

中文摘要 一、空氣品質分析 112年1~11月臺東及關山站AQI<51「良好」日數比例分別為95.2%及97.0%,介於51~100「普通」日數比例分別為4.5%及3.0%,受境外影響臺東測站有一站日AQI>100;截至112年11月各項空氣品質指標項目如下表,皆符合空品標準及臺東縣空氣污染防制計畫(以下簡稱本縣污防書)年度目標;比較各污染物近五年1-10月同期逐時濃度變化,除了111年臺東測站SO2略高於近五年,以及臺東、關山兩站O3測值變化不大外,其餘112年1-11月污染物濃度均較近五年同期改善。 二、空氣品質惡化應變及預防作業 112年2月及3月更新本縣空氣污染事故緊急應變摘要及通聯手冊,因應新法於4月修訂公告「臺東縣區域空氣品質惡化防制措施」,指定臺東縣垃圾焚化廠及中華紙漿台東廠提送各級空氣品質惡化應變防制計畫,並於3月14日及8月17日辦理境外污染移入及河川揚塵緊急應變演練;因應焚化廠營運對區域空氣品質變化掌握需求,於2月新增豐里測站空氣品質警示自動通報,112年截至11月本縣共計有18日空氣品質警示,其中2日推估為農曆春節放炮祈福影響,有2日分別受到元宵節及媽祖生日祈福慶典活動影響,顯示防疫管制開放後民生活動熱絡,容易導致污染物濃度異常高值,另關山測站受到農疫高溫防治作業、周邊居民露天燃燒影響分別計有1站日高值警示,以及卡努颱風、小犬颱風、東北季風等引起河川揚塵有3日,臺東測站及豐里測站分別受到東北季風及小犬颱風影響引起河川揚塵2日及1日,將持續與相關單位共同推動空氣污染防制工作,掌握及改善區域性短時間高值情形。 三、空氣污染防制計畫暨環境部考核管理及推動 臺東縣空氣污染防制計畫(109~112年)已於110年11月核定公告,依據本縣污染物排放特性,分別就固定污染源、移動污染源、逸散污染源及綜合性管理提出1、5、10、3項管制措施,截至112年11月各項量化進度皆已達標,PM10、PM2.5、SOx、NOx、NMHC實質減量也已達標;依環境部規劃期程撰寫臺東縣空氣污染防制計畫(113~116年)(草案),研擬26項措施及4項空品改善,已於今(112)年10月27日召開好鄰居會商事前聚焦討論會議及今(112)年11月13日召開跨局處研商會議。 截至112年11月各項考評指標計有4項指標落後,分別為:1.柴油車汰換及污染改善、2.臭氧八小時空品統計、3.噪音陳情案件、4.機噪陳情案件,本計畫將持續協助機關督導及精進各管制推動,並協助於年度會議展現取得佳績。 四、室內空氣品質管理 依循環境部室內空氣品質考評標準,今(112)年共計巡檢輔導「應符合室內空氣品質管理法之公告場所」35家,CO2平均濃度皆<1,000ppm(室內空品標準參考值);針對18家列管公告場所查核追蹤及輔導申請標章皆已完成;分別於112年3月7日、3月23月及8月29日辦理廣播電台宣導、跨局會議及講習說明會等;截至112年11月累計核發9張(列管場所5張)優良級標章及4張(非列管場所2張)良好級以上標章,於10月辦理5家非列管場所標準檢測,提升公私場所自主申請標章,協助機關室空考核達滿分。 五、空氣品質淨化區 空品淨化區維護推動認養方面,於112年4月24日辦理本縣首場空氣品質淨化區暨清淨空氣綠牆認養推廣媒合說明會,今年共計推動4處空品淨化區認養,首次辦理本縣認養甄選作業,並於10月22日辦理表揚活動,公開鼓勵優良認養單位,並加強綠化基地永續發展。 六、其他配合推動之環保工作 配合宣導工作,購製環保標章宣導品及手拿板等,業務電台訪談並適時發布業務新聞訊息,提升宣導成效;發布空氣污染議題重視度與施政滿意度調查,並規劃年度榮譽獎項,鼓勵本縣空品維護或改善工作創新與發展。
中文關鍵字 空氣品質管理


