handling one incineration plant application for special construction review. It also continuously updates the construction unit price database and collects domestic and foreign heat treatment facilities or other waste treatment and maintenance technologies, based on which future domestic incineration is proposed. Substantial recommendations for factory refinement to improve the operational performance of the incineration plant. This project also assists in the development of short-, medium-, and long-term improvement measures for fly ash reduction and reuse plans, reviews fly ash key performance indicators and proposes reduction plans for source reduction technologies, and completes the final disposal and reuse of fly ash. Scenario carbon reduction and cost assessment results show that the carbon emissions and cost investment of fly ash recovery and reuse are better than stabilization treatment. In order to understand the collection of general waste removal and disposal fees and fund management, we provide guidance to counties and cities in filling out annual information and completing verification operations, and to master fund management risks based on trial calculations based on fund management indicators. Collect, compile and analyze the management structure of cleanup fee collection methods, domestic and foreign environmental protection fund regulations and laws and regulations related to the abolition of cleanup funds, analyze the problems encountered in the collection, disbursement and fund utilization of cleanup fees, and propose improvements. Since the “Diversified Waste Management Plan” approved by the Executive Yuan in 2017, all goals of the incineration plant upgrading and retrofitting work have been achieved. The overall performance of incineration plants in the country has been improving year by year under the effective supervision and management of the EMA and the active assistance in carrying out the renewal and life extension work.
英文關鍵字 Refuse Incineration Plant, Efficiency Evaluation Criteria, Upgrade and Retrofit, Fly Ash Recycling