

中文摘要 由於石綿及其製品廢棄物屬有害事業廢棄物,為避免石綿廢棄物遭受棄置及污染環境,後續需耗費更多時間及經費從事污染整治,故本計畫預計補助家戶辦理石綿建材廢棄物清除處理,以引導民眾妥善處理。據前環保署計畫說明石綿廢棄物近5年申報量有上升趨勢,平均年申報量大於2,000公噸(事業廢棄物申報量)。惟該計畫預計補助對象僅為「家戶」,不包含公有建築物及已停工、歇業或關廠(場)之事業建築物,其全國每年預計補助2,000公噸,相當於事業單位年度申報量,且家戶石綿屋頂之石綿廢棄物清除涉及老舊建築物拆除及裝修,攸關民眾之意願,爰補助家戶辦理石綿廢棄物妥適處理,宜建立監督機制,以維國民健康。石綿的纖維柔軟,具有絕緣、絕熱、耐腐蝕…等特性,因此在民國60、70年代廣泛應用於建築、電器、汽車、家庭用品…等,隨著醫學衛生科技進步,陸續有研究報告指出,石綿纖維可能對人體有害,吸入石綿粉塵不僅會導致肺部纖維化,還會誘發惡性腫瘤,隨著世界衛生組織(WHO)將石綿列為一級致癌物,世界各國已逐漸減用甚至禁用石綿。世界衛生組織(WHO)指出長期暴露石綿會導致肺癌、喉癌、卵巢癌及間皮瘤(一種胸腔和腹腔內壁上的癌症);接觸石綿也能引起其它疾病,如石綿肺(肺纖維化)、胸膜斑、胸膜增厚以及胸腔積液。國內早期亦曾使用石綿作為防火建材,惟自石綿公告列管為毒性化學物質,並公布相關禁限用規定後,內政部於民國92年即配合將有關防火安全規定條文中,列舉石綿製品之規定,予以刪除,另經濟部自民國95年起,已陸續修正相關國家標準,訂有不得含石綿成分之建築板材,並列為應施檢驗商品,採取抽驗之管理措施,故自民國95年起,國內建築界幾已完全不使用含石綿建築材料。石綿為致癌物,破碎後會形成極細小的纖維,吸入肺部沉積無法排除,絕對不可隨意棄置,但石綿在過去1970、1980年代被大量進口作為房屋建材,若以鋼筋混凝土構造生命週期約45~55年推算,石綿之廢棄高峰約落於2025至2035年。石綿問題不容輕忽,目前國內相關機關包括前環保署的化學局和廢棄物管理處、經濟部的標準檢驗局、勞動部的職安署及內政部的營建署等,協力進行跨部會會議追蹤處理進度。而為了避免屋內有石綿建材的屋主怕麻煩、自行拆除而危害其他民眾,「建築法」也明訂擅自拆除者,處新臺幣三萬元以下罰鍰並勒令停止拆除。石綿需固化掩埋,處理費用高昂,且大多又是來自缺乏經費的老舊房屋,很容易產生棄置問題。本計畫由前環保署補助地方政府,經與建管單位合作,盤點要拆除建物並建置「戶外含石綿建材空間分布管理系統」,執行家戶主動申請石綿廢棄物清理及查證,避免民眾自行清除棄置。雖然現在臺灣已經全面禁用石綿,但在禁用後的二、三十年都還是石綿相關疾病潛伏期,加上許多老舊建物仍使用石綿建材,我們還不能鬆懈,希望大家可以一起努力,讓臺灣遠離石綿的危害。 永丞環保實業有限公司(以下簡稱本公司)為一專業之環保技術顧問及工程顧問機構,提供環境規劃管理、污染防治工程及廢棄物回收清除處理等相關環保技術顧問服務。本公司自105年起,執行事業廢棄物流向管制工作計畫已有多年經驗,並協助彰化縣環境保護局進行與本計畫密切相關之審查與相關之巡查作業,對於本計畫之執行具有經驗之優勢。 「112年度彰化縣石綿建材廢棄物清除處理計畫」本計畫目標主要係為掌握彰化縣含石綿建材建築物現況及協助家戶建築物拆除後之石綿建材廢棄物妥善處理,以降低對人體與環境危害,針對本縣轄內含石綿建材建築物之調查管理及家戶產出石綿建材廢棄物清除處理,預計調查管理含石綿建材建築物177棟及清理石綿建材廢棄物25公噸,本計畫工作團隊將依本縣機關公告之評選須知,建立相關執行目標與工作內容,辦理下列各項工作:一、含石綿建材建築物調查管理:(一)本計畫係依前環保署「戶外含石綿建材空間分布管理系統」中,針對本縣轄內符合特定條件建築物(含石綿建材)進行調查,其調查棟數應至少177棟。(二)通知石綿建材建築物之屋主,並與屋主確認其建築物含石綿建材情形(如屋頂面積(平方公尺)、尺寸大小、材質、地點…等)及應注意事項,若無法確認者,則需要至現場確認及輔導屋主石綿建材廢棄物之合法清理。(三)依「戶外含石綿建材空間分布管理系統」列管建築物為依據,協助本縣機關建立追蹤管理機制,以前環保署所列之優先名單為主,並完成20處現場確認輔導作業;並透過前環保署「事業廢棄物申報及管理資訊系統」相關申報資料,確認本縣轄內石綿建材清理情況並同步更新「戶外含石綿建材空間分布管理系統」內容資料。二、補助含石綿建材廢棄物清除處理:(一)協助本縣機關審查石綿建材廢棄物排出者補助申請案資料,並比對「戶外含石綿建材空間分布管理系統」或審查其排出者所檢附經檢測確實屬石綿建材廢棄物證明文件,確認排出者符合補助事項及前環保署所定之相關資格(僅協助石綿建材廢棄物清除處理,不包含拆除重建費用),符合補助事項及前環保署所定之相關資格者,將另行安排車趟清理,倘補助經費用罄,須自行負擔相關清理費用。(二)接獲申請案件且經書面審查無誤後,將至現場確認申請人(屋主或所有權人)之身分,確認現場石綿建材廢棄物之位置、數量是否與申請文件相符;並告知相關拆除、貯存等應注意事項。清除後,將至確認是否清除完成,並於「事業廢棄物申報及管理資訊系統」確認該案清除處理是否已確實完成申報。後續統計石綿建材廢棄物數量,當達到一定數量,協助本縣機關於前環保署之共同供應契約下訂,並於清除時現場確認。待共同供應契約清理完成後,協助本縣機關檢視共同供應契約之廠商所提之結案請款申請資料,以利辦理契約結案。三、集中收集作業(實作實付):(一)因家戶產出之石綿恐較為零星且尺寸大小、面積數量不定,為使本計畫發揮效益,於家戶產源提出申請後(公有建築物及已停工、歇業或關廠(場)之事業建築物部分,非屬補助範疇),經上開方式查核完成後,倘石綿數量較為零星,未達前環保署之共同供應契約最低下訂數額時,則由本計畫工作團隊自行委託之甲級清除機構清運,彙整待清除家戶產源數量及安排車趟,再與申請人(所有權人或受委託人)約定清除之時間,每次出車所交付之名單應全數完成清除,不以趟次為限。預計每月出車1-2次,採實作實付。(二)本計畫工作團隊將確實督導所委託之甲級清除機構,符合相關廢棄物清理法及石綿建材廢棄物相關清理指引,並確實清理完成。清除時將視現場情況做適當整理,以方便後續清除、處理作業;倘巷弄過於狹小車輛無法抵達,可以人工或簡易機具搬運,並於佐證資料中說明清運情況,其清理過程應有聯單、磅單、清理前、中、後照片及目前暫置照片提供佐證。於實際清運前提供合約書、清除許可證影本(具清除C-0701項目)、清運機具照片、駕駛等資料報本縣機關備查,後續如有異動亦同。(三)後端暫置位置由本縣機關指定,本計畫工作團隊將協助管理並確認暫置區貯存情況,其貯存區將做適當之標示,以符合廢棄物清理法相關規定。後續當貯存累積至一定數量後,將通知本縣機關並協助機關依招標規範貳、二、(二)項辦理共同供應契約下訂、清理、查核作業。 「112年度彰化縣石綿建材廢棄物清除處理計畫」本計畫目標主要係為掌握彰化縣含石綿建材建築物現況及協助家戶建築物拆除後之石綿建材廢棄物妥善處理,以降低對人體與環境之危害。本計畫預計調查管理含石綿建材建築物177棟及清理石綿建材廢棄物25公噸。執行方法及成果自112年5月23日決標日次日起至112年11月30日止,本計畫工作團隊已實際執行:一、「特定條件之石綿建材建築物通知作業」工項共7,676棟(超出目標數177棟部分,不予增加契約價金):本計畫工作團隊執行「特定條件之石綿建材建築物通知作業」前,先彙整先前於112年4~5月各承辦所執行調查「申請補助石綿建材廢棄物(廢石綿瓦)清除處理意願調查問卷」之資料,篩選及統計拆除意願者名單,藉以本計畫後續工項之順利執行。