

中文摘要 為接軌聯合國SDGs及淨零綠生活之發展重點,開展112年度環境教育專案計畫,期望在各項活動中,落實《環境教育法》立法精神,向社會大眾推廣淨零綠生活行動,促進大眾的環境素養,以下為本年度期末成果摘要: (一)配合環境節日及其他環境教育相關活動計畫 1.本年度國際重要環境節日活動,從區域環境教育聯盟角度,以「永續×淨零×環教×綠輕旅」為主軸,結合本縣環境教育設施場所與鄰近場域,來設計主題課程,試圖將民眾拉回到環境現場,瞭解環境、感知環境,進而對環境負責任。 2.本年度已辦理「世界森林日」、「地球日」、「國際生物多樣性日」、「世界環境日」等4個國際重要環境節日活動,共262人次參加。整體而言,環境素養方面,有67.59%的人非常同意活動提升自身的環境素養,有28.12%的人為同意,僅有4.29%的人表示普通,顯示國際環境節日活動之內容,普遍提升參與民眾之環境素養;活動滿意度方面:有74.14%的人表示非常滿意,25.86%的人表示滿意,質化意見大部分為正面意見回饋。顯示本年度國際環境節日活動受到學員高度肯定。 (二)環境教育法第19條執行成效輔導查核及第24條「限期辦理」相關作業計畫 1.本年度已勾稽篩選出30個單位,目前已完成30處實地訪查。 2.訪查建議:(1)受查單位應依活動實際辦理內容詳實填寫其環境教育內容概要,並說明辦理內容及環境教育意涵;(2)活動完成後1個月內完成提報時數;(3)提醒戶外學習課程需在環境教育設施場所辦理;(4)環境教育之戶外學習時數取得方式,應選擇環境教育設施場所辦理,並宣導縣內場所已有10處。 3.由於各機關學校是推動環境教育的重要夥伴,為能夠逐步在環境教育政策加入淨零綠生活的關鍵戰略,本年度輔導訪查已持續提供各單位最新的環境議題與政策內容,以及轄內可運用之環境教育資源,不僅推廣環境教育設施場所,亦有助於轄內各機關滾動式調整環境教育政策與活動辦理方式。 4.機關學校輔導說明會:已於9月22日、23日完成3場輔導說明會課程,共計94人參加。學員活動滿意度方面,課程內容滿意程度有70%以上的人表示非常滿意,有26%表示滿意,另有3%表示普通。藉由本次說明會使本縣各機關學校熟悉、瞭解及操作「環境教育終身學習網系統」,俾利完成年度環境教育各項申報作業。玉里場及光復場次才用簡報說明,花蓮場次提供學員可同步實際操作各系統頁面之功能,若有問題可即時詢問講師進而排除狀況解決,若學員仍需輔導將另行安排電話中或現場輔導,課前課後均並將提供講義資料存放雲端位置給各承辦人員,達到便民服務及無紙化效益。 (三)環境講習計畫 1.本年度已辦理7場次環境講習,新案件清除率為77.2%:舊案件清除率51.6%,異地講習完成率100%。 2.環境講習雖然是為違法環境相關法令的民眾、機關團體或企業而開設的課程,但是課程內容設計仍是賦予正面的環境教育意涵,啟發參與課程的學員,在課後能攜手投入淨零綠生活的行動,帶動「生活轉型」以及「產業轉型」。 (四)環境教育志工培訓及運用計畫、環境教育大使經營管理計畫 1.經營管理規劃:因應「環境教育數位中心」的成立,進行環教大使職能培訓,以提升教學效能。 2.環境教育志工會議:已辦理2場次聯繫會報及2場次幹部會議,共計101人次參與。透過公開的討論,讓環境教育志工能夠了解志工隊的運作情形,環保局人員亦可在會議上宣達最新訊息(如淨零綠生活),以及知悉志工的想法,作為擬定政策之參考。 3.環境教育志工專業培訓以及增能培訓課程: (1)專業培訓:已完成6場次,共計180人次參與,主要進行環教大使現有教案以及未來新教案之演示與交流,整體而言,環境素養方面:有76.1%的人表示非常同意活動提升自身的環境素養,有23%的人表示同意,僅有1%的人表示普通,顯示大部分的環教大使肯定專業培訓的內容;活動滿意度方面:有78.4%的人表示非常滿意,有20.9%的人表示滿意,僅有0.7%的人表示普通,顯見環教大使肯定活動整體安排。 (2)增能培訓:完成成2天1夜的增能培訓,促進環教大使學習臺北市環境教育設施場所之特色與優點,共40人參與,經過增能培訓後,有99.4%的學員同意已具有「氣候變遷」、「環境及資源管理」及「文化保存」的相關環境素養,培訓滿意度方面有84.9%的學員感到非常滿意,有14.2%的學員感到滿意。 3.環境教育志工運用:本年度配合學校、社區申請的課程,已請203人次環教大使到場宣導。透過環境教育大使的宣導,提升花蓮民眾對於「食農教育」、「海洋保育」、「空氣品質」、「河川水質」、「環境衛生」以及「節能減碳」的環境素養。 4.由於環境教育大使是本縣推廣環境教育、淨零綠生活的重要人力,本年度透過紮實的專業培訓以及進行標竿學習的增能培訓,有助於環境教育大使吸收環境新知、淨零綠生活的重要性,與關鍵環境教育單位交流,促進環教大使轉化為教學內容。環境教育大使能與時俱進,精進自我環境素養,才能為本縣民眾推廣全面的環境教育以及淨零綠生活內容。 (五)環境知識競賽 1.地方初賽:已於112年9月9日在本縣壽豐國小文康中心舉辦完畢,選出20名選手代表花蓮縣參加全國賽。今年是第二次與縣內環境教育輔導團合作辦理地方初賽,因有去年舉辦經驗,今年更臻成熟。 2.命題部分:為配合環保署環境知識競賽初賽參賽者環境教育素養成效調查,競賽題目將依7大類進行命題:綠生活、氣候變遷及災害防救、資源循環、公害防治、環境管理、自然保育、文化保存及社區參與等,並羅列近年國內外重要環境議題,交由本縣環境教育輔導團作為地方賽命題之參考,並確保題目皆具有環境素養。 3.地方初賽各組前五名組成花蓮縣代表隊,於112年11月18日至高雄科技大學參加知識競賽全國賽。 (六)全國環保志(義)工群英會地方行政支援計畫 1.地方初賽:已於112年7月15日在花蓮市中華國小辦理完成, 初賽的結果,本年度共有24個隊伍報名,環保金頭腦及資源分類王最後皆由花蓮縣環境教育大使服務隊奪得第1名,資源灌籃高手最後舞鶴翱翔隊奪得第1名,環境保衛戰由吉安鄉環境保護發展協會奪得第1名,將由這四個隊伍代表參加群英會全國賽。 3.全國賽:由上述四個隊伍組成花蓮縣代表隊於112年10月29日至台南嘉南藥理大學參加群英會全國賽,花蓮縣代表隊獲得環保金頭腦、資源分類王、資源灌籃高手、環境保衛戰四個特優大滿貫的成績,舞鶴翱翔隊馬○峻代表參加環保達人暖身賽奪得環保達人,成績相當優異。 (七)辦理112年度花蓮縣環境教育繪本徵選及推廣計畫 1.徵選規劃:本年度規劃以花蓮縣在地環境議題為故事背景發想,從淨零綠生活的食、衣、住、行、育、樂、購等面向,創作出富有花蓮特色之環境教育繪本。 2.繪本甄選結果:於112年7月17日辦理繪本甄選會議,共有14件繪本作品進行初審與決審,最後選出前三名繪本依序為《減塑行不行》、《年年有魚吃》、《尼尼的遺願》,《稻草藝術村》則得到優選。於112年10月3日進行頒獎典禮,邀請得獎者出席受獎。 3.環境教育繪本工作坊:112年4月8日、4月9日在吉安好客藝術村6號館辦理完成,共計80人次參與,參加的創作者有83%的學員感到非常滿意,有15.7%的學員感到滿意,從前後測學習單比對,學員能夠回答正確答案,顯示參與學員已提升自身學習成效;對於本身的環境素養提升,有95.8%的學員認為已具有「花蓮環境議題」的相關環境素養。 4.今年的環境教育繪本教案是由花蓮縣環境教育輔導團顧問黃O蘭團長撰寫改編戲劇劇本〈綠色使者〉,並邀請環教大使擔任演員,於112年 10月14日繪本嘉年華演出。 (八)辦理寒(暑)假期環境教育營隊計畫 1.本年度選定在本縣優質環境教育設施場所-花蓮糖廠環境教育中心,分別在112年7月21日至7月22日、8月18日至8月19日各辦理1梯次營隊,已辦理完畢。 2. 本次營隊活動兩梯次共60人次參加。由前後測結果得知,本活動對於參與學員知識的提升有顯著幫助。有95%的學員對環境態度部分,環境意圖部分有高於85%的學員表示願意主動關心氣候變遷等相關問題。高於85%的學員具備環境技能,而活動滿意度調查則有平均95%的學員滿意學習內容。 3.本次營隊以國小四年級以上至高級中等以下學生為主,期望學員了解花蓮糖廠如何從以往的製糖業轉型為觀光工廠,並且結合在地特色推展環境教育,希望學生能透過寓教於樂的方式,激發學生未來投入守護環境的行為。 (九)第9屆國家環境教育獎地方初審作業計畫 1.去年第8屆國家環境教育獎的全國決選,花蓮縣獲得5組優等之殊榮,為了持續向全國社會大眾分享花蓮縣深耕環境教育的成果,本年度籌備第9屆國家環境教育獎,已積極盤點花蓮縣內潛力單位,並邀請有興趣之參與之單位,出席今年3月28日的縣內說明會,共計40人參與。 2.第9屆國家環境教育獎花蓮縣地方初審已於112年6月27日辦理初審會議,選出五組進行決審,分別為:(1)個人組:吳O月;(2)民營事業組:和平工業區專用港實業股份有限公司;(3)團體組:社團法人花蓮縣織羅部落文化傳承經濟發展協會;(4)機關(構)組:經濟部水利署第九河川分署(原經濟部水利署第九河川局)、台灣糖業股份有限公司花東區處。花蓮縣環保局與本公司,將持續輔導陪伴,給予各項參賽之意見回饋及相關行政支援,讓花蓮縣的績優單位,能夠在全國的舞台上發光發熱。 3.決審會議:第9屆國家環境教育獎決審會議已於112年8月23日辦理完畢。團體獎特優得主為「社團法人花蓮縣織羅部落文化傳承經濟發展協會」,民營事業組特優代表為「和平工業區專用港實業股份有限公司」,機關組特優為「經濟部水利署第九河川分署」與「台灣糖業股份有限公司花東區處」,個人組特優獎得主為吳○月女士。以上得獎單位不論團體或個人均在環境教育領域努力堅持,方能獲得殊榮,期許未來皆能繼續攜手為花蓮環境永續努力。 4.頒獎典禮:已於112年10月3日舉行頒獎典禮,邀請得獎單位參與受獎,並由縣長徐○蔚頒獎。 (十)辦理惜食料理食譜/惜食教案甄選活動 1.