

中文摘要   為推動毒性及關注化學物質列管業者推動數位化災防圖資,強化運作人應變預防意識,本計畫持續推動災防圖資系統應用與宣導,優化系統功能,輔導業者導入「化學物質管理及毒化災防圖資系統」建置1個示範區域(屏東科技產業園區),持續與地方環保機關輔導毒性及關注化學物質業者,更新與完備災防圖資1,936家(累計前案成果共3,793家),並優化運作場所配置圖繪製工具,新增危害辨識卡客製化資訊,協助業者同步建置危害辨識卡資訊,提供消防單位備查及災時應用,並配合目的事業主管機關,辦理各項系統操作教育訓練及諮詢服務,收集使用者意見作為系統修正參考。   同時,持續推動化學物質標籤技術應用,強化流向追蹤管理,輔導業者應用標籤技術及雲端紀錄管理,簡化申報流程,本計畫與地方環保局合作,輔導兩條供應鏈業者導入標籤技術及雲端運作紀錄表,協助資料檢核與申報,共計14家業者,並彙整產業樣態及管理模式分析,供後續推廣作業業者導入參考,並研析與「毒性及關注化學物質登記申報系統」調和,評估單一登入功能、身分驗證與運作資料介接欄位設定,以擴大資料整合與提供更完整應用服務。
中文關鍵字 地理資訊系統、標籤技術、化學物質管理地圖


專案計畫編號 經費年度 112 計畫經費 5900 千元
專案開始日期 2023/08/21 專案結束日期 2024/11/30 專案主持人 葉書廷
主辦單位 化學署評估管理組 承辦人 王村丞 執行單位 元緒科技股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 16_成果報告書v公開版.pdf 0MB

Project for Advanced Management of Chemical Substance Map and Labeling Technology

英文摘要 To promote the digitalization of disaster prevention mapping for toxic and regulated chemical substances, and to enhance the awareness of operators in emergency response and prevention, this project continues to advance the application and advocacy of disaster prevention mapping systems. It aims to optimize system functionality and assist operators in implementing the "Chemical Substance Management and Toxic Disaster Prevention Mapping System." A demonstration area (Pingtung Science and Technology Industrial Park) will be established, and ongoing guidance will be provided to local environmental protection agencies to assist operators handling toxic and regulated chemical substances. This includes updating and improving disaster prevention mapping for 1,936 establishments (cumulatively 3,793 establishments from previous projects) and optimizing tools for generating facility layout diagrams. Additionally