

中文摘要 臺東縣海岸線狹長共計243公里(含兩處離島),每年吸引許多遊客到訪,臺東縣環境保護局為使轄內海岸在有效之規劃管理及整頓下保持海岸線的潔淨,由112年度向海致敬-海岸清潔維護暨優質公廁及美質環境推動計畫之推動,達到環境清潔工作加強執行、海岸線管理權責清楚以及遏阻隨意棄置垃圾,自112年1月31日起至11月30日止,計畫目標及完成進度為97.93%,各項工作成果摘要說明如下: 一、 截至11月30日止,僱工執行本縣海岸線巡檢,雇用2名機動清潔人力至少達450人日,執行成果如下列: (一) 截至11月30日止,海岸線清潔人力達452人日。 (二) 清理公里數達588.9公里。 (三) 清理公共環境髒亂點30處次。 (四) 累計共清理出9,629.26公斤(不可回收廢棄物4,018.4公斤、可回收廢棄物5,610.86公斤)。 二、 每季召開一次跨局處溝通整合協調會議:截至11月30日止,完成4季跨局處溝通整合協調會議,於3月3日、7月20日、9月22日及11月17日,共計65個單位、98人次參與。 (一) 第一季會議:明年度工作規劃、各單位聯絡資訊異動、機具統計及維護成果統計,並探討有關阿塱壹海灘清理維護案髒亂問題議題。 (二) 第二季會議:討論維護港區環境衛生整潔,擇定富岡港優先試辦釣客實名制及劃設釣漁專區與部份區域髒亂點清理維護案議題。 (三) 第三季會議:由縣府漁業科現地說明港區環境整潔辦理成效分享及現勘、說明第四季跨平台會議為整體年度成果發表,由各單位各別報告年度成效與第二季提案後續辦理情形討論。 (四) 第四季會議:本次會議為年度成果發表交流活動,由中央及地方單位各別報告年度成果。 三、 已完成辦理淨灘活動2場次,於6月18日與環保局水質保護科聯合辦理2023國家海洋日活動、10月21日於環保局永續方舟館旁空地辦理藍海之秋 淨灘嘉年華,活動主軸以淨灘育教於樂,了解「環境」、「生態」與「永續」生動的環境教育,共計498人次參與,清理585.2公斤廢棄物。 四、 架設縮時攝影設備,以縣內觀光遊憩景點及容易遭棄置廢棄物地點,優先架設名單共有6處,截至11月30日止,完成架設154處次拍攝環境污染行為,均無拍攝到明顯環境污染行為。 五、 設攤宣導活動已完成5場次,宣導主題為環保愛地球、海洋廢棄物對海岸生物的影響,共計618人次參加。 (一) 環保愛地球:於3月12日東河鄉-2023東河馬拉松嘉年華活動、4月8日鹿野鄉-龍田國小校慶運動會及5月20日臺東縣環保局-臺東減廢生活節辦理,共計336人次參與。 (二) 海洋廢棄物對海岸生物的影響:於8月26日富山漁業資源保育區-2023生態漁業祭、9月16日環保局右側廣場-循環舊愛好物免廢市集辦理,共計282人次參與。 六、 截至11月30日止,轄內建檔列管公廁2,817間、中央部會空屋空地巡查68處,巡檢人力達210人日(2月至11月工作日數,每日1人力)。 (一) 於3月31日完成第一季轄內所有建檔列管公廁資料正確性盤點,並於環保署指定網站更新。 (二) 於3月31日完成轄內所有建檔列管公廁評鑑1次,特優級公廁703間及不合格公廁2間。 (三) 完成轄內所有建檔列管公廁抽查巡檢每季1次:2月至 11月30日止,共完成建檔列管公廁2,817間。 1. 第1季完成轄內列管公廁705間。 2. 第2季完成轄內列管公廁712間。 3. 第3季完成轄內列管公廁700間。 4. 第4季完成轄內列管公廁700間。 (四) 完成轄內中央部會空屋空地抽複查至少4次(每季1次,共68處) 1. 第1季完成轄內中央部會空屋空地19處。 2. 第2季完成轄內中央部會空屋空地17處。 3. 第3季完成轄內中央部會空屋空地16處。 4. 第4季完成轄內中央部會空屋空地16處。 七、 完成辦理10場次優質公廁及美質環境相關宣導活動,宣導主題以維持乾淨如廁環境、環境衛生宣導(狗便、菸蒂等)、公廁清掃學習、登革熱孳生源清除培訓說明會及戒檳班等,共計782人次參與,相關活動辦理如下列。 (一) 維持乾淨如廁環境宣導活動,於5月8日臺東市南王國小、5月22日臺東市光明國小及9月27日臺東市寶桑國小,辦理3場次,以宣導正確的如廁知識及良好的行為習慣,由觀念改變行為,維護公廁環境整潔衛生,共計537人次參與。 (二) 境衛生宣導(狗便、菸蒂等)活動,於5月30日臺東市(富岡)老人文康活動中心及臺東市寶桑活動中心,辦理2場次,以宣導環境衛生議題,讓民眾體認菸蒂並不會自然分解及強化民眾正確的飼養行為意識,共計76人次參與。 (三) 公廁清掃學習活動,於7月28日臺東美術館小文創館、10月18日臺東縣池上鄉池上國民中學,辦理2場次,以透過公廁清掃學習活動,讓各公廁管理單位皆能重視公廁之清潔與管理擴大民眾環保教育,共計63人次參與。 (四) 戒檳班活動,於8月11日臺東市馬蘭文化健康站,辦理1場次,以宣導嚼食檳榔可能造成個人健康問題及造成環境衛生負擔,參加人數計26人。 (五) 登革熱孳生源清除培訓說明會,於6月21日臺東縣鹿野鄉永安社區活動中心及8月30日臺東縣環保局,辦理2場次,以提升本縣各機關團體對於病媒蚊孳生源清除及防制方式 ,共計80人次參與。 八、 推動公廁改善 (一) 完成高齡友善化公廁改善之廁間扶手裝設,坐式及蹲式廁間各裝設扶手50支,裝設名單如下列。 1. 坐式廁間裝設公廁名單:池上鄉新興村天堂路、大武鄉公所、大武鄉尚武村辦公處、池上鄉公所1F、池上三號運動公園、永安農特產品展售中心、永安農特產品展售中心、關山鎮縱觀日月亭公廁、大武鄉大鳥遊憩區公廁、大武旅遊服務中心公廁、成功鎮公所、金樽衝浪基地公共廁、金峰鄉嘉蘭村活動中心、臺東縣旅遊服務中心、海濱公園北側、海濱公園南側、長濱鄉公所1F、長濱鄉立圖書館、大竹村性別友善廁所、金峰鄉新興村辦公室、金峰鄉賓茂村鋼棚活動中心友善性別廁所A、金峰鄉賓茂村鋼棚活動中心友善性別廁所B及金峰鄉賓茂活動中心。 2. 蹲式廁間裝設公廁名單:池上鄉新興村天堂路、大武鄉公所1F、大武鄉尚武村辦公處、池上鄉公所1F、池上三號運動公園、池上鄉錦園村伯朗大道、大武旅遊服務中心公廁、金樽衝浪基地公共廁、海濱公園南側及長濱鄉立圖書館。 (二) 於7月4日完成設計公廁分級標籤並於7月31日完成張貼100間公廁。公廁名單:大武鄉大鳥遊憩區公廁、鐵路局大武站-女廁、鐵路局大武站、太麻里曙光園區、鐵路局太麻里站、鐵路局金崙站、鐵路局瀧溪站、東處管小野柳遊憩區北停車場、東管處小野柳遊憩區六角廣場、東管處小野柳遊憩區北停車場女廁、東管處小野柳遊憩區海濱步道(北)、東管處小野柳遊憩區海濱步道(南)、第一公有零售市場、臺東觀光夜市、鐵路局知本站、鐵路局康樂站、鐵路局臺東站、成功鎮第一公有零售市場、東管處三仙臺展演中心、東管處三仙臺遊憩區大停車場、東管處阿美族民俗中心、東管處都歷中心、東管處都歷旅客中心(停車場)、東管處都歷遊客中心(地下室)、東管處都歷遊客中心(遊樂區)性別友善廁、東管處都歷遊客中心(遊樂區)、東管處都歷遊客中心一樓、新港漁港魚市場公廁、池上鄉大坡池風景區停車場、池上鄉公有零售市場、鐵路局池上站、東管處水往上流部落市集、東管處水往上流遊憩區、東管處東河橋遊憩區、東管處金樽遊憩區、東管處八仙洞遊客中心、東管處八仙洞遊憩區大停車場、東管處八仙洞遊憩區小停車場、東管處八仙洞遊憩區北廣場。 九、 於5月5日完成提送宣導品1,600份,主要宣導品:環保洗手露、洗碗精、洗衣精、環保杯及方形筆袋(寶特瓶回收環保纖維織品)。 十、 截至11月30日止,共提送10則環境衛生相關新聞稿。 1. 臺東公廁特優級高達94.68% 環保局呼籲鄉親共維護 打造友善旅遊環境。 2. 擴大縮時攝影區域 臺東環保局展現捍衛海岸環境決心。 3. 合作夥伴好給力 守護臺東最美海岸線。 4. 提升臺東環境品質 臺東環保局前進社區辦理「遛狗繫狗鍊 隨手清狗便」宣導會。 5. 2023年國家海洋日 臺東環保局18日辦理2場次淨灘活動 邀您一起守護臺東藍。 6. 提倡無塑環保永續旅遊! 臺東縣環保局將與南迴旅行永續聯盟推動環保杯租借。 7. 防範登革熱! 臺東環保局辦理登革熱孳生源清除培訓說明會 讓環境更美好。 8. 提升臺東環境品質 臺東環保局前進學校辦理「維持乾淨如廁環境」宣導會。 9. 政府、民間協力團結行動!「藍海之秋 淨灘嘉年華」清出461.2公斤廢棄物。 10. 維護最美臺東藍 向海致敬夥伴清出千噸廢棄物 還給海洋一個乾淨的環境。 十一、 於1月31日提送計畫人員名冊、設備及車輛。 十二、 於2月7日、3月9月、4月7日、5月3日、6月5日、7月7日、8月4日、9月8日、10月6日及11月3日至環保局辦理工作進度報告。