本年度首次辦理惜食料理與惜食教案甄選,已在112年2月21日、2月23日分別召集相關專家學者,針對本年度甄選簡章進行討論,修訂後之簡章,配合112年3月24日環保署惜食甄選活動記者會及指定報名網站,正式對外公告甄選活動,徵選期程:即日起至112年6月15日止。 2.地方賽初選:本年度惜食料理食譜/惜食教案甄選地方賽初選已於112年6月30日完成書面審查,「惜食料理食譜組」報名共有43組進行初選,經初選後共9組於112年7月29日進行食譜組決賽;本年度報名參賽「惜食教案組」共有8組報名,經初選後有7名於6月30日進行現場教學演示,最後共選出前三名與4名佳作。經過地方賽初賽,最後選出食譜組第一名陳○瑋作品「春之秧月」及教案組第一名林○芳「呷飽了沒?---大家」代表花蓮縣參加全國賽。 3. 惜食料理食譜/惜食教案全國賽:花蓮縣惜食料理食譜/惜食教案全國賽由 食譜組第一名陳○瑋作品「春之秧月」及教案組第一名林○芳「呷飽了沒?---大家」代表花蓮縣參加112年9月19日料理食譜/惜食教案全國賽。陳○瑋獲得滿漢全惜獎,林○芳獲得特色教案獎。 (十一)環境教育審議會、跨局會議、環境教育行動方案及成果 1.花蓮縣環境教育審議會暨跨局處會議:已於112年4月14日在「花蓮糖廠環境教育中心」舉行,共有37人與會,審議111年度本縣各局處環境教育執行成果以及112年環境教育推動計畫提交內容。 2.環境教育行動方案:促使各機關(構)、學校、民間團體與企業,在環境永續之原則下共同推動環境教育,依據本縣環境教育行動策略,112年度重要執行成果為: (1)品質認證策略:輔導民間、企業、公民營事業推動環境教育,在各方努力下,碧雲莊在地循環繪本閱讀教育園、洄遊吧食魚體驗館,已於112年3月1日正式通過環境教育設施場所認證,另計量與綠能探索館於112年8月16日通過認證成為環境教育設施場所,讓花蓮縣整體環境教育設施場所數量來到10處。 (2)輔導獎勵策略:112年度第9屆國家環境教育獎,花蓮縣已於112年8月23日舉辦決審會議,有5組獲得特優:團體獎特優得主為「社團法人花蓮縣織羅部落文化傳承經濟發展協會」,民營事業組特優代表為「和平工業區專用港實業股份有限公司」,機關組特優為「經濟部水利署第九河川分署」與「台灣糖業股份有限公司花東區處」,個人組特優獎得主為吳○月女士。 (3) 環境教育審議會議:於112年11月30日假藍天麗池飯店舉行。共有40人與會,討論「113-116年花蓮縣環境教育行動方案草案條文修正案」。 (十二)環境教育設施場所認證輔導 1.環境教育設施場所認證輔導:本年度共有碧雲莊在地循環繪本教育共讀園、洄游吧與計量與綠能探索館完成認證申請,正式成為環境教育設施場所。 2.現有環境教育設施場所追蹤輔導:花蓮縣共有10處環教設施場所,其中碧雲莊在地循環繪本閱讀教育園、洄遊吧食魚體驗館於112年3月1日通過認證、計量與綠能探索館於112年8月16日通過認證審查,故本年度將先追蹤其餘7處場所,本年度追蹤情形如下: (1)環境教育人力面向:7處皆有專責環境教育認證人員,伊入柑布農部落本年度亦派員至宜蘭大學接受環教人員認證課程,逐步拓展人力;志工方面,伊入柑布農部落及花蓮糖廠環境教育中心尚未建置環境教育志工,其餘皆有志工協助導覽或課程相關服務。 (2)環境教育課程執行面向:7處皆致力推廣核定課程,另怡園生態小學塾、和平工業區專用港生態教室及太魯閣國家公園亦積極開發新課程。 (3)營運管理規劃面向:7處皆有客製化課程;亦有對外合作單位,連結鄰近場域自然及社區資源,有益紮根在地環境教育。 (4)7場所皆有專責的環境教育認證人員持續推廣環境教育課程,亦可針對上課團體進行客製化課程;且皆有對外合作單位,有益形成區域聯盟,攜手紮根在地環境教育。 3.本年度亦輔導中華紙漿廠、台灣港務股份有限公司花蓮分公司、花蓮市農會、花蓮富里鄉農會等4個潛力單位,進行密切追蹤與輔導,協助其準備環境教育設施場所申請文件。 (十三)辦理112年度花蓮縣空氣污染防制課程開發與教學工作計畫 1. 空氣污染防制環境教育教案編製:結合2050淨零排放政策,已於112年4月16日配合環教大使專業培訓課程,進行「室內空氣品質-藏在家中的小惡魔們」教案第1次試教;112年5月12日進行第2次試教,之後分別在112年6月15日與112年7月1日進行兩次教案培訓。 2. 空氣污染防制環境教育教案宣導:112年8場次的教案宣導,本年度已執行完畢。 3. 數位空氣污染防制環境教育典藏網站維護管理方面:每週皆更新2則環境教育新聞及文章。 4. 空氣污染防制環境教育手札:已完成1,000本環境教育手札並提送進局。
中文關鍵字 環境教育、環境素養、環境教育輔導、環境教育推廣、環境教育志工


專案計畫編號 EPB1120000002 經費年度 112 計畫經費 9300 千元
專案開始日期 2023/01/01 專案結束日期 2023/12/31 專案主持人 鍾昭儀
主辦單位 花蓮縣環境保護局 承辦人 周佳萱 執行單位 亞太環境科技股份有限公司


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期末報告 112年花蓮縣環境教育專案計畫成果報告.pdf 17MB 112年度花蓮縣環境教育專案計畫成果報告

2023 Hualien Environmental Education Project

英文摘要 112 Years Hualien Environmental Education Project In order to align with the United Nations SDGs and the development priorities of national green life movement, we launch the 2023 Environmental Education Project. We hope to implement the legislative spirit of the “The Environmental Education Act " in various activities, promote green living actions to the public, and encourage the public to take concrete actions for the sustainable development of the earth. The following is a summary of the final results of this year's plan: 1. Cooperate with environmental festivals and other environmental education related activity plans. 1.1 Annual theme: With "Sustainability x Environmental Education x Green Light Travel" as the main theme, combine the SDGs indicators, the local environmental education facilities and sites, to design themed courses. It is expected that through the courses, students will enhance their environmental knowledge, attitudes, behavior intentions and skills in environmental literacy, and engage in friendly environmental activities. 1.2 This year, four international important environmental festivals, including “World Forest Day”, "THE Earth Day”, "International Biodiversity Day," and "World Environment Day," were held with a total of 262 participants. Overall, 67.59% of people strongly agree that activities can improve their environmental interacy in terms of environmental interacy, 28.1% of people agreed, only 4.29% people said it were ordinary. Display the content of international environmental festival activities and generally enhance the environmental interacy of participanting people. In terms of activities satisfaction , there are 74.14% of people said they were satisified , and 25.9% said they were satisified . Most of the qualitative opinions are positive feedback. 2. Plan of Operations related to Article 19 and 24 of the Environmental Education Act. 2.1 30 units have been screened out this year, and 30 on-site inspections have been completed. 