

中文摘要 夜光材料為接受光源照射後,可持續發光且反覆使用之材料,應用上也具備有節能減碳的綠色概念,綜觀國內、外應用案例,除用於藝術創作以促進人文發展外,也常作為休憩場所、自行車道與道路交通改善等夜間指引、照明所用,對於我國邁向2050淨零排放的目標上,著實具備相當程度的發展潛力。 惟現行國內對於夜光材料基礎研究與民生應用投入甚少,致使國人對其認知、可應用層面等瞭解不足而無法廣泛使用,實屬可惜。因此,本計畫希望藉由案例文獻蒐整、示範點建構施工、製作介紹影片、材料環境試驗、研擬建議施工方式/檢驗標準,以及成果分享會議等工作執行,增進民眾對於夜光材料的瞭解,並實際親身感受其使用情境,促使夜光材料能更廣泛地進行運用在日常生活當中。 期盼能藉由產、官、學、研攜手合作,建構具節能減碳效益的夜光材料示範場域,藉此向社會大眾推廣對於綠色科技的認知,以厚植國內材料產業轉型實力;同時,透過結合淨零綠生活6大面向與31項推動措施,積極響應淨零排放政策目標,也留給我們下一代一個永續發展的生活環境。
中文關鍵字 長餘暉材料、光致發光特性、淨零綠生活


專案計畫編號 經費年度 112 計畫經費 6726.75 千元
專案開始日期 2023/05/03 專案結束日期 2023/11/30 專案主持人 洪榮勳
主辦單位 環境部綜合規劃司 承辦人 楊乃瑾 執行單位 財團法人環境資源研究發展基金會


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 112AB019.pdf 19MB

2023 Demonstration Plan of Green Lifestyle transition technology

英文摘要 Photoluminescent materials, which continue to emit light after exposure to a light source and can be used repeatedly, embody the concept of energy saving and carbon reduction. Reviewing domestic and international applications, these materials are used not only for artistic creation to promote human development but also frequently for nighttime guidance and lighting in recreational areas, bicycle paths, and improvements of traffic on road. They hold significant potential values for Taiwan to achieve the goal of Net-Zero emissions by 2050. However, the current domestic investment in the basic research and livelihood applications of photoluminescent materials is limited, which leads to the inadequate public awareness and applications of them. This is a regrettable situation. Therefore, the project aims to enhance the public understanding of photoluminescent materials through case study compilation, demonstration site construction, production of introductory videos, environmental testing of materials, drafting recommended construction methods/inspection standards, and result-sharing conferences. The project seeks to improve the public’s understanding of photoluminescent materials and to enable the public to experience the use of these materials firsthand, to expend the broader applications in daily life. The project aspires to foster the collaboration of the different parties of industry, government, academia, and research institution to create demonstration sites for energy-efficient and carbon-reducing photoluminescent materials, thereby promoting awareness of green technology among the public and strengthening the domestic material industry's transformation capabilities. Concurrently, by integrating the six major aspects and thirty-one measures of the Net-Zero Green Living Initiative, it also actively responds to the goal of net-zero emissions, aiming to leave a sustainable living environment for our future generations.
英文關鍵字 Afterglow Luminescent Material, Photoluminescent properties, Green Lifestyle