中文關鍵字 跨局處、環境維護


專案計畫編號 111400130904 經費年度 112 計畫經費 2500 千元
專案開始日期 2023/01/31 專案結束日期 2023/12/15 專案主持人 翁筱琪
主辦單位 臺東縣環境保護局 承辦人 陳郁琪 執行單位 技佳工程科技股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 112年度向海致敬-海岸清潔維護暨優質公廁及美質環境推動計畫-期末報告(定稿).pdf 22MB

112th Annual Salute to the Sea - Coastal Cleaning and Maintenance Program

英文摘要 Taitung County’s coastline is 243 kilometers long (including two outlying islands) and attracts many tourists every year. In order to keep the coastline clean under its jurisdiction through effective planning, management and regulation, the Taitung County Environmental Protection Bureau has issued a Tribute to the Sea - Coastal cleaning and maintenance, high-quality public toilets and a beautiful environment promotion plan, to strengthen the implementation of environmental cleaning work, clarify the rights and responsibilities of coastline management, and curb the random disposal of garbage.The implementation period of this plan started from Jan 31th to December 31, 2023. The total implementation rate of each work item reached 100%, and the summary of the implementation results is as below: 1. As of November 30, workers were hired to carry out inspections of the county’s coastline, employing 2 mobile cleaning manpower for at least 450 man-days. The implementation results are as follows: (1) As of November 30, the manpower required to clean the coastline reached 452 man-days. (2) The number of kilometers cleared reached 588.9 kilometers. (3) Clean up messy spots in the public environment 30 times. (4) A total of 9,629.26 kilograms were cleared out (4,018.4 kilograms of non-recyclable waste and 5,610.86 kilograms of recyclable waste). 2. Convene a cross-bureau communication, integration and coordination meeting every quarter: As of November 30, four quarters of cross-bureau communication, integration and coordination meetings have been completed on March 3, July 20, September 22 and November On the 17th, a total of 65 units and 98 people participated. (1) First quarter meeting: next year’s work plan, changes in contact information of each unit, statistics on machinery and maintenance results, and discussion of issues related to the clean-up and maintenance of Along Yi Beach. (2) Second quarter meeting: Discuss the maintenance of environmental sanitation and cleanliness in the port area, and select Fugang Port as a priority to pilot a real-name system for anglers, set up a special fishing area, and clean up and maintain dirty spots in some areas. (3) The third quarter meeting: The county fishery department will explain on-site the performance sharing and on-the-spot investigation and explanation of the port area's clean and tidy management. The fourth quarter cross-platform meeting will be the overall annual results announcement, and each unit will report the annual results separately and the third quarter meeting. Discussion on the follow-up processing of proposals in the second quarter. (4) Fourth Quarter Meeting: This meeting is an exchange event for annual results presentation, with central and local units reporting annual results respectively. 