

中文摘要 本計畫主要工作包括以下工作: (1) 感測資料蒐集、流通與應用 隨著環境物聯網感測器的布建進程,持續監控並收集環境感測資料,並完備跨域資料蒐整工作。強化資料流監控機制,確保感測資料完整蒐集且無間斷外部介接傳輸。此外,維護資料下載及應用服務效率,提升使用者存取及應用資料的效能。 (2) 轉移資料中心角色 與環保局合作發展MQTT資料傳輸程式和IOT資料API規格,目的在強化地方環保局自行營運與應用的能力。設定資料傳輸標準並達成即時視覺化展示,提升環保局操作感測資料的能力。另外,提供技術支援與輔導,協助資料介接、傳輸程式建置,並規劃後續計畫的移轉。 (3) 帳號權限管理與控制 達成帳號管理自動化,並建立異常監控及通知機制,當平臺使用者帳號出現異常使用時,系統能自動通知管理員。提供帳號有效期限的設定,確保逾期帳號自動停用或刪除,提升管理效率與安全性。 (4) 感測設備資訊管理 在資料中心角色轉換前,持續維護感測數據管理介面,保障資料與功能的穩健。加強感測設備的詮釋資料管理,提高使用者和管理員操作感測資訊的效率與準確度。 (5) 感測數據品質管理 重點監控資料完整性和可用率,及時處理資料收集過程中的異常,確保高品質的資料供應。透過異常值檢核,並與環保局共享數據品質資訊,強化數據品質管理機制。 (6) 定期維護與管理 執行定期系統與資料的檢查、維護與更新,包括系統安全性檢測和資料備份管理,保障系統穩定運作與資料安全。同時,進行弱點掃描、系統壓力測試及災害復原演練,提高系統安全性與恢復力。 (7) 推廣及其他資訊服務 支援環境物聯網相關活動推廣,提供簡報和資料支援。通過異常個案分析和線上諮詢服務,協助感測器布建單位有效利用IoT平臺。隨著IoT角色逐步轉移,進行系統擴充、變更與教育訓練,協助環保局完成系統上線及使用指南建立。
中文關鍵字 物聯網、感測資料收集、傳輸通訊協定、應用程式介面、資料交換、靜態直欄檔案結構、訊息佇列遙測傳輸


專案計畫編號 經費年度 112 計畫經費 10880 千元
專案開始日期 2022/12/06 專案結束日期 2024/03/10 專案主持人 盧怡婷
主辦單位 環境部監測資訊司 承辦人 魏文娟 執行單位 卡米爾股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 結案報告書公開版_v2.pdf 42MB

111-113 year of environmental sensing data center operation and maintenance program

英文摘要 The major work in this project is comprised of the following parts: a. Sensing Data Collection, Circulation and Application With the progress of environmental IoT sensor deployment, continuous monitoring and collection of environmental sensing data, along with comprehensive cross-domain data integration, are maintained. The data flow monitoring mechanism is enhanced to ensure the complete collection of sensing data and uninterrupted external interface transmission. Moreover, the efficiency of data download and application services is maintained, facilitating efficient access and application of data by users. b. Transition of Data Center Role In collaboration with the Environmental Protection Agency, MQTT data transmission programs and IOT data API specifications were developed to strengthen the operational and application capabilities of local environmental authorities. By establishing data transmission standards and achieving real-time visualization, the ability of environmental agencies to handle sensing data is enhanced. Additionally, technical support and guidance are provided to assist with data interfacing, transmission program construction, and planning for subsequent project transfers. c. Account Permission Management and Control Achievement of account management automation along with the establishment of anomaly monitoring and notification mechanisms enables the system to automatically alert administrators when there is abnormal usage of user accounts. The setting of account validity period ensures that expired accounts are automatically disabled or deleted, enhancing management efficiency and security. d. Sensing Device Information Management Prior to the transition of data center roles, the maintenance of the sensing data management interface continues to ensure robustness of data and functions. The management of metadata for sensing devices is enhanced, improving the efficiency and accuracy for both users and administrators in handling sensing information. e. Sensing Data Quality Management A focus on monitoring the completeness and availability of data, prompt handling of anomalies during data collection, and ensuring a high-quality data supply are prioritized. Through continuous anomaly value checks and sharing data quality information with the Environmental Protection Agency, the data quality management mechanism is strengthened. f. Regular Maintenance and Management Regular checks, maintenance, and updates of the system and data, including system security inspections and data backup management, are executed to ensure stable system operation and data security. Furthermore, vulnerability scans, system stress tests, and disaster recovery drills are carried out to improve system security and resilience. g. Promotion and Other Information Services Support is provided for the promotion of environmental IoT-related activities, offering briefing and documentation assistance. Through analysis of abnormal cases and online consulting services, assistance is rendered to sensing device deployment units to effectively use the IoT platform. As the role of IoT gradually transitions, system expansion, changes, and education & training are conducted, assisting the Environmental Protection Agency in launching the system and establishing usage guidelines.
英文關鍵字 IoT、Sensor Data Collection、protocols、API、Data Exchange、Column-based parquet、Message Queuing Telemetry Transport(MQTT)