第一次發文名單係以前環保署「戶外含石綿建材空間分布管理系統」列管建築物為依據,針對符合特定條件建築物,利用「google earth PRO」與「戶外含石綿建材空間分布管理系統」進行樣貌比對,進而篩選出「彰化市、員林市、和美鎮、鹿港鎮、北斗鎮、溪湖鎮、田中鎮、二林鎮」八轄區內342棟(共300戶)符合石綿建材樣態之「家戶」名單(依「中華民國內政部戶政司全球資訊網」人口統計資料及彰化縣各行政(市鎮)區人口密度比例計算(計算公式:人口數(人)/總市鎮總人口數(人)*件數)作計算),彙整篩選結果後,將此列為首要通知對象,以公文郵寄方式及檢附「申請補助石綿建材廢棄物清除處理意願調查問卷」等方式進行通知作業;第二次發文名單係以「戶外含石綿建材空間分布管理系統」列管建築物為依據,篩選出「溪州鄉、竹塘鄉」兩轄區內所有名單(不包含石綿編號N2600590(無參考地址)),其數量為1218棟(共932戶),以公文郵寄方式及檢附「申請補助石綿建材廢棄物清除處理意願調查問卷」等方式進行通知作業;第三次發文名單係以「戶外含石綿建材空間分布管理系統」列管建築物為依據,篩選出「埤頭鄉、大城鄉、芳苑鄉」三轄區內所有名單(不包含石綿編號N2300193、N2301103、N2301764、N2301766、N2300192、N2301765(無參考地址)),其數量為3396棟(共2041戶),以公文郵寄方式及檢附「申請補助石綿建材廢棄物清除處理意願調查問卷」等方式進行通知作業;第四次發文名單係以「第一、二、三次發文通知作業」為依據,彙整回傳之「申請補助石綿建材廢棄物清除處理意願調查問卷」資料,篩選出89棟(共70戶)有意願申請者之名單,以公文郵寄方式及檢附「石綿建材廢棄物清除處理補助案申請表」等方式進行通知及輔導作業;第五次發文名單係以「主動洽詢」為依據,記錄來電者或親洽者姓名、通訊地址、聯絡電話等資料,彙整出91棟(共82戶)主動洽詢者之名單,以公文郵寄方式及檢附「石綿建材廢棄物清除處理補助案申請表」等方式進行通知及輔導作業;第六次發文名單係以「戶外含石綿建材空間分布管理系統」列管建築物為依據,篩選出「彰化市」轄區內(不包含第一、五次發文名單及石綿編號N1300571、N1300569、N1300570)所有名單以及「員林市」轄區內(不包含第一、五次發文名單,僅包含系統之石綿編號前163筆資料)部分名單,其數量為2344棟(共2000戶),以公文郵寄方式及檢附「申請補助石綿建材廢棄物清除處理意願調查問卷」等方式進行通知作業;第七次發文名單係以「第一、二、三、六次發文通知作業」為依據,彙整回傳之「申請補助石綿建材廢棄物清除處理意願調查問卷」資料,篩選出196棟(共134戶)有意願申請者之名單,以公文郵寄方式及檢附「石綿建材廢棄物清除處理補助案申請表」等方式進行通知及輔導作業。本計畫工作團隊後續將追蹤其發文對象之回覆調查,確認是否具有拆除意願並進行統計及彙整。二、「特定條件之石綿建材建築物現場確認輔導作業」工項共201棟(超出目標數20棟部分,不予增加契約價金):本計畫工作團隊執行「特定條件之石綿建材建築物現場確認輔導作業」時係以前環保署「戶外含石綿建材空間分布管理系統」列管建築物為依據,針對符合特定條件建築物及112年4~5月各承辦所執行調查「申請補助石綿建材廢棄物(廢石綿瓦)清除處理意願調查問卷」之有意願申請者之名單作為首要確認輔導對象。三、「民眾補助申請案件審查作業」工項共98棟。四、「民眾補助申請案件現場勘查作業」工項共65棟。五、「收集至集中點清除服務費用(出車費)」共19車次(超出預估數量16車次部分,不予增加契約價金):本計畫工作團隊已與甲級清除機構-泰竣企業有限公司簽訂清除承攬契約,並於112年6月6日發文至貴局核備。另泰竣企業有限公司清除許可證於112年11月16日核准新增清運機具(車號KES-7365)供本計畫清運使用。甲級清除機構-泰竣企業有限公司清運共18車次,第19車次則由本計畫工作團隊協助機關下訂及通知共同供應契約承攬廠商-日友環保科技股份有限公司彰濱資源回收處理廠(其委託甲級清除機構-青新環境工程股份有限公司)清運共1車次。六、「石綿建材建築物調查及系統管理」共205棟:經由「特定條件之石綿建材建築物現場確認輔導作業、民眾補助申請案件審查作業、民眾補助申請案件現場勘查作業」及透過「事業廢棄物申報及管理資訊系統」申報資料,確認本縣轄內石綿建材廢棄物清理情況,於系統中進行註記及新增名單資料。七、「建築物現場確認輔導作業(前環保署考核目標量)」共201棟(超出前環保署考核目標量200棟)。
中文關鍵字 石綿建材廢棄


專案計畫編號 經費年度 112 計畫經費 1626.8 千元
專案開始日期 2023/05/23 專案結束日期 2023/11/30 專案主持人 施能欽
主辦單位 彰化縣環境保護局 承辦人 黃耀暉 執行單位 永丞環保實業有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 112年度彰化縣石綿建材廢棄物清除處理計畫-期末成果報告書1.pdf 31MB 112年度彰化縣石綿建材廢棄物清除處理計畫-期末成果報告書

112th Annual Changhua County Asbestos Building Material Waste Removal and Treatment Plan

英文摘要 Since asbestos waste and its product waste are hazardous industrial waste, in order to prevent asbestos waste from being discarded and polluting the environment, more time and money will be spent on subsequent pollution remediation, so this plan is expected to subsidize households to purchase asbestos building materials Waste removal and disposal to guide the public in proper disposal. According to the plan of the former Environmental Protection Agency, the amount of asbestos waste reported has been on the rise in the past five years, with the average annual declaration amount being more than 2,000 metric tons (industry waste declaration amount). However, the estimated subsidy targets of this program are only "households", excluding public buildings and institutional buildings that have been suspended, closed, or closed. The national annual subsidy is expected to be 2,000 metric tons, which is equivalent to the annual declaration volume of public institutions. , and the removal of asbestos waste from household asbestos roofs involves the demolition and decoration of old buildings, which is related to the will of the people. It is necessary to subsidize households to handle the proper treatment of asbestos waste. It is appropriate to establish a supervision mechanism to maintain national health. . Asbestos has soft fibers and has properties such as insulation, heat insulation, and corrosion resistance. Therefore, it was widely used in construction, electrical appliances, automobiles, household products, etc. in the 1960s and 1970s of the Republic of China . With the advancement of medical and health science and technology, there have been successive research reports. It is pointed out that