2.2 Advice for investigation: (i) Departments under examination should fill out their summary of environmental education according to the actual content of the events and elaborate on the content of the events and the implication regarding environmental education. (ii) Finish reporting the hours within 1 month after the completion of the activity. (iii) Remember that outdoor curriculum should be implemented at environmental education facilities. (iv) To obtain outdoor curriculum hours regarding environmental education, activities should take place at environmental education facilities and should disseminate that there are already ten of such facilities existing in the county. 2.3 Since all governmental agencies and schools are important partners in promoting environmental education, in order to gradually incorporate key strategies of net-zero green living into environmental education policies, the assisted investigation of this year has continued to provide each unit with the latest environmental issues and policies as well as usable environmental education resource under jurisdiction. Not only does it promote environmental education facilities, but it also helps agencies under administration adjust their environmental education policies and methods of raising events. 2.4 Counseling sessions for institutional schools: Three counseling sessions were completed on September 22nd and 23rd, with a total of 94 people participating. In terms of the degree of students’ satisfaction, more than 70% said that they were very satisfied with the content of the course, 26% said that they were satisfied, and 3% said that the courses were average. Through the sessions this time, all schools in the county would be familiar with, understand, and operate the “Environmental Education Lifelong Learning Network System” to facilitate the completion of various annual environmental education application tasks. Sessions in Yuli and Guangfu were introduced with presentation. The session in Hualien provided students with the function of operating each website synchronously. If there are any questions, instructors are ready to be asked and will solve the problems immediately. If students still need guidance, telephone or on-site counseling will be arranged. Handout materials will be provided and stored in the cloud for each organizer before and after the class to achieve the convenience of the service and the effectiveness of being paperless. 3. Project for environmental lecture 3.1 Seven environmental lectures have been conducted this year. The clearance rate for new cases is 77.2% and for old cases is 51.6%, and the rate of completion for off-site training is 100%. 3.2 Although the environmental lectures are designed for people, institutions, groups, or companies that violate environment-related regulations, the content of the courses is still designed to give positive environmental education connotations, inspiring students who participate in the courses to participate in the action of net-zero green living in the hopes of leading to “the transformation of life” and “the transformation of industry.” 4. Projects for training and utilizing environmental education volunteers and projects for the operation and management of environmental education ambassadors. 4.1 Plans for operation and management: In response to the establishment of the “Environmental Education Digital Center,” vocational training for environmental education ambassadors will be carried out to improve the effectiveness of teaching. 4.2 Meetings for environmental education volunteers: two joint meetings and two cadre meetings have been held, with a total of 101 participants. Through open discussions, environmental education volunteers can understand the operating situation of the volunteer team. Staffs of Environmental Protection Bureau can also announce the latest information (e.g., net-zero green living) at the meeting and understand the volunteers’ ideas as a reference for formulating policies. Professional trainings for environmental education volunteers and Ability Enhancement Courses: (i) Professional Trainings: six sessions have been completed, with a total of 180 people participating. They focused on the demonstration and exchange of the environmental education ambassadors’ now existing and future lesson plans. Overall, in terms of environmental literacy: 76.1% of people expressed strong agreement that the activities improved their environmental literacy. 