

中文摘要 本計畫彙整歷年各類測站(臺東、關山、利吉、仁愛國小、森林公園)資料、河川特性、河川地區土地覆蓋現況(或揚塵好發狀況)等,購買衛星圖資(4幅),判識卑南溪流域河床組成樣態。112年度卑南溪河床裸露地平均約占32%,水體、含水灘地約45%,植被地約23%,經環保局、第八河川分署及本計畫施作水覆蓋後,113年度裸露地平均約占22%,水體、含水灘地約53%,植被地約25%,顯示水覆蓋能有效降低裸露地面積。本團隊並進行PM10濃度模擬增量,執行19次裸露地巡查。結合所有資訊,歸出卑南溪河川揚塵好發區,位於利吉大橋上游至出海口、寶華大橋上下游及電光大橋上下游區段。在東北風、北風及南風吹襲下(3m/s),上述區位容易發生河川揚塵。為此,工作團隊在臺東大橋至出海口區進行實兵演練,施作水覆蓋工法,執行189工作車次(300型怪手),施作累計面積達532.46公頃,水覆蓋面積達932公頃,TSP削減量共達223.81公噸,PM10削減量達114.94公噸。 為讓民眾及各緊急應變各單位能提前因應,仍建置河川揚塵預報機制,透過揚塵一把罩APP及9處LED顯示器(電子看板)提供未來24、48小時揚塵預報及空氣品質即時資訊。此外,每季召開揚塵防制區域聯繫會議,邀請懸浮微粒物質災害防救應變單位參加,共計111人次參加,以了解權責分工,整合資源,強化各單位應變機制,暢通討論及溝通管道,並彙整各單位防制揚塵成效。辦理1場內部訓練,21人次參與,藉以提高計畫人員專業知識及觀念。 此外,辦理6場次河川揚塵防制宣導活動,藉由宣導活動建立社區民眾及學校師生揚塵防制自我保護觀念,推廣中央及地方防制之努力;並透過稻草蓆及種樹苗覆蓋裸露地創意宣導活動,響應國際減災日、世界地球日等特定節日,跨域協力蓆覆蓋防制揚塵,偕同當地社區民眾一同參與,協力至卑南溪河床裸露地進行覆蓋,參與總人數達618人,綜合以上場次宣導活動,回收問卷數量為462份,整體活動規劃滿意度達99%。 經由上述之工作項目執行,112年度雖遭受3次颱風災害影響,在八河分署與環保局積極投入水覆蓋修復工作,讓河床持續保持濕潤狀態,112年度臺東PM10濃度年平均僅16.6(μg/m³),相較111年度(16.4μg/m³)僅增加0.2(μg/m³),相較110年度(2次颱風影響)18.27(μg/m³),已降低1.67(μg/m³),顯示水覆蓋工法能有效降低PM10濃度。此外,截至113年6月底,臺東測站已連續32個月無揚塵事件日發生,計劃期間抑制92日(235小時)可能發生揚塵條件之時段揚塵狀況,河川揚塵防制成效相當顯著。
中文關鍵字 卑南溪揚塵,水覆蓋工法


專案計畫編號 經費年度 112 計畫經費 7133.8 千元
專案開始日期 2023/08/01 專案結束日期 2024/07/31 專案主持人 林漢城
主辦單位 臺東縣環境保護局 承辦人 林威志 執行單位 富聯工程顧問股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 112年度臺東縣卑南溪揚塵防制及改善推動計畫-期末報告定稿本.pdf 32MB 112年度臺東縣卑南溪揚塵防制及改善推動計畫-期末報告定稿本

2012 Taitung County Beinanxi River Dust Control and Improvement Promotion Plan

英文摘要 This project compiles data from various measuring stations (Taitung, Guanshan, Liji, Renai Elementary School, Forest Park) over the years, river characteristics, current land coverage in river areas (or dust prone conditions), etc., and purchases satellite imagery ( 4 pictures), identify the composition of the riverbed in the Beinan River Basin. In 2012, the bare land on the Beinan River bed accounted for about 32% on average, water bodies and water-bearing shoals were about 45%, and vegetation land was about 23%. After water coverage by the Environmental Protection Bureau, the Eighth River Branch and this project, the average bare land in 113 was about Accounting for 22%, water bodies and water-bearing beaches account for about 53%, and vegetation lands account for about 25%, showing that water coverage can effectively reduce the area of ​​exposed land. The team also conducted simulation increments of PM10 concentration and conducted 19 inspections of exposed areas. Combining all the information, the dust-prone area of ​​the Beinan River River is located between the upstream of Liji Bridge and its outlet, the upstream and downstream sections of Baohua Bridge and the upstream and downstream sections of Dianguang Bridge. Under northeasterly, northerly and southerly winds (3m/s), river dust is prone to occur in the above locations. To this end, the work team conducted practical drills from the Taitung Bridge to the seaport area, implemented water covering construction methods, and executed 189 work trips (Type 300 strange hand). The cumulative construction area reached 532.46 hectares, and the water coverage area reached 932 hectares. The TSP was reduced The total amount reached 223.81 metric tons, and the PM10 reduction amount reached 114.94 metric tons. In order to allow the public and emergency response units to respond in advance, a river dust forecasting mechanism has been established to provide real-time dust forecasts and air quality information for the next 24 and 48 hours through the Dust Cover APP and 9 LED displays (electronic signboards) . In addition, dust control regional liaison meetings are held every quarter, and suspended particulate matter disaster prevention and response units are invited to participate. A total of 111 people attended to understand the division of powers and responsibilities, integrate resources, strengthen the response mechanism of each unit, and smooth discussion and communication channels, and Summarize the effectiveness of various units in preventing dust. Conducted 1 internal training with 21 participants to improve the professional knowledge and concepts of planning staff. In addition, 6 river dust prevention publicity activities were held to establish self-protection concepts for community residents, school teachers and students, and to promote the central and local prevention efforts; through the publicity activities, straw mats and saplings were used to cover The creative publicity campaign on bare areas was carried out in response to specific holidays such as International Disaster Reduction Day and World Earth Day. Cross-regional joint efforts were made to cover the dust to prevent dust. People from the local community participated together and worked together to cover the exposed areas on the Beinan River bed. The total number of participants reached 618 people, combined with the above publicity activities, the number of questionnaires returned was 462, and the overall activity planning satisfaction reached 99%. Through the implementation of the above-mentioned work projects, despite the impact of three typhoons in 2012, the Bahe Branch and the Environmental Protection Bureau actively invested in water coverage restoration work to keep the river bed moist. The annual average PM10 concentration in Taitung in 2012 was only 16.6 (μg /m³), which only increased by 0.2 (μg/m³) compared with the 2011 fiscal year (16.4μg/m³). Compared with the 18.27 (μg/m³) in 2010 (2 typhoons), it has decreased by 1.67 (μg/m³), showing The water covering construction method can effectively reduce PM10 concentration. In addition, as of the end of June 2013, the Taitung measuring station has had no dust event days for 32 consecutive months. During the planned period, the dust situation was suppressed for 92 days (235 hours) when dust conditions may occur. The effectiveness of river dust prevention is quite significant.
英文關鍵字 Beinan River dust,water covering method