asbestos fiber may be harmful to the human body. Inhaling asbestos dust will not only cause pulmonary fibrosis, but also induce malignant tumors. As the World Health Organization (WHO) lists asbestos as a first-level carcinogen, countries around the world have gradually Reduce or even ban the use of asbestos . The World Health Organization ( WHO ) points out that long-term exposure to asbestos can cause lung cancer, throat cancer, ovarian cancer, and mesothelioma (a cancer of the lining of the chest and abdominal cavity); exposure to asbestos can also cause other diseases, such as asbestosis ( Pulmonary fibrosis), pleural plaques, pleural thickening, and pleural effusion . Asbestos was also used as a fireproof building material in the early days of the country. However, after asbestos was announced to be classified as a toxic chemical substance and related bans and restrictions were announced, the Ministry of Interior cooperated in the relevant fire safety regulations in 1992 to list asbestos as a fireproof building material. The provisions on cotton products have been deleted. In addition, since the Republic of China in 1995 , the Ministry of Economic Affairs has successively revised relevant national standards, stipulating that building boards that must not contain asbestos components are listed as commodities subject to inspection, and management measures for random inspections have been adopted. Therefore, Since the Republic of China in 1995 , the domestic construction industry has almost completely stopped using asbestos-containing building materials. Asbestos is a carcinogen. When broken, it will form very fine fibers. Inhalation and deposition in the lungs cannot be eliminated. It must not be discarded at will. However, asbestos was imported in large quantities as a building material in the 1970s and 1980s . If the reinforced concrete structure has a life cycle It is estimated that in about 45 to 55 years, the peak of asbestos abandonment will fall between 2025 and 2035. The issue of asbestos cannot be ignored. At present, relevant domestic agencies include the Chemical Bureau and Waste Management Division of the former Environmental Protection Agency, the Bureau of Standards and Inspection of the Ministry of Economic Affairs, the Occupational Safety Administration of the Ministry of Labor , and the Construction Administration of the Ministry of Interior, etc., working together to track cross-departmental meetings. Processing progress. In order to prevent homeowners who have asbestos building materials in their houses from fearing trouble and dismantling their houses by themselves and endangering other residents, the "Construction Law" also stipulates that those who demolish without authorization will be fined not more than NT$30,000 and ordered to stop demolition. Asbestos needs to be solidified and buried, which is expensive to dispose of. Most of it comes from old houses that lack funds, so it is easy to cause disposal problems. This project was subsidized by the former Environmental Protection Agency to the local government. After cooperating with the construction management unit, the project took stock of the buildings to be demolished and built an "outdoor asbestos-containing building materials spatial distribution management system", and implemented the implementation of every household's voluntary application for asbestos waste cleanup and verification. Prevent people from clearing and discarding them on their own. Although asbestos has been completely banned in Taiwan , asbestos- related diseases will still be in the incubation