23% of people agreed, and only 1% said it was average, indicating that most environmental education ambassadors affirmed the content of professional trainings; in terms of degree of satisfaction regarding the activities: 78.4% said that they were strongly satisfied, 20.9% satisfied, and only 0.7% said that it was average, which clearly shows that the environmental education ambassadors affirmed the overall arrangement of the event. 4.3 (ii) Ability Enhancement Courses: A two-day and one-night ability enhancement course was completed to encourage environmental education ambassadors to learn the characteristics and advantages of environmental education facilities in Taipei City. A total of 40 people participated. After the ability enhancement course, 99.4% of the trainees agreed that they possessed the literacy regarding “climate change,” “environment and resource management,” and “cultural preservation.” 84.9% of the trainees were very satisfied with the training, and 14.2% of the trainees were satisfied. 4.4 The use of environmental education volunteers: 203 environmental education ambassadors have been invited to disseminate on spot at the courses that were applied to cooperate with schools and communities this year. Through environmental education ambassadors’ dissemination, we hope to improve the environmental literacy regarding “food and agriculture education,” “marine conservation,” “air quality,” “river water quality,” “environmental sanitation,” and “energy saving and carbon reduction” of people in Hualien. 4.5 Since environmental education ambassadors are important human power in promoting environmental education and net-zero green living in the county, solid professional trainings and ability enhancement courses used for benchmarking study this year helped environmental education ambassadors absorb new environmental knowledge, realize the importance of net-zero green living, and communicate with the key units of environmental education, which stimulates the environmental education ambassadors to convert their course contents. Only when environmental education ambassadors keep up with the times and improve their own environmental literacy can they promote comprehensive environmental education and net-zero green living content to the people of the county. 5. Environmental Knowledge Competition 5.1 Local Preliminary Competition: It was held at the Cultural and Recreation Center of Shoufeng Elementary School in this county on September 9th, 2023. Twenty contestants were selected to represent Hualien County to attend the national competition. It was the second time of this year that we have cooperated with the environmental education guidance group of the county to organize the local preliminary competition. Due to the experience of holding it last year, it is more mature this year. 5.2 In order to cooperate with the Ministry of Environment’s investigation of the effectiveness of the environmental education literary of the participants who attended the preliminary round of the Environmental Knowledge Competition, the topics of the competition were based on seven categories: green life, climate change and disaster prevention, resource recycling, prevention of public nuisance, environmental management, natural conservation, cultural preservation, community participation, etc. Also, important environmental issues in the country and abroad in the recent years were listed and ensured that all topics relate to environmental literacy, which served as the reference for environmental education guidance group to design questions for local competition. 5.3 The representative team of Hualien County was composed of the top five groups from regional competition, and it has attended the national competition of the knowledge competition at National Kaohsiung University of Science and Technology on November 18th, 2023. 