3. Two beach clean-up activities have been completed, and the 2023 National Ocean Day event will be held jointly with the Water Quality Protection Section of the Environmental Protection Bureau on June 18, and the Blue Ocean Autumn Beach Clean-up Carnival will be held in the open space next to the Sustainable Ark Pavilion of the Environmental Protection Bureau on October 21. , the main theme of the activity was beach cleaning education and fun, and vivid environmental education about "environment", "ecology" and "sustainability". A total of 498 people participated and 585.2 kilograms of waste were cleaned up. 4. Set up time-lapse photography equipment at 6 places in the county’s tourist attractions and locations prone to discarded waste. As of November 30, 154 installations of environmental pollution equipment were completed, and no environmental pollution was captured. Obvious environmental pollution behavior. 5. Five booth promotion activities have been completed, with the theme of environmental protection, caring for the earth, and the impact of marine debris on coastal life, with a total of 618 participants. (1) Environmental protection and loving the earth: on March 12, the Donghe Township-2023 Donghe Marathon Carnival, on April 8, the Luye Township-Longtian Elementary School Anniversary Games, and on May 20, the Taitung County Environmental Protection Bureau-Taitung Reduce A total of 336 people participated in the Waste Life Festival. (2) The impact of marine debris on coastal life: handled at Toyama Fishery Resources Conservation Zone-2023 Ecological Fisheries Festival on August 26, and at the square on the right side of the Environmental Protection Bureau on September 16-recycling and waste-free market, a total of 282 Participation. 6. As of November 30, 2,817 public toilets have been registered and managed in the jurisdiction, and 68 empty houses and spaces have been inspected by the central government. The inspection manpower has reached 210 man-days (number of working days from February to November, 1 manpower per day). (1) Complete the inventory of the accuracy of all archived and managed public toilet data in the first quarter on March 31, and update it on the Environmental Protection Department’s designated website. (2) On March 31, an evaluation of all documented and managed public toilets in the jurisdiction was completed, with 703 premium public toilets and 2 substandard public toilets. (3) Complete random inspections of all registered and managed public toilets within the jurisdiction once a quarter: from February to November 30, a total of 2,817 registered and managed public toilets were completed. a. In the first quarter, 705 public toilets were listed and managed within the jurisdiction. b. In the second quarter, 712 public toilets were listed and managed within the jurisdiction. c. In the third quarter, 700 public toilets under management were completed. d. In the fourth quarter, 700 public toilets under management were completed. (4) Complete at least 4 inspections of vacant houses and spaces within the central government’s jurisdiction (once per quarter, 68 in total) a. In the first quarter, 19 vacant houses and vacant lots in the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China were completed within the jurisdiction. b. In the second quarter, 17 vacant houses and vacant lots in the central department within the jurisdiction were completed. c. In the third quarter, 16 vacant houses and vacant lots in the central department within the jurisdiction were completed. d. In the fourth quarter, 16 vacant houses and vacant lots in the central department within the jurisdiction were completed. 