period for 20 to 30 years after the ban . In addition, many old buildings still use asbestos building materials. We cannot relax yet. We hope that everyone can work together to Keep Taiwan away from the harm of asbestos . Yongcheng Environmental Protection Industrial Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as the company) is a professional environmental protection technical consultant and engineering consulting organization, providing environmental planning and management, pollution prevention and control projects, waste recycling and removal and other related environmental protection technical consulting services. Our company has many years of experience in implementing industrial waste flow control plans since 105, and has assisted the Changhua County Environmental Protection Bureau in conducting reviews and related inspections closely related to this plan. It has great influence on the implementation of this plan. The advantage of experience. " 112 Changhua County Asbestos Building Material Waste Removal and Treatment Plan" The main goal of this plan is to understand the current situation of asbestos- containing building materials buildings in Changhua County and to assist households in the proper disposal of asbestos building material waste after demolition of buildings. In order to reduce the harm to the human body and the environment, with regard to the investigation and management of buildings containing asbestos building materials and the removal and disposal of asbestos building materials waste produced by households within the county's jurisdiction, it is expected to investigate and manage 177 buildings containing asbestos building materials and clean up asbestos. 25 metric tons of building materials waste. The project team will establish relevant implementation goals and work content in accordance with the selection instructions announced by the county agency, and handle the following tasks: 1. Investigation and management of buildings containing asbestos building materials : ( 1) This The plan is based on the former Environmental Protection Agency's "Spatial Distribution Management System of Outdoor Asbestos- Containing Building Materials" to conduct a survey of buildings (containing asbestos-containing building materials) that meet specific conditions within the county's jurisdiction . The number of buildings surveyed should be at least 177. (2) Notify the owner of the building with asbestos building materials, and confirm with the owner the situation of the building containing asbestos building materials ( such as roof area ( square meters ) , size, material, location, etc. ) and the matters that should be paid attention to, If it cannot be confirmed, we need to go to the site to confirm and provide guidance to the homeowner on the legal cleanup of asbestos building materials waste. (3) Based on the buildings listed in the "Outdoor Asbestos- Containing Building Materials Spatial Distribution Management System", assist the county agency to establish a tracking management mechanism, focusing on the priority list listed by the former Environmental Protection Agency, and complete 20 on-site confirmation and guidance operations ; And through the relevant reporting data of the former Environmental Protection Department's "Business Waste Reporting and Management Information System", confirm the cleanup status of asbestos building materials within the county's jurisdiction and simultaneously update the content of the "Spatial Distribution Management System of Outdoor Asbestos- Containing Building Materials". 