

中文摘要 臺北市政府環境保護局為落實除草劑及環境用藥等化學品源頭管制工作。對於除草劑則辦理(一)除草劑之銷售對象及使用地點查核,以追蹤除草劑售出後之流向(二)針對公共區域中轄管河濱公園、大型公園、登山步道口、社區、學校、醫院、綠地或其他雜草區域進行稽查除草劑使用情形並對於疑似違法使用除草劑情形,進行土壤、水樣或動植物檢體等進行查驗,避免除草劑濫用及誤用(三)辦理非農地環境雜草管理及除草劑合理使用宣導活動或法規政策說明會,加強宣導並落實「農藥農用」的精神,回歸除草劑促進農業生產的本意,守護環境生態及市民健康。另亦針對環境用藥辦理(一)販賣業及病媒防治業輔導查核,使業者能夠遵守法規且環境用藥使用情形(二)病媒防治業執行業務現場輔導,以提升病媒防治業及施藥人員之專業水準(三)環境用藥查核,避免偽藥、禁藥、或劣藥在市面上四處流竄(四)宣導會,強化民眾對環境用藥及病媒防治安全之認知,避免環境危害性化學品濫用誤用導致影響環境生態及人體健康。因此,辦理此計畫。 本計畫工作項目包括:(一)非農地環境雜草管理及除草劑合理使用:(1)辦理除草劑販售業者銷售追蹤查核(10家)(2)巡查轄內非農業土地使用除草劑情形(至少30處)(二)環境用藥及病媒防治管理:(1)協助環境用藥偽造、禁用、劣質、非法製造、加工、輸入、陳列、販賣、有效成分、標示、廣告等相關查核工作,以強化本市環境用藥及病媒管理制度(2)查核環境用藥販賣業及病媒防治業(至少30家)(三)辦理非農地環境雜草管理、除草劑合理使用、病媒防治或環境用藥宣導活動5場次,總宣導人數達350人以上。 計畫執行期間已完成上述工項,分別為(1)10家除草劑販售業者銷售追蹤查核(2)巡查轄內30處非農業土地使用除草劑情形(3)3件疑似違反使用除草劑情事,採樣送驗(4)35家病媒防治業輔導查核(5)10家其他營業場所病媒防治施藥情形訪查(6)10家傳統市場、夜市、花市或藥妝店環境用藥查核(7)6件市售環境用藥有效成分及含量抽驗及檢測(8)辦理5場次非農地環境雜草管理、除草劑合理使用、病媒防治或環境用藥宣導活動(9)909件市售環境用藥標示查核(10)媒體、網路廣告輔導及監看查核,完成560筆監看工作。 結果發現(1)1件疑似違法使用除草劑現場進行採樣,發現殘留嘉磷塞(2)市售藥品查核發現13件過期環境用藥標。
中文關鍵字 除草劑、環境用藥、輔導與查核


專案計畫編號 經費年度 112 計畫經費 130 千元
專案開始日期 2023/03/15 專案結束日期 2023/11/30 專案主持人 尤文廷
主辦單位 臺北市政府環境保護局 承辦人 黃威豪 執行單位 園鴻有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 112年度臺北市除草劑及環境用藥管理暨宣導計畫__期末報告正式報告(本文).pdf 6MB

Project of Weed Management in Non-Agricultural Lands and Management of Environmental Agents

英文摘要 Since the implementation of this project at the end of March in 2023 , after more than 7 months of active execution, all aspects of the work have been continuously pushed forward in accordance with the project goals and pla nning. Additionally, in the early stages of project implementation, educational training for personnel was conducted, focusing on audit and guidance considerations, to ensure the smooth completion of this project. The following provides an explanation of t he achievements of the project implementation 1. T he tracking and verification operation of herbicide sales by vendors has been completed for 10 businesses 2. T his project has completed inspections at 30 vacant lots and riverside parks, and no s uspected instances of herbicide use on non agricultural land were found during these patrols 3. A total of 10 traditional markets were inspected, all of which were found to be in compliance with regulations, and there were no instances of selling counterfeit or substandard environmental agents 4.A total of 909 items from 14 businesses were checked. Thirteen items were found to be non compliant, all of which were expired or substandard. 5. A total of 560 instances were monitored (192 television advertisements and 368 online advertisements), and no apparent violations of the Environmental Pest icide Management Act were found in any of these cases 6. I nspections a nd testing of the active ingredients and content of six commercially available environmental pesticides have been conducted. The results of the tests showed compliance with the specified active ingredients and content for environmental pesticides. 7. T his project has organized a total of 5 promotional events. These include 3 events for the promotion of environmental pesticides and herbi cides, 1 event for the promotion of regulations governing sales businesses, and 1 event for the promotion of regulations governing vector control.
英文關鍵字 Herbicides, visit and check, Environmental Agents