

中文摘要 基隆市積極推動土水相關業務,其包含(1)掌握地下水品質概況、(2)提升列管場址監督管理效能、(3)輔導追蹤貯存系統污染預防自主管理(4)掌握高污染潛勢、(5)推動事業土地污染預防及(6)健全緊急應變機制,本計畫協助上述重點工作,並提供管理及因應方案。 台松科技股份有限公司第1~4季地下水重金屬檢測結果低於管制標準,惟氨氮超過監標,建議台松公司依營運情況編列經費執行定期監測(每年至少一次)。台灣荒川化學工業(股)公司、台肥基隆廠(下游井)及福基織造(污水設施旁)歷年皆有氨氮超過監測標準情況,未有突增趨勢,建議應持續進行相關追蹤。地下水監測井整體監測功能皆屬正常,維護更新3口次,設施修復2口次,內部維護6口次,基本構造完整良好,回水狀況皆為中等。 透過每季場址進度管理,提升污染改善效率,已完成2處解列,目前2處列管,八斗子漁船加油站改善進度符合預定期程,八堵庫區開挖作業因管線問題,已有落後情況,應依技師評估及趕工計畫以安全性為考量,儘速達成預定進度。 貯存系統申報3季審查皆無異常。完成4家追蹤複查,1家已完成改善,餘3家持續進行追蹤,確保於改善期限前完成;另補充5家大型儲槽複查,皆已完成改善(經環保局同意,改採替代方式說明)。和平島漁船加油站10點次土壤採樣VOCS及TPH檢測結果皆低於監測標準。 產發處提送6家歇業名單,非屬8、9條公告事業。公告事業2家申報,現勘結果與土調資料比對無誤。技師簽證查核對象為向璟科技有限公司,會議決議結果總積點為10點(第一級),發函受查技師,督促其改進簽證品質。依109~111年30家現勘結果,經權重統計名單篩選,願淶環保有限公司土壤採樣4點(重金屬、TPH、VOCS),僅重金屬鎳超過監測標準,建議願淶公司每年至少定期監測1次;昇達科技股份有限公司機械廠土壤採樣4點(重金屬、TPH、VOCS),檢測項目皆低於管制標準。 透過現勘與預防管理說明會,輔導事業系統填報相關表單,9家C群事業經現勘後,建議維持C群。18家B群事業皆已填列自主預防管理計畫,並依審查意見修正。4家A群事業經現勘評估,興業金屬評分為8分,進場執行土壤採樣3點次,檢測項目為重金屬、總石油碳氫化合物。製程區AS02檢出重金屬鉛、砷超過土壤污染管制標準,重油槽點位AS03檢出重金屬鉛、鎘及砷超過土壤污染管制標準,建議依土污法第12條第2項規定公告為土壤污染控制場址。 七堵區農作物種植農作物同步採樣,竹筍檢測結果鎘、鉛皆為N.D,依規定無須執行土壤樣品XRF 篩測及土壤樣品分析。7處農地以種植竹筍及蔬菜為主,灌溉水源為雨水及山泉水,鄰近1.5公里內皆無工廠或具污染潛勢之行業,土壤及水質現場篩測結果並未有污染情況,七堵區馬陵坑東勢上股小段46地號水質初驗pH4.5,再進行水質複驗4項重金屬(鉻、銅、鎳、砷),檢測結果皆低於監測標準。 法規宣導說明會與111年比較,出席人員對於法規重點了解程度有提升。辦理太陽光電設施媒合說明會,7家事業有意願設置光電,已完成3家現場輔導,因業主考量設置經費及送件至台電申請行政程序等問題,需再行評估設置可能。掌握轄內中油供油中心廠外輸油管線分佈情況、輸油管線管理模式及應變處理方式,作為後續調查之參考。與海科館合作辦理種子教師人才培訓,統整宣導素材資源,建立多元化宣傳管道。舞台劇巡迴(小水滴哭什麼)演出3場次(觸及1,500人次),首次與教育處合作於兒童藝術節演出1場次,另擇定1場校園(信義國小)演出進行錄影拍攝,製作光碟 50 片(含字幕),分送給轄內各小學。小水滴哭什麼AR(IOS系統)APP上架,上架期間為112年5月20日~113年5月19日。 大武崙工業區定期申報檢測結果皆低於監測標準,無異常情形。完成西勢及新山水庫現勘,建議主管機關可增加檢測頻率,再逐年比較數值變化。緊急應變支用經費總計為19萬9,500元,台灣肥料公司基隆一廠土壤採樣3點,重金屬、揮發性有機化合物(VOCs)、總石油碳氫化合物(TPH)及多氯聯苯均未超過管制標準。八斗子漁船加油站土壤採樣2點(總石油碳氫化合物),檢測結果未超過管制標準。
中文關鍵字 土壤及地下水


專案計畫編號 經費年度 112 計畫經費 7330 千元
專案開始日期 2023/01/01 專案結束日期 2023/12/20 專案主持人 李明吉
主辦單位 基隆市環境保護局 承辦人 陳盈秀 執行單位 富聯工程顧問股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 112年土壤及地下水調查及查證工作計畫-基隆市期末報告(定稿本)1121204.pdf 40MB 期末報告

112 Annual Soil and Groundwater Pollution Investigation and Verification Work Plan-Keelung City

英文摘要 Keelung City actively promotes soil and water-related businesses, which include (1) understanding the overall quality of groundwater, (2) improving the efficiency of supervision and management of managed sites, (3) coaching and tracking the independent management of pollution prevention and storage systems, and (4) grasping high pollution potential , (5) promote the prevention of industrial land pollution and (6) improve the emergency response mechanism. This plan assists the above key tasks and provides management and response plans. Taisong Technology Co., Ltd.'s groundwater heavy metal test results from the first to fourth quarters were lower than the regulatory standards, but ammonia nitrogen exceeded the monitoring standard. It is recommended that Taisong Technology Co., Ltd. allocate funds to conduct regular monitoring (at least once a year) based on operating conditions. Taiwan Arakawa Chemical Industry Co., Ltd., Taiwan Fertilizer Keelung Plant (downstream well) and Fuji Weaving (next to the sewage facility) have all had ammonia nitrogen exceeding monitoring standards over the years, but there has been no sudden increase trend. It is recommended that relevant tracking be continued. The overall