7. Completed 10 publicity activities related to high-quality public toilets and beautiful environment, with the theme of maintaining a clean toilet environment, environmental hygiene promotion (dog poop, cigarette butts, etc.), public toilet cleaning learning, and dengue fever breeding source removal training briefings A total of 782 people participated in the banquet class, etc. The related activities are as follows. (1) Maintaining a clean toilet environment publicity activity, held 3 times at Taitung City Nanguo Elementary School on May 8, Taitung City Guangming Elementary School on May 22, and Taitung City Baosang Elementary School on September 27 , to promote correct toilet knowledge and good behavioral habits, change behaviors from concepts, and maintain a clean and hygienic environment in public toilets. A total of 537 people participated. (2) Environmental sanitation promotion activities (dog poop, cigarette butts, etc.) will be held on May 30 at Taitung City (Fugang) Elderly Recreation and Recreation Center and Taitung City Baosang Activity Center to promote environmental sanitation. The topic was to help the public realize that cigarette butts do not naturally decompose and to strengthen public awareness of correct feeding behaviors. A total of 76 people participated. (3) Public toilet cleaning learning activities were held twice at the Taitung Museum of Fine Arts Small Cultural and Creative Center on July 28 and at Chishang Junior High School in Chishang Township, Taitung County on October 18. Through the public toilet cleaning learning activities, each public toilet Management units can all pay attention to the cleanliness and management of public toilets and expand public environmental education. A total of 63 people participated. (4) Betel nut quitting class activity was held on August 11 at the Malan Cultural and Health Center in Taitung City to publicize the possible personal health problems and environmental health burden caused by chewing betel nut. A total of 26 people participated. (5) Dengue fever breeding source elimination training briefings were held on June 21 at the Yongan Community Activity Center in Luye Township, Taitung County, and at the Taitung County Environmental Protection Bureau on August 30 to enhance the awareness of various agencies and organizations in the county about vector mosquito breeding Source removal and prevention methods, a total of 80 people participated. 8. Promote the improvement of public toilets (1) Complete the installation of handrails in the toilets for the improvement of age-friendly public toilets. Each of the sitting and squatting toilets is equipped with 50 handrails. The installation list is as follows. a. List of public toilets with sitting toilets: Tiantang Road, Xinxing Village, Chishang Township, Dawu Township Office, Shangwu Village Office, Dawu Township, Chishang Township Office 1F, Chishang No. 3 Sports Park, Yongan Agricultural Specialty Products Exhibition and Sales Center, Yongan Agricultural Products Specialty Products Exhibition and Sales Center, Guanshan Town Panoramic Riyue Pavilion Public Restroom, Dawu Township Daniao Recreation Area Public Restroom, Dawu Tourism Service Center Public Restroom, Chenggong Town Public Restroom, Jinzun Surfing Base Public Restroom, Jinfeng Township Jialan Village Activity Center, Taitung County Tourism Service Center, north side of Haibin Park, south side of Haibin Park, Changbin Township Office 1F, Changbin Township Library, gender-friendly