專案計畫編號 經費年度 112 計畫經費 3700 千元
專案開始日期 2023/01/31 專案結束日期 2023/12/31 專案主持人 潘一誠
主辦單位 臺東縣環境保護局 承辦人 吳璧羽 執行單位 鼎環工程顧問股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 112年空品計畫期末報告定稿(全).pdf 24MB 112年度臺東縣空氣品質不良應變暨維護管理計畫-期末報告書定稿

2023 The Taitung County Characteristic Air Quality Analysis And Management Strategy Improve Project

英文摘要 Abstract This project executed from 31st January 2023 till 31st December 2023, and the cumulative execution progress ups to 100%. The abstract of each work item listed below. 1. The Analysis of Air Quality The proportion of Air Quality Index (AQI) until November 2023 in Taitung and Guanshan stations showed that days with “good” level (AQI <51) were 95.2% and 97.0% respectively, days with “normal” level (AQI 51-100) were 4.5% and 3.0%. The data of AQI until November 2023 in Taitung station also showed one day with “unhealthy day for sensitive groups” level (AQI >100) affected by transboundary pollutants. The statistics until November 2023 of all the air quality index items met the air quality standard and the targets of the air pollution control project (2020~2023). Compare daily hourly average concentration trend of all pollutants in the same period in the past five years (Jan-Nov, 2018-2023), almost all of the concentration trend of pollutants show downtrend, except for the concentration trend of SO2 showing uptrend and O3 showing nonsignificant difference. 2. The Emergency Response and Prevention of Air Quality Deterioration This project renewed the brief guide of the emergency response of air pollution episode and the contact manual agilely in February and March. This project also issued preventive measures of district air quality deterioration in April recording to the latest regulations, which demand the competent authority of Taitung Incineration Plant and Taitung branch factory of Chung Hwa Pulp Corporation to submit contingency plan of air pollution episode, respectively. This project executed early warning response drill of transboundary pollutants on 14th March and 17th August, respectively. To get a handle on Taitung Incineration Plant operating effects upon the air quality of Taitung, air quality deterioration alert of Fengli station is set since February. The air quality deterioration alert warned eighteen times from 1st January 2023 till 30th November 2023, there are 4 days that the alert warned of people setting off firecrackers for Chinese New Year and folk festival, 2 days warned of outdoor burning, 5 days warned of riverbed fugitive dust caused by the northeast monsoon. It would be better to promote air pollution prevention affairs with concerned department for mastering and improving short-term high value of pollutants concentration. 3. Environmental Protection Administration Assessment (2023) and Management of the Air Pollution Control Project (2020~2023) The air pollution control project (2020~2023) was issued since November 2021, proposing 19 regulatory countermeasures to control different type of pollution source. The reduction statistics until November 2023 of each pollutant has met the goals. Cross-county and city conference and inter-departmental conference were held on 27th October 2023 and 13th November 2023 respectively according to the timetable of MOE for drawing up the air pollution control project (2024~2027) draft, which including 26 regulatory countermeasures and 4 air quality improvement goals. There are 4 evaluation indexes being behind the goals of environmental protection administration assessment(2023), which are listed below: 1. phasing out old diesel car and reducing the pollution, 2. daily maximum of 8-hour average ozone, 3. noise petitions, 4. engine noise petitions, this project will help EPB to supervise and promote all countermeasures to get good evaluation. 4. Indoor Air Quality Management For improving the indoor air quality management in Taitung, thirty-five non-announcement management places were conducted the CO2 inspection, all of them conformed the standard concentration of CO2 (1,000ppm). This project also inspected eighteen announcement management places to confirm they are compliance with regulations. This project also plugged the indoor air quality management on the radio show and held the indoor air quality management conferences on 7th March 23rd March 29th August in 2023, respectively. This year, there are nine excellent-level badges, and four good-level badges were issued. There are five non-announcement management places were conducted the standard inspection in October, for getting good evaluation of indoor air quality management, this project will help EPB to counsel these five non-announcement management places about getting badges. 5. The Purification Area of Air Quality This project held the very first conference of matchmaking adoption of the purification area of air quality in Taitung on 24th April 2023 and promoted adoption of four purification areas of air quality. This project also held the very first selection of adoption units and praised them in a commendation on 22nd November. 6. Administrative Cooperation Matters This project purchased promotional materials about IAQ Self-management Badge, also plugged related information on the radio show and distributed news to disseminate it. This project also conducted a survey of air pollution attention and EPB performance evaluation of people living in Taitung, proposed awards of the year to enhance air quality improvement and innovation of related affairs.
英文關鍵字 air quality management