2. Subsidizing the removal and treatment of asbestos- containing building materials waste: (1) Assist the county agency to review the subsidy application information of asbestos- containing building materials waste dischargers, and compare it with the "Outdoor Asbestos -Containing Building Materials Spatial Distribution Management System" or review its discharge Attached is a document proving that it is indeed asbestos building materials waste that has been tested, confirming that the discharger meets the subsidy matters and the relevant qualifications set by the former Environmental Protection Agency (only assists in the removal and treatment of asbestos building materials waste, excluding demolition and reconstruction costs), and meets the subsidy If the event meets the relevant qualifications determined by the former Environmental Protection Department, separate vehicle trips will be arranged for cleanup . If the subsidy funds are exhausted, you must bear the relevant cleanup costs yourself. (2) After receiving the application case and the written review is correct, we will go to the site to confirm the identity of the applicant (house owner or owner), confirm whether the location and quantity of asbestos building material waste on site are consistent with the application documents; and inform relevant parties Precautions should be taken during dismantling and storage. After the cleanup, it will be confirmed whether the cleanup is completed, and whether the cleanup report of the case has been truly completed in the "Business Waste Declaration and Management Information System". The quantity of asbestos building material waste will be subsequently counted . When it reaches a certain amount, we will assist the county agency in signing a joint supply contract with the former Environmental Protection Agency, and confirm it on site during removal. After the clearing of the joint supply contract is completed, assist the county agency to review the application materials for settlement of payments submitted by the vendors of the joint supply contract to facilitate the settlement of the contract. 3. Centralized collection operation (implementation and payment): (1) Since the asbestos produced by each household may be sporadic and the size and area are uncertain, in order to make this project effective, after each household’s source of production submits an application ( Public buildings and business buildings that have ceased operations, ceased operations, or closed factories ( sites ) are not included in the scope of subsidies. ) After the inspection is completed through the open method, if the amount of asbestos is sporadic and does not reach the joint supply of the former Environmental Protection Department When the minimum amount is set in the contract, the project team will entrust a Class A removal agency to clear and transport the property, compile the number of household properties to be removed and arrange transportation, and then make an agreement with the applicant (owner or entrustee) During the clearing time, all the lists delivered for each trip should be cleared, not limited to the number of trips . It is expected that the car will be shipped 1-2 times a month, and payment will be made in real time. (2) The working team of this project will supervise the entrusted Class A cleanup agencies to comply with the relevant waste cleanup laws and the relevant cleanup guidelines for asbestos building materials waste, and ensure that the cleanup is completed. When clearing , appropriate arrangements will be made based on the on-site conditions to facilitate subsequent