toilets in Dazhu Village, Xinxing Village Office in Jinfeng Township, gender-friendly steel shed activity center in Binmao Village, Jinfeng Township Toilet A, gender-friendly toilet B at the Steel Shed Activity Center in Binmao Village, Jinfeng Township, and Binmao Activity Center in Jinfeng Township. b. List of public toilets with squat toilets installed: Tiantang Road, Xinxing Village, Chishang Township, Dawu Township Public Office 1F, Shangwu Village Office, Dawu Township, Chishang Township Public Office 1F, Chishang No. 3 Sports Park, Brown Avenue, Jinyuan Village, Chishang Township, Public toilets at Dawu Tourist Service Center, public toilets at Jinzun Surfing Base, the south side of Seaside Park and Changhama Rural Library. (2) Complete the design of public toilet classification labels on July 4 and complete the posting of 100 public toilets on July 31. List of public toilets: Dawu Township Daniao Recreation Area Public Toilet, Railway Bureau Dawu Station-Women's Toilet, Railway Bureau Dawu Station, Taimali Shuguang Park, Railway Bureau Taimali Station, Railway Bureau Jinlun Station, Railway Bureau Longxi Station, Dongchuguan Xiaoyeliu Recreation Area North Parking Lot, East Administrative Office Xiaoyeliu Recreation Area Hexagonal Plaza, East Administrative Office Xiaoyeliu Recreation Area North Parking Lot Women’s Restroom, East Administrative Office Xiaoyeliu Recreation Area Seaside Trail (North), East Administrative Office Xiaoyeliu Recreation Area District Seaside Trail (South), No. 1 Public Retail Market, Taitung Tourist Night Market, Railway Administration Zhiben Station, Railway Administration Recreation Station, Railway Administration Taitung Station, Chenggong Town No. 1 Public Retail Market, East Management Office Sanxiantai Performance Center , Dongguanchu Sanxiantai Recreation Area Parking Lot, Dongguanchu Amis Folk Center, Dongguanchu Duli Center, Dongguanchu Duli Visitor Center (parking lot), Dongguanchu Duli Visitor Center (basement), Gender-friendly restrooms at Dongguanchu Duli Visitor Center (recreation area), Dongguanchu Duli Visitor Center (recreation area), the first floor of Dongguanchu Duli Visitor Center, Xingang Fishing Port Fish Market public toilets, Chishang Township Dapochi Scenic Area Parking lot, Chishang Township public retail market, Railway Bureau Chishang Station, Dongguanchu Shuixiangshangliu Tribal Market, Dongguanchu Shuixiangshangliu Recreation Area, Dongguanchu Dongheqiao Recreation Area, Dongguanchu Jinzun Recreation Area, There are the Visitor Center of Baxian Cave in East Management Office, the large parking lot of Baxian Cave Recreation Area in East Management Office, the small parking lot in Baxian Cave Recreation Area in East Management Office, and the north square of Baxian Cave Recreation Area in East Management Office. 9. Completed the delivery of 1,600 promotional materials on May 5. The main promotional products are: environmentally friendly hand soap, dishwashing detergent, laundry detergent, environmentally friendly cups and square pencil cases (recycled environmentally friendly fiber fabrics from PET bottles). 10. We finished submitting twelve press releases. 11. Submit the roster of planning personnel, equipment and vehicles on January 31. 12. We held eleven work progress briefings of the plan in EPB on Feb 7, Mar 9th, Apr 7th, May 3th, Jun 5nd, Jul 7th, Aug 4th, Sep 8th, Oct 6th, Nov 3th and Dec 8th, 2023.
英文關鍵字 Cross-bureau office, Environmental maintenance