中文摘要 | 自2019亞太中心成立以來,經過2020-2022兩年的營運下,已在第一年的4次顧問輔導團聯繫會議及外部諮詢會中,確立APRC之宗旨願景及基本營運方向,並一共舉辦2次國際交流工作坊,1次線上交流工作坊及3次青年培訓課程。本年度計畫延續去年的工作項目,目前已新增至8國共11名由國內外專家學者及實務工作者組成之顧問輔導團,並已召開4次顧問輔導團視訊會議,且同樣辦理1梯次之青年培訓課程,今年的課程主軸為探討畜牧業如何結合循環經濟,有26位學員一同在屏東學習我國的經驗。而睽違2年終於等到國門開放,成功邀請各國專家學者來到臺灣進行國際交流工作坊,來自亞太地區各地專家學者齊聚一堂共度5天4夜的環教之旅,借助環境教育中不同領域的專業知識於亞太中心辦理之研討會中擔任講者或主持人,甚至安排浮潛及獨木舟活動,體驗臺灣位處海島之地理優勢及海洋環境教育。此外,本年度首度試辦亞太區域青年跨國實習計畫,雖然為試辦,但在國內就收到24位青年前來角逐4個名額出國學習的機會,回國後也將心得提供亞太中心,並且給予回饋期望能將跨國實習計畫擴大規模並成為延續性的活動。網站維運的部分,亞太中心本年度專題報導介紹每月的綠色紀念日,以及不定期的環教活動宣傳,透過每月至少2篇更新的頻率增加亞太中心網站的點閱及曝光度,達成全球環境教育夥伴亞太中心向外推廣之願景目標。 整體而言,本計畫為亞太地區跨國際的計畫,因地域及語言等隔閡,執行上有一定難度,經過三年多的營運已初步穩定執行方式,也促使計畫團隊開始思考更多國際活動之辦理方式,也許後續可以再開發其他線上社群媒體或管道資源進行相關活動或課程,相信能更快提升臺灣之國際形象並將環境教育之經驗及成果推向國際。 | ||
中文關鍵字 | 國際交流、環境教育、亞太區域 |
專案計畫編號 | 經費年度 | 112 | 計畫經費 | 5707.870 千元 | |
專案開始日期 | 2022/12/26 | 專案結束日期 | 2023/11/30 | 專案主持人 | 張子超 |
主辦單位 | 環境部環境保護司 | 承辦人 | 陳家齊 | 執行單位 | 中華民國環境教育學會 |
類型 | 檔名 | 檔案大小 | 說明 |
期末報告 | 112 亞太中心營運計畫成果報告.pdf | 99MB |
2023 Global Environmental Education Parntership (GEEP) Asia-Pacific Regional Center Operational Project
英文摘要 | Since the establishment of APRC in 2019, with two full years of operation from 2020 to 2022, the vision and operation direction of APRC has been established through four advisory committee meetings and external consultation meeting in the first year, as well as holding two international workshops, one online workshop and three classes of International Environmental Issues and Education workshops for youth. This year, continuing from last year’s work, the Advisory Committee now consists of a total of 11 consultants from 8 countries, including experts and practitioners from home and abroad, with 4 virtual meetings been held. We also organized an International Environmental Issues and Education workshop, this year focusing on how livestock industry conbined with circular economy, 26 participants learned Taiwan’s experience in Pingtung. After two years of waiting, now the gate of country has finally opened to the world again, we successfully invited experts and scholars from all over the world to Taiwan to participate the International Workshop. These experts and scholars from Asia-Pacific region countries came together having a five-day Environmental Education trip. They participated in the symposium organized by APRC as speakers, sharing their expertise in different environmental education fields. And APRC even arranged activities such as snorkeling and canoeing for them to experience the geographical advantages and marine environmental education of Taiwan as an island. In addition, this year, we launched the pilot program of International Internship Project. Although it was still a pilot program, we received 24 applicants to compete for 4 quotas to gain experience abroad. And these interns submitted their reviews to APRC after they came home, and we hope to further extend this internship project to a bigger scale and sustaining event based on their feedback. As for the maintenance and operation of APRC website, this year, APRC presented “Green Anniversaries” in every month as special feature and promote environmental education events aperiodically. At least 2 articles were updated per month to increase its visibility and exposure, and to achieve the vision of GEEP APRC. Overall, this is an international project in the Asia Pacific region, which is difficult to implement due to geographical and language barriers, and the impact of the pandemic force to change the original plan. After two years of operation, the team is now thinking of more approaches to organizing international activities. Perhaps other social media or resources can be developed to conduct activities, which is believed can enhance Taiwan's international image and promote the experience and achievements of environmental education to the world even better. | ||
英文關鍵字 | International Exchange, Environmental Education, Asia-Pacific Region |