

中文摘要 為推動紡織品資源循環再利用,在基線資料調查上,本計畫已建立紡織產業供應鏈廠商資訊,完成110年物質流分析,推估110年國內紡織纖維廢棄物及相關熱點。另外,也完成現場訪視20家人造纖維及業者及回收業者,瞭解國內聚酯及尼龍人造纖維生產及回收技術開發現況等。本年度訪視之各聚酯纖維業者再生料產能約為每月200~2,400公噸,各尼龍纖維業者再生料產能約為每月12~150公噸,而各舊衣回收業者之回收量約30~600公噸;在紡織材料定量鑑別設備及系統方面,已利用經過認證之標準化學布料建立10,000筆具高信心度數據庫優化系統並開發秤重模組,以及完成可移動式分選設備開發;在法制上工作上,已針對服飾販售通路業者及百貨業在草擬推動的「連鎖品牌服飾業及百貨零售業紡織品循環指引」;針對國內各機關、公民營事業團體推動「機關及公民營單位服飾紡織品循環採購指引(草案)」;針對舊衣回收商、纖維再生業者推動「紡織品材質定量鑑別及智慧分選設施設置及運營捐助要點(草案)」,據以推動紡織品循環工作。另外,因應上述相關政策推動本計畫辦理5場次專家諮詢會(座談會)及5場次說明會,據以宣導說明推動政策之措施。
中文關鍵字 紡織品循環、循環經濟、纖維鑑定


專案計畫編號 112AB020 經費年度 112 計畫經費 9915 千元
專案開始日期 2023/04/28 專案結束日期 2023/12/31 專案主持人 劉建民
主辦單位 循環署永續消費回收組 承辦人 廖淑秋 執行單位 環興科技股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 112AB020-推動紡織品資源循環利用技術計畫(第一年)_公開版.pdf 1MB

Promotion of Textile Resource Recycling Technology Project (The First Year)

英文摘要 To promote the recycling and reuse of textile resources, this project has established baseline survey data for manufacturers in the textile industry supply chain, completed material flow analysis in 2021, and estimated domestic textile fiber waste and related hot spots in 2021. In addition, this project also completed visits to 20 man-made fiber manufacturers and recycling companies to understand the development of domestic polyester fiber and nylon fiber production and recycling technology. And completed the visit to the polyester fiber industry this year. The recycled material production capacity of each polyester fiber factory is approximately 200~2,400 metric tons per month. The recycled material production capacity of each nylon fiber factory is approximately 12~150 metric tons per month. The recycling volume of each used clothing recycling factory is approximately 30~600 metric tons per month. In terms of textile material quantitative identification equipment and systems, it has used certified standard chemical cloth to establish a high-confidence database optimization system for 10,000 pens and developed a weighing module, and completed the development of mobile sorting equipment. In terms of regulatory work, the "Textile circular guidelines for chain brand apparel companies and department store industries" has been drafted and promoted in the clothing industry and the department store industry; the "Guidelines for circular procurement of textiles by government agencies and private entities (draft)" has been promoted for various domestic agencies and private institutions. And promote "Quantitative Textile Material Identification and Smart Sorting Facilities Setup and Operation Donation Key Points (Draft)" for used clothing recyclers and fiber recycling industries to promote textile recycling work. In addition, in response to the above-mentioned relevant policies to promote this plan, 5 expert consultation meetings (symposiums) and 5 briefing sessions were held to promote and explain the measures to promote the policies.
英文關鍵字 Textile Recycling, Circular Economy, Fiber Identification