

中文摘要 1.河川揚塵預警通報 於112年11月及113年7月分別針對烏溪及濁水溪裸露地進行汛期後無人載具拍攝作業,並於112年10月及112年7月購置衛星圖資及進行裸露地圖資判識。同時透過航拍圖資、無人載具空拍作業及巡查作業等資料,進行河川揚塵好發區位判定並劃定河川揚塵之各級影響範圍,以掌握可能揚塵區位,並透過區域聯繫會議及揚塵緊急應變工法規劃,進行後續防制工作。計畫執行期間,共進行烏溪及濁水溪流域沿岸裸露地巡查213點次、配合空氣品質惡化應變巡查2點次、道路普查52條次;並完成濁水溪(西濱大橋下游、大城鄉3號越堤路)及烏溪(中寮里堤防)河川揚塵監視攝影機設置共336天次,可即時掌握現地河川揚塵狀況。 本計畫於112年11月、113年7月間執行烏溪、濁水溪流域裸露地無人載具空拍作業,結合無人載具拍攝分析成果發現,依據113年7月衛星空拍影像判釋結果,烏溪流域裸露地面積約395.2公頃,較112年同期增加4.7%,主要裸露地區域位於第一區約94.9公頃;依113年7月購置之濁水溪衛星圖資判識分析成果發現,濁水溪流域乾裸露地面積約731.8公頃,較112年同期增加3.1%,主要裸露區域位於第四區約216.2公頃以上資料除本計畫分析揚塵發生可能性以及判斷緊急應變施作可行性外,亦提供經濟部水利署第三河川分署及第四河川分署,作為抑制揚塵之參考。 2.河川揚塵環境清理洗街作業 本計畫於計畫執行期間,針對揚塵影響嚴重鄉鎮進行洗街作業,,共完成環境清理洗街6,031公里,依環境部削減係數推估,可減少TSP約83.23公噸、PM10約15.68公噸及PM2.5約3.66公噸。配合執行空品不良應變巡查73天次,並針對對應測站執行應變洗街作業1,718.1公里,推估可削減TSP 23.71公噸、PM10 4.47公噸及PM2.5 1.04公噸。 此外,為提升作業品質,本計畫每周進行1次洗街現場作業查核,共計已完成查核48次,查核結果均符合相關作業規範。本計畫備置直讀水質檢驗設備,於每次抽水時進行濁度、DO(溶氧量)及pH值檢測,歷次檢測結果皆符合相關用水規範。 3.揚塵緊急應變防制 依據行政院濁水溪揚塵防制及改善行動方案分工,本計畫須配合環境部氣象預報,針對本縣濁水溪裸露灘地執行河川揚塵緊急應變防制作業,以有效減緩河川揚塵對濁水溪沿岸民眾之影響,針對自強大橋下游、電塔下游及7號堤防外裸露地,執行三仙膠應變噴灑9次,合計施作面積113.64公頃,可分別減少TSP與PM10排放量40.23公噸與30.17公噸。另外,運用物聯網科技,當微型感測器測得PM10濃度達河126μg/m3時及配合環境部預警,啟動防制系統自動噴灑水霧,藉由增加空氣之濕度降低空氣中懸浮微粒之濃度,以減緩河川揚塵對沿岸民眾之影響。本計畫於113年5月13日完成水線裝設。 4.葡萄藤或其他資材等鋪設作業 本計畫於竹塘鄉高鐵橋下游R7、R9地號及跨河電塔上游裸露地,完成農業資材鋪設工作2.551公頃,合計使用農資505.34公噸,可分別減少TSP與PM10排放量0.9公噸與0.45公噸。 5.區域聯繫會議 共辦理二場次河川揚塵防制業務聯繫會議,第一場次於112年12月4日召開,出席人數共21位。第二場次於113年8月26日召開,出席人數共21位。會中除請各出席單位報告各項防制工作執行成果,並藉由會議辦理,協商各單位以最有效之管制工法進行揚塵防制,以利推動相關防制措施。 6.河川揚塵應變防護及宣導 (1)為使各單位熟悉河川揚塵應變作業流程,以縮短應變時間,強化各應變單位之處理能力。於112年9月26日於楊賢堤防74號越堤段、竹塘鄉慈航宮活動中心停車場辦理河川揚塵應變防護演練,出席人數共52人次。 (2)完成宣導品300份以上購置。本團隊為擴大宣導對象,配合員林市「員林獅子盃親子路跑」活動,於112年10月29日在員林公園辦理「河川揚塵防護宣導」,另配合消防局辦理之「彰化縣112年防災教育日系列活動防災小勇士」,於112年11月11日在二水鄉二水國小辦理環保小尖兵河川揚塵防護宣導,總宣導人數共725人。 (3)為提昇現地居民瞭解河川裸露地改善情況,並使相關單位相互交流裸露地改善工法,於113年5月16-17日邀請濁水溪流域居民及相關單位參與河川裸露地示範觀摩會議,並由經濟部水利署第四河川分署代表擔任講師說明濁水溪現況及揚塵改善工法,另由屏東縣政府環境保護局介紹高屏溪枯木覆蓋工法,參與人數合計65人次。
中文關鍵字 河川揚塵、烏溪、濁水溪