clearing and processing operations; if the alley is too narrow for vehicles to reach, it can be moved manually or with simple machines, and the clearing situation will be explained in the supporting information. The clearing process should be linked to Provide supporting evidence by including bills, pound bills , photos before, during and after cleaning, and photos of the current temporary storage. Before the actual removal, provide the contract, a copy of the removal permit (with clearing item C-0701), photos of the removal equipment, driving and other information to the county agency for reference. The same applies if there are any subsequent changes. (3) The back-end temporary storage location is designated by the county agency. The project team will assist in managing and confirming the storage situation in the temporary storage area. The storage area will be appropriately marked to comply with the relevant provisions of the Waste Cleanup Act. Subsequently, when the storage reaches a certain amount, the county agency will be notified and the agency will be assisted to handle the joint supply contract signing, sorting, and verification in accordance with items 2, 2, and (2) of the bidding specifications. " 112 Changhua County Asbestos Building Material Waste Removal and Treatment Plan" The main goal of this plan is to understand the current situation of asbestos- containing building materials buildings in Changhua County and to assist households in the proper disposal of asbestos building material waste after demolition of buildings. To reduce the harm to human body and environment. This plan is expected to investigate and manage 177 buildings containing asbestos building materials and clean up 25 tons of asbestos building material waste. Implementation methods and results From the day after the bid award day on May 23, 2020 to November 30, 2020, the working team of this project has actually implemented: 1. "Notification Operation of Asbestos Building Materials Buildings under Specific Conditions" work There are a total of 7,676 buildings in the project (the contract price will not be increased for the portion exceeding the target number of 177): Before the work team of this project carries out the "notification operation of asbestos building materials buildings with specific conditions", it first compiles the previous reports from April to May of 2020 Each contractor will conduct a survey on the "Questionnaire on Willingness to Apply for Subsidy for Asbestos Building Materials Waste (Waste Asbestos Tile) Removal and Disposal" every month, and screen and compile a list of those who are willing to remove it, so as to facilitate the smooth implementation of the follow-up projects of this project. The list published for the first time is based on the buildings listed in the "Spatial Distribution Management System of Outdoor Asbestos- Containing Building Materials" of the former Environmental Protection Agency. For buildings that meet specific conditions, "google earth PRO" and "Spatial Distribution Management of Outdoor Asbestos-Containing Building Materials" are used. System" compared the appearance, and then selected 342 buildings (a total of 300 households) in the eight jurisdictions of "Changhua City, Yuanlin City, Hemei Town, Lugang Town, Beidou Town, Xihu Town, Tianzhong Town, and Erlin Town" List of "households" that meet the specifications of asbestos building materials ( calculated based on the demographic data of the "Global Information Network of the Department of Household Affairs, Ministry of the Interior of the Republic of