

中文摘要 大小偵碳功能於6月上線,同時完成公告應回收登記回收業及處理業共410家組織型碳盤查輔導,線上輔導260家,現場輔導150家(其中60家為處理業),並完成署版碳總管與業者版碳總管功能。 已完成8場「領頭羊會」、10場「組織型碳盤查說明會」、8場實體「組織型碳盤查種子人員教育訓練」及1場線上、45分鐘「線上教學影片」及彙整常見問題處理回應置於大小偵碳功能供事業單位參考。 已完成24張「永續碳管理及碳盤查宣導懶人包圖卡」,除印製400本送業者,並已將電子檔置於大小偵碳功能上,供業者瀏覽及下載、已研提分年業者分類別推動輔導規劃,已完成7場專家學者座談會,會後皆依建議事項進行調整。 已完成6類別事業之減碳技術手冊及繪製30張減碳技術宣導懶人包圖卡。 已彙整國內其他政府單位資源媒合業者申請、已研提計畫整體規劃112~115年減碳績效與計算資源循環產業減碳潛勢量及減碳效益。 已製作6類別事業永續碳管理或碳盤查示範案例,並辦理3場成果推廣說明會,已於11月27~28日辦1場成果發表會,擴及同類別資源循環產業學習,最後持續協助機關行政事務至履約期限。 隨著今年度執行說明會、教育訓練、碳盤查輔導、減碳技術文件及成果說明會,對於業者在碳盤查與碳管理有一定程度上幫助。
中文關鍵字 公告應回收登記回收業及處理業、組織型碳盤查、碳管理


專案計畫編號 經費年度 112 計畫經費 14160 千元
專案開始日期 2023/04/11 專案結束日期 2023/12/15 專案主持人 倪雅惠
主辦單位 循環署回收基金管理會 承辦人 葉明昇 執行單位 環資國際有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 112公告應回收登記回收業及處理業永續碳管理計畫(第一年)成果報告書-定稿.pdf 68MB 成果報告定稿本

Carbon Management Project for Regulated Recyclable Waste Recycling and Disposal Enterprises (First Year).

英文摘要 The Customized Greenhouse Gas Inventory Platform was officially launched in June, alongside the completion of guidance for a total of 410 regulated recyclable waste recycling and disposal enterprises. Of these, 260 received online guidance, and 150 received on-site guidance (including 60 disposal enterprises). Furthermore, both the government-end and enterprise-end carbon inventory management functions were completed. A total of eight leadership meetings and 10 explanation meetings of organization-level greenhouse gas (GHG) inventory were held, along with eight sessions of physical organization-level GHG inventory seed personnel training and one 45-minute online instructional video. Frequently Asked Questions were compiled and made accessible within the aforementioned platform for the reference of enterprises and entities. A total of 24 Sustainable Carbon Management and GHG Inventory For Dummies cards were created, with 400 copies distributed to enterprises and soft copies uploaded to GHG Calculation & Reporting Tool. The guidance plans for different categories of enterprises were developed and categorized by year. Additionally, seven expert and scholar roundtable discussions were organized, with adjustments made according to their recommendations. The of carbon reduction technology handbooks for six categories of enterprises and 30 promotional cards for carbon reduction technology for dummies were prepared. The available resources from various domestic government agencies were consolidated for the use of enterprises applying for them. Planning for the overall assessment of carbon reduction performance, resource cycling industry carbon reduction potential, and carbon reduction effectiveness for the years 2023–2026 was proposed. Demonstration cases for sustainable carbon management and GHG inventory were developed for six categories of enterprises, and three result promotion meetings were organized. The presentation was held on November 27–28, aiming to promote learning among similar resource cycling industries. This project will continue to support administrative affairs within government agencies up to the contract deadlines. With the execution of explanation meetings, educational training, guidance on GHG inventory, carbon reduction technical documents, and result explanation meetings, it is expected that enterprises will receive valuable assistance in their GHG inventory and carbon management.
英文關鍵字 Regulated Recyclable Waste Recycling and Disposal Enterprises; Organization-level Greenhouse Gas Inventory; Carbon Management