monitoring functions of the groundwater monitoring wells are all normal, with 3 maintenance and updates, 2 facility repairs, and 6 internal maintenances. The basic structure is complete and good, and the water return conditions are all moderate. Through quarterly site progress management, pollution improvement efficiency has been improved. Two sites have been decommissioned and currently two sites are under management. The improvement progress of the Badouzi Fishing Boat Gas Station is in line with the scheduled schedule. The excavation work in the Badou reservoir area has been suspended due to pipeline problems. If you are already lagging behind, you should take safety into account according to the technician's assessment and rush plan to reach the scheduled progress as soon as possible. There were no abnormalities in the three-quarter review of the storage system declaration. Completed follow-up inspections of 4 companies, 1 has completed improvement, and the remaining 3 companies continue to follow up to ensure completion before the improvement deadline; additional review of 5 large storage tanks has been completed, and improvements have been completed (with the approval of the Environmental Protection Bureau, alternative methods have been adopted to explain ). The VOCS and TPH test results of soil sampling at Hepingdao Fishing Boat Gas Station at 10 points were all below the monitoring standards. The Industrial Development Office submitted a list of 6 closures, which were not businesses announced in Articles 8 and 9. Two enterprises were notified, and the comparison between the current survey results and the soil survey data was correct. The technician visa inspection target is Xiangjing Technology Co., Ltd. The meeting decided that the total points were 10 points (first level), and a letter was sent to the technicians under inspection to urge them to improve the quality of their visas. Based on the results of 30 on-site explorations from 109 to 111, after screening through the weighted statistical list, Yuanlai Environmental Protection Co., Ltd. took 4 soil sampling points (heavy metals, TPH, VOCS). Only the heavy metal nickel exceeded the monitoring standard. It is recommended that Yuanlai Company conduct regular monitoring at least once a year. times; 4 soil sampling points (heavy metals, TPH, VOCS) were taken from the machinery factory of Shengda Technology Co., Ltd., and the test items were all below the regulatory standards. Through on-the-spot survey and preventive management briefings, enterprises were guided to fill out relevant forms in the system. After on-site survey, 9 Group C enterprises were recommended to maintain Group C. All 18 Group B businesses have filled out independent prevention management plans and revised them based on review opinions. After on-site exploration and evaluation of the four A-group enterprises, Xingye Metals scored 8 points, and soil sampling was carried out 3 times at the site. The test items were heavy metals and total petroleum hydrocarbons. Heavy metals lead and arsenic were detected in the process area AS02 and exceeded the soil pollution control standards. Heavy metal lead, cadmium and arsenic were detected in the heavy oil tank site AS03 and exceeded the soil