

中文摘要 基隆市環境保護局為避免轄區內石綿建材廢棄物被不當清運及處理,導致民眾或從業人員暴露於石綿纖維風險之中,進而影響身體健康,遂提出「112年基隆市石綿建材廢棄物清除處理計畫」(以下簡稱本計畫)針對轄區內石綿建材進行調查、納管及通知,並針對其風險性進行宣導及教育訓練等措施。經公開評選後委託傑美工程顧問股份有限公司(以下簡稱本團隊)執行本計畫,本計畫經費為新臺幣1,250,000元整,計畫期程自112年5月5日至112年10月5日,各項工作執行說明如後。 一、 戶外石綿建材通知及調查宣導作業 本團隊已完成轄區內環境部「戶外含石綿建材空間分布管理系統」標定之77處戶外石綿建材確認及通知作業,其中確認為石綿建材共42處,另外35處以金屬或塑膠材質浪板為主。經調查統計本市42處石綿建材中具拆除意願達11處,石綿建才廢棄物總重量約達13噸。 二、 石綿建材廢棄物法規說明會 本團隊已分別於7月22日及9月2日針對基隆市各行政區之戶外石綿建材民眾及稽查人員辦理2場次「石綿建材廢棄物法規宣導說明會」,總參與人數達41位民眾。 三、 石綿建材廢棄物清除處理法規教育訓練 本團隊已於8月1日至9月1日以線上方式,針對轄區內廢耐火材(廢棄物代碼:D-0501)以及土木或建築廢棄物混合物(廢棄物代碼:D-0599)清除處理業者辦理1場次教育訓練,共有32家業者進行參與。 四、 計畫設備及其他行政支援 本團隊已於5月初於基隆市環保局指定地點完成專線設置作業,並已提供民眾進行詢問及聯繫。另於調查作業執行前備足本計畫所需之設備,照相機2台、攝影機1台及防止石綿危害安全防護採樣設備乙套。 行政支援方面則包含依現場調查結果定期更新「戶外含石綿建材空間分布管理系統」,以及持續協助環保局更新環境部所需之資料,並如期繳交工作月報表及第一次工作進度報告。
中文關鍵字 石綿、石綿建材、石綿建材廢棄物


專案計畫編號 112KLEPB-C05 經費年度 112 計畫經費 1250 千元
專案開始日期 2023/05/05 專案結束日期 2023/10/05 專案主持人 陳主健
主辦單位 基隆市環境保護局 承辦人 胡雅慧 執行單位 傑美工程顧問股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 112年基隆石綿-期末報告.pdf 6MB

Asbestos building materials waste removal and treatment investigation plan in Keelumg

英文摘要 The Keelung City Environmental Protection Bureau aims to prevent improper handling and disposal of asbestos construction waste within its jurisdiction, which could lead to public and occupational exposure to asbestos fiber risks and consequently impact health. To address this concern, the bureau has proposed the "Asbestos Construction Waste Clearance and Disposal Plan for the Year 2023" (hereinafter referred to as the plan). The plan involves the investigation, management, and notification of asbestos construction materials within the jurisdiction, along with advocacy, education, and training measures to address their associated risks. Following a public selection process, the execution of this plan has been entrusted to Jemei Engineering Consultant Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as the team). The budget for this plan is set at NT$1,250,000, and the project timeline spans from May 5, 2023, to October 5, 2023. Details of the project's implementation are outlined in the following. The team has completed the confirmation and notification operations for 77 outdoor asbestos-containing construction materials within our jurisdiction, as part of the Environmental Department's "Outdoor Asbestos-Containing Construction Material Spatial Distribution Management System." Among them, 42 locations were confirmed to have asbestos-containing construction materials, while 35 sites featured metal or plastic materials. Further investigation revealed that 11 of the 42 locations expressing a willingness to remove asbestos-containing materials have an estimated total weight of approximately 13 tons of asbestos construction waste. The team has conducted two sessions of "Asbestos Construction Waste Regulatory Awareness Seminars" for the residents and inspection personnel of various administrative districts in Keelung City, on July 22nd and September 2nd, respectively. A total of 41 participants attended these sessions. The team conducted an online education and training session for waste refractories (Waste Code: D-0501) and mixed construction and demolition waste (Waste Code: D-0599) removal and disposal operators within the jurisdiction from August 1 to September 1. A total of 32 businesses participated in the training session. The team completed the setup of dedicated lines at the Keelung City Environmental Protection Bureau in early May. Equipment, including two cameras, one video camera, and asbestos hazard prevention sampling tools, was prepared before the survey. Administrative support involves regularly updating the "Outdoor Asbestos-Containing Construction Material Spatial Distribution Management System" based on on-site investigations. The team also assists in updating necessary data for the Ministry of Environmental Protection and submits monthly work reports and the initial progress report on time.
英文關鍵字 Asbestos、Asbestos building materials