6. Project for regional administration to support national association of outstanding environmental volunteers. 6.1 Regional Preliminary Competition: It was completed at Zhonghua Elementary School in Hualien City on July 15th, 2023. According to the result of the preliminary competition, a total of 24 teams has signed up this year. The environmental education ambassadors of the service team in Hualien County won the first place in both Gold Brain of Environmental Protection and King of Resource Classification. Team Wuhe Soaring won the first place in Resource Slam Dunk Master. Ji’an Township Environmental Protection and Development Association won the first place in Environmental Protection Battle. These four teams will be represented in the national competition for the association of the outstanding. 6.2 National competition: The representative team of Hualien County, composed of the above four teams, went to Chia Nan University of Pharmacy and Science on October 29th, 2023 to participate in the national competition of the association of the outstanding. The representative team of Hualien County achieved four outstanding results in Gold Brain of Environmental Protection, King of Resource Classification, Resource Slam Dunk Master, and Environmental Protection Battle. Ma ○ Jun, the representative of the Wuhe Soaring Team, participated in the warm-up competition of the Environmental Protection Expert and won with excellent results. 7. Application for 2023 Hualien County Environmental Education Picture Book Selection and Promotion Project 7.1 Plans for the selection: The plan for this year is based on local environmental issues in Hualien County as the background story to create environmental education picture books that are rich in the characteristics of Hualien from food, clothing, housing, transportation, education, entertainment, shopping and other aspects related to net-zero green living. 7.2 The result of the selection of the picture books: A picture book selection meeting was held on July 17th, 2023. There were 14 picture books altogether undergoing the preliminary and final review. The top three picture books selected in descending order are: “Plastic Reduction, Yes or No,” “Fish to Eat Every Year,” and “Nini’s Last Wish.” “The Village of the Art of Straw” was granted merit award. The award ceremony will be held on October 3rd, 2023, and the winners will be invited to attend and receive their awards. 7.3 Workshops for environmental education picture books: They were completed at Hall No.6 of Ji’an Hakka Artist Village on April 8th and April 9th,2023. A total of 80 people participated, and 83% of the participants were strongly satisfied, and 15.7% of the students were satisfied. From the comparison of the worksheets of the pre- and post-test, the students could answer the correct answers, showing that students who participated have improved the effectiveness of learning; Regarding the improvement of environmental literacy of themselves, 95.8% of the students think that they have acquired environmental literacy related to “the environmental issues in Hualien.” 7.4 The lesson plan for environmental education picture book this year is an adaptation of the drama script “Green Messenger” written and adapted by the leader Huang O Lan. Additionally, the environmental ambassadors were invited to be actors and perform at the Picture Book Carnival on October 14th, 2023. 8. Application for projects regarding environmental education camps during winter (summer) vacation 8.1 Hualien Sugar Factory Environmental Education Center was selected to be the high-quality environmental education facility for this year. Camps were held there respectively from July 21st to July 22nd and August 18th to August 19th. 8.2 There were 60 people participated in the camps by two batches. The results of the pre- and post-test indicated that this activity was significantly helpful in improving the knowledge of the participating students. 