專案計畫編號 經費年度 112 計畫經費 5939 千元
專案開始日期 2023/09/06 專案結束日期 2024/09/05 專案主持人 江政祿
主辦單位 彰化縣環境保護局 承辦人 杜虹樺 執行單位 理虹工程顧問股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 112年度彰化縣烏溪及濁水溪河川揚塵防制環境清理計畫-期末報告.pdf 47MB 112年度彰化縣烏溪及濁水溪河川揚塵防制環境清理計畫-期末報告

Environmental Dust Control and Cleanup Plan for Wuxi and Zhuoshuixi Rivers in Changhua County, Year 112

英文摘要 River Dust Warning and Notification In November 2023 and July 2024, UAV imagery was used to capture exposed land in the Wu River and Zhuoshui River basins. Satellite images purchased in October and July 2023 helped identify exposed areas. Aerial surveys and inspections were carried out to map regions at high risk of river dust and assess its impact. During the project, 213 inspections were conducted along the riverbanks, along with 2 air quality response inspections and 52 road surveys. Monitoring cameras were installed at key locations for real-time dust monitoring (336 days). Satellite analysis from July 2024 showed 395.2 hectares of exposed land in the Wu River basin (4.7% increase) and 731.8 hectares in the Zhuoshui River basin (3.1% increase). These results provided crucial data for dust control measures, supporting the Ministry of Economic Affairs' river divisions. River Dust Environmental Cleaning and Street Washing Street washing operations were conducted in dust-affected areas, covering 6,031 kilometers. Based on EPA reduction factors, this action reduced TSP by 83.23 tons, PM10 by 15.68 tons, and PM2.5 by 3.66 tons. An additional 1,718.1 kilometers were cleaned as part of air quality emergency responses, reducing TSP by 23.71 tons, PM10 by 4.47 tons, and PM2.5 by 1.04 tons. Weekly inspections were done to ensure compliance with standards, with 48 inspections completed. Water quality tests for turbidity, dissolved oxygen (DO), and pH were also conducted, with all results meeting standards. Dust Emergency Response and Prevention In coordination with the Executive Yuan’s dust control plan, emergency measures were taken based on weather forecasts from the Ministry of Environment. Nine applications of Xianxian gel were sprayed on 113.64 hectares in critical areas, reducing TSP by 40.23 tons and PM10 by 30.17 tons. An IoT system was also deployed to automatically spray mist when PM10 levels reached 126 µg/m³, helping reduce airborne dust. The system was installed on May 13, 2024. Agricultural Material or Other Covering Work Agricultural materials were deployed on 2.551 hectares of exposed land near the high-speed rail bridge and power tower in Zhuo Township. A total of 505.34 tons of materials were used, reducing TSP by 0.9 tons and PM10 by 0.45 tons. Regional Coordination Meetings Two river dust prevention coordination meetings were held: one on December 4, 2023, and the second on August 26, 2024, each with 21 participants. These meetings facilitated discussions on dust control progress and the sharing of effective prevention methods. River Dust Emergency Response and Public Outreach (1) To improve response efficiency, an emergency drill was held on September 26, 2023, at Yangxian Dike and Zhutang Township, attended by 52 participants. (2) Over 300 promotional materials were distributed. In collaboration with the "Yuanlin Lion Cup Parent-Child Run," an outreach event was held on October 29, 2023, at Yuanlin Park, reaching 725 people. Another outreach was held on November 11, 2023, at Ershui Township's elementary school as part of a disaster prevention event. (3) A demonstration meeting on exposed land improvement methods was held from May 16–17, 2024, in the Zhuoshui River basin, with 65 attendees, including local residents and experts, providing an opportunity for sharing practices.
英文關鍵字 River Dust, Wu River, Zhuoshui River