pollution control standards. It is recommended to declare soil pollution in accordance with Article 12, Item 2 of the Soil Pollution Law. Control site. Crop planting in Qidu District was sampled simultaneously, and the test results for bamboo shoots were both N.D. for cadmium and lead. According to regulations, there is no need to perform soil sample XRF screening and soil sample analysis. The 7 agricultural lands are mainly used for planting bamboo shoots and vegetables. The irrigation water sources are rainwater and mountain spring water. There are no factories or industries with pollution potential within 1.5 kilometers. The on-site soil and water quality screening results show no pollution. Qidu The initial water quality test at No. 46, Shanggu Section, Malingkeng District, was pH 4.5, and then the water quality was retested for four heavy metals (chromium, copper, nickel, and arsenic). The test results were all lower than the monitoring standards Comparing the regulatory publicity and briefing sessions with those held in 2011, the participants’ understanding of key regulations has improved. We held a matchmaking briefing on solar photovoltaic facilities. Seven companies were willing to install photovoltaic facilities, and on-site counseling was completed for three companies. As the owners considered issues such as installation costs and administrative procedures for submitting documents to Taipower, they needed to re-evaluate the installation possibilities. Understand the distribution of off-site oil pipelines, oil pipeline management models and emergency response methods of the CNPC Oil Supply Center within the jurisdiction, as a reference for subsequent investigations. Cooperate with the Maritime Science and Technology Museum to conduct seed teacher talent training, integrate publicity materials and resources, and establish diversified publicity channels. The stage play tour (What's the Little Water Drop Crying for) performed 3 times (reaching 1,500 people). For the first time, it cooperated with the Education Department to perform 1 time at the Children's Art Festival. Another campus performance (Xinyi Elementary School) was selected for video shooting and 50 CDs were produced. The film (with subtitles) was distributed to primary schools within the jurisdiction. The Little Water Drop Crying AR (IOS system) APP will be on the shelves from May 20, 2012 to May 19, 2013. The test results reported regularly by Dawulun Industrial Zone are all below the monitoring standards and there are no abnormalities. After completing the current survey of Xishi and Xinshan reservoirs, it is recommended that the competent authorities increase the frequency of testing and compare the numerical changes year by year. The total emergency response expenditure was NT$199,500. Taiwan Fertilizer Company Keelung No. 1 Plant soil was sampled at 3 points. Heavy metals, volatile organic compounds (VOCs), total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPH) and polychlorinated biphenyls did not exceed the control limit. standard. Soil sampling at Badouzi Fishing Boat Gas Station was conducted at 2 points (total petroleum hydrocarbons), and the test results did not exceed the regulatory standards.
英文關鍵字 soil and groundwater