95% of the students showed that they cared about the environment. In terms of aspects related to the intention towards environment, more than 85% of the students expressed their willingness to actively care about issues related to climate change. More than 85% of the students possessed environmental skills, and the survey regarding degree of satisfaction of the activity showed that an average of 95% of the students were satisfied with the learning content. 8.3 The camps this time were mainly for students above the fourth grade of elementary schools and students below senior high schools. We hope that students will understand how the Hualien Sugar Factory transformed from a sugar making industry to a tourist factory, and we combined local characteristics to promote environmental education, hoping that through educational entertainment, students can be inspired to take action on environmental protection in the future. 9. Regional Preliminary Review Project for the 9th National Environmental Education Award 9.1 In the national final selection of the 8th National Environmental Education Award last year, Hualien County won five distinction awards. In order to continue sharing the result of Hualien County’s deep cultivation of environmental education with the national public, preparations for the 9th National Environmental Education Award this year have been made. We actively inventoried potential units in Hualien County and invited units that were interested in participating in attending the conference in the county on March 28th this year, with a total of 40 people participating. 9.2 The preliminary review meeting regarding the 9th National Environmental Education Award has been held on June 27th, 2023 by the regional preliminary review of Hualien County, and five groups were selected for the final review respectively: (i) Individual Group: Wu O Yue; (ii) Private Business Group: Hoping Industrial Port Corporation; (iii) Team Group: Association of Cultural Heritage and Economy Development of Ceroh Tribe, Hualien; (iv) Institutional Group: Ninth River Management Branch of Water Resources Agency of Ministry of Economic Affairs (former Ninth River Management Bureau of Water Resources Agency of Ministry of Economic Affairs)、Taiwan Sugar Corporation of Hualien and Taitung Office. Environmental Protection Bureau of Hualien County and our company will keep providing guidance and companionship, giving feedback on various competitions and related administrative support to let outstanding units in Hualien County shine on the national stage. 9.3 Final review meeting: The final review meeting of the 9th National Environmental Education Award was completed on August 23rd, 2023. The winner of the distinction award for group award was “Association of Cultural Heritage and Economy Development of Ceroh Tribe, Hualien.” The representative for the distinction award among private business groups was “Hoping Industrial Port Corporation.” The winners of high distinction award among institutional groups were “Ninth River Management Branch of Water Resources Agency of Ministry of Economic Affairs” and “Taiwan Sugar Corporation of Hualien and Taitung Office.” The winner of high distinction award among individual groups was Ms. Wu ○ Yue. The above award-winning units, whether groups or individuals, have worked hard and persevered in the field of environmental education to receive the honor. We hope that all of us can continue to work together for the sustainability in the environment in Hualien in the future. 9.4 Award Ceremony: The award ceremony has been held on October 3rd, 2023. Award-winning units were invited to participate in the reception of the awards, and the awards were awarded by County Mayor Xu ○ Wei. 10. Application for food-cherishing cooking recipe/the selection of food-cherishing lesson plans 10.1 The selection of food-cherishing cooking and food-cherishing lesson plans was held for the first time this year. Relevant experts and scholars were convened to discuss the selection brochures for this year on February 21st and February 23rd, 2023. After the brochure was revised, the selection was officially announced to the public in coordination with the press conference regarding the food-cherishing selection activity that was held by the Environmental Protection Bureau on March 24th, 2023 and the assigned sign-up page. The selection started from today until June 15th, 2023. 