China" and the population density ratio of each administrative ( town ) district in Changhua County ( calculation formula: population (person) ) / total town population (person) * number of cases ) , after compiling the screening results , this will be listed as the primary notification target, and the document will be mailed and attached with the "Application for Subsidy for Asbestos Building Materials Waste Removal and Treatment Willingness" Notification operations were carried out through questionnaires and other methods; the second list was based on the buildings listed in the "Outdoor Asbestos- Containing Building Materials Spatial Distribution Management System" and selected all lists in the two jurisdictions of "Xizhou Township and Zhutang Township" ( Excluding asbestos number N2600590 ( no reference address )) , the number is 1218 buildings (932 households in total), and notification will be made by mailing an official document and attaching the "Questionnaire on Willingness to Apply for Subsidies for Asbestos Building Material Waste Removal and Disposal". Operation; the list issued for the third time is based on the buildings listed in the "Spatial Distribution Management System of Outdoor Asbestos- Containing Building Materials" and selects all the lists in the three jurisdictions of "Bitou Township, Dacheng Township, and Fangyuan Township" (excluding Shitou Township). The cotton number is N2300193, N2301103 , N2301764 , N2301766, N2300192, N2301765 ( no reference address )) , and the number is 3396 buildings (2041 households in total). The official document should be mailed and attached with the "Survey on Willingness to Apply for Subsidy for Asbestos Building Materials Waste Removal and Treatment " Notification operations are carried out through questionnaires and other methods; the fourth list is based on the "first, second, and third notice operations" and compiles the returned "Questionnaire on Willingness to Apply for Subsidy for Asbestos Building Materials Waste Removal and Treatment" information. A list of 89 buildings (a total of 70 households) of willing applicants was selected , and notification and counseling were carried out by mailing official documents and attaching the " Asbestos Building Materials Waste Removal and Treatment Subsidy Application Form"; the fifth list was issued. Based on the "active inquiry", record the name, mailing address, contact number and other information of the caller or contactee, compile a list of active inquirers in 91 buildings (82 households in total), and send it by mail and attached Notification and guidance will be provided through the "Application Form for Asbestos Building Material Waste Removal and Disposal Subsidy " and other methods; the sixth release list is based on the buildings listed in the "Outdoor Asbestos- Containing Building Materials Spatial Distribution Management System" and selects "Changhua All lists within the jurisdiction of "Yuanlin City" (excluding the first and fifth published lists and asbestos numbers N1300571, N1300569, and N1300570) and within the jurisdiction of "Yuanlin City" (excluding the first and fifth published lists, only including system stones The first 163 records of cotton number) partial list, the number of which is 2344 buildings (a total of 2000 households), the notification operation will be carried out by mailing an official document and attaching the "Questionnaire on Willingness to Apply for Subsidy for Asbestos Building Material Waste Removal and Disposal"; seventh The list of issued notices is based on the "first, second, third, and sixth