10.2 Preliminary selection for the regional competition: The preliminary selection for the regional competition of food-cherishing cooking recipe / food-cherishing lesson plans has completed paper audition on June 30th, 2023. A total of 43 groups have registered for “food-cherishing cooking recipe group.” After the selection, 9 groups competed in the final competition of the recipe group on July 29th, 2023. A total of 8 groups signed up for “food-cherishing lesson plans group” this year. After the preliminary selection, there were 7 groups doing teaching demonstration on the spot, and top three and four honorable mention awards were selected in the end. After the preliminary round for the regional competition, Chen ○ Wei’s “Spring Moon” from recipe group and Lin ○ Fang’s “Are you full yet?---Everyone” from the lesson plans group won the first place, representing Hualien County to attend the national competition. 10.3 National competition for food-cherishing cooking recipe / food-cherishing lesson plans: The national competition for food-cherishing cooking recipe / food-cherishing lesson plans of Hualien County is represented by the first place winner in the recipe group, Chen ○ Wei’s work “Spring Moon” and the first-place winner in the lesson plans group, Lin ○ Fang’s “Are you full yet? --- Everyone” to attend National Cooking Recipe/Food-cherishing Lesson Plan Competition on September 19th, 2023. Chen ○ Wei won the Man-Han Quan Xi Award, and Lin ○ Fang won the Characteristic Lesson Plan Award. 11. Environmental Education Review Committee, Inter-bureau Meetings, Environmental Education Action Programs and Results 11.1 Hualien County Environmental Education Review Meeting and Inter-bureau Meeting: It was held at the “Hualien Sugar Factory Environmental Education Center” on April 14th, 2023, with a total of 37 people attending to review the implementation result of environmental education of various bureaus and offices in the county in 2022 and to review the submission of content related to environmental education promotion project in 2023. 11.2 Environmental Education Action Program: Encourage various agencies (institutions), schools, civil organizations, and companies to collaboratively promote environmental education under the principle of environmental sustainability. According to environmental education action strategy of the county, the major implementation results in 2023 are: (i) Quality Certification Strategy: Provide assistance to civil societies, companies, private and public sectors to promote environmental education. With the efforts of all parties, Biyunzhuang Local Circulating Picture Book Reading and Education Park and Fish Bar Fish-Eating Experience Center have passed the certification for environmental education facilities on March 1st, 2023. Metrology and Green Energy Exploration Center also passed the certification and became an environmental education facility on August 16th, 2023, bringing the overall number of environmental education facilities in Hualien County to 10. (ii) Guidance and Reward Strategy: For the 9th National Environmental Education Award in 2023, Hualien County has held the final review meeting on August 23rd, 2023, and 5 groups have won special distinction awards: The winner for the group award was “Association of Cultural Heritage and Economy Development of Ceroh Tribe, Hualien.” The winner among the private business groups was “Hoping Industrial Port Corporation.” Winners among the institutional groups were “Ninth River Management Branch of Water Resources Agency of Ministry of Economic Affairs” and “Taiwan Sugar Corporation of Hualien and Taitung Office.” The winner among the individual groups was Ms. Wu ○ Yue. (iii) Environmental Education Review Meeting: It was held at Azure Hotel on November 30th, 2023. A total of 40 people attended the meeting to discuss the “Draft Amendment of Hualien County’s Environmental Education Operation Program for 2024-2027.” 