notice notice operations" and compiled the returned "Questionnaire on Willingness to Apply for Subsidy for Asbestos Building Materials Waste Removal and Treatment" and screened out 196 buildings (a total of 134 Households) who are willing to apply will be notified and tutored by mailing official documents and attaching the "Asbestos Building Materials Waste Removal and Treatment Subsidy Application Form". The working team of this project will follow up on the responses to the survey of the people it posted to confirm whether they have the intention to dismantle and conduct statistics and summary. 2. The "On- site confirmation and guidance operation of asbestos building materials buildings with specific conditions" project has a total of 201 buildings (the contract price will not be increased for 20 buildings exceeding the target number): The project team will implement the "Asbestos building materials with specific conditions The "Building Site Confirmation Counseling Operation" is based on the buildings listed in the former Environmental Protection Agency's "Spatial Distribution Management System of Outdoor Asbestos- Containing Building Materials", and the survey "application" was conducted on buildings that meet specific conditions and each contractor from April to May 2020. The list of willing applicants in the "Questionnaire on Willingness to Subsidy Asbestos Building Material Waste (Waste Asbestos Tiles) Removal and Disposal" will be the primary target for confirmation and guidance. 3. The "Public Subsidy Application Case Review Operation" project has a total of 98 buildings. 4. The "On-site Investigation Operation of Public Subsidy Application Cases" project has a total of 65 buildings. 5. "Collection to centralized point removal service fee (transportation fee)" for a total of 19 trips (exceeding the estimated number of 16 trips, the contract price will not be increased): The project team has cooperated with the Class A removal agency - Taijun Enterprise Co., Ltd. signed a clearance contract and sent it to your bureau for verification on June 6, 2012. In addition, the clearance license of Taijun Enterprise Co., Ltd. approved the addition of a new clearance machine (car number KES-7365) on November 16, 2012 for use in this project. A total of 18 truckloads were carried out by the Class A cleanup agency Taijun Enterprise Co., Ltd. The 19th truckload was assisted by the project team in ordering and notifying the joint supply contract contractor-Riyou Environmental Protection Technology Co., Ltd. Changbin Resource Recycling and Treatment Plant (It entrusted a Class A removal agency - Qingxin Environmental Engineering Co., Ltd.) to clear and transport a total of 1 vehicle. 6. " Investigation and system management of asbestos building materials buildings" in total 205 buildings: through the "on-site confirmation guidance operation of asbestos building materials buildings under specific conditions, the review operation of public subsidy application cases, the on-site investigation operation of public subsidy application cases" and through "Business Waste Declaration and Management Information System" reports data to confirm the cleanup status of asbestos building materials waste within the county's jurisdiction , and makes notes and new list information in the system. 7. "Building on-site confirmation coaching operations (former Environmental Protection Agency assessment target volume)" totaled 201 buildings (exceeding the former Environmental Protection Agency assessment target volume by 200 buildings).
英文關鍵字 Asbestos building materials waste