12. Guidance for the certification of environmental education facilities 12.1 Environmental education facility certification guidance: Biyunzhuan Local Circulating Picture Book Reading and Education Park, Fish Bar, and Metrology and Green Energy Exploration Center have completed the application for the certification and officially become environmental education facilities this year. 12.2 Tracking and guidance for existing environmental education facilities: There are 10 environmental education facilities in Hualien County. Among them, Biyunzhuan Local Circulating Picture Book Reading and Education Park and Fish Bar Fish-eating Experience Center passed certification on March 1st, 2023. The Metrology and Green Energy Exploration Center passed the certification review on August 16th, 2023, so the remaining 7 locations will be tracked priorly this year. The tracking status of this year is as follows: (i) Aspects regarding the manpower for environmental education: All 7 locations have certified personnel dedicated to environmental education. The Izukan tribe of Bunun people also sent personnel to Yilan University to receive courses regarding environmental education personnel certification this year, gradually expanding their manpower; in terms of volunteers, the Izukan tribe of Bunun people and Hualien Sugar Factory Environmental Education Center have not yet established environmental education volunteers, and the rest facilities all have volunteers to assist in guided tours or course-related services. (ii) Aspects regarding the implementation of environmental education courses: All seven facilities are committed to promoting approved courses. In addition, Yiyuan Ecological Primary School, Hoping Industrial Port Ecological Classroom, and Taroko National Park are also actively developing new courses. (iii) Aspects regarding the planning of operations management: All 7 locations have customized courses; there are also external cooperation units connecting with nearby natural fields and community resources, which is beneficial for taking root in local environmental education. (iv) All 7 facilities have certified environmental education personnel to continuously promote environmental education courses and provide customized courses for groups in class; and all sites have their external cooperation units, which is beneficial to forming a regional alliance and working together to take root in local environmental education. 12.3 This year, we also provided guidance to four potential units, including Chung Hwa Pulp Factory, Hualien Branch of Taiwan International Ports Corporation, Hualien City Farmers Association, and Hualien Fuli Township Farmers Association, to closely track and provide guidance and assist them in preparing documents for the application for environmental education facilities. 13. Application for 2023 Hualien County Air Pollution Prevention Curriculum Development and Education Program 13.1 Compilation of air pollution prevention and environmental education lesson plans: In conjunction with the 2050 net-zero emission policy, the lesson plan of “Indoor Air Quality - Little Devils Hidden at Home” was trialed for the first time on April 16th, 2023, coordinating with the professional training course for the environmental education ambassadors; the second trial was implemented on May 12th, 2023, and then two trainings for lesson plans were conducted respectively on June 15th, 2023 and July 1st, 2023. 13.2 Promotion for the environmental education lesson plans regarding the prevention of air pollution: 8 sessions for the promotion for lesson plans in 2023 have been completed this year. 13.3 Aspects regarding the maintenance and management of the digital air pollution prevention and environmental education collection website: 2 environmental education news and articles are updated every week. 13.4 Environmental education handbooks regarding air pollution prevention: 1,000 environmental education handbooks have been completed and submitted to the bureau.
英文關鍵字 environmental education, environmental Literacy, environmental education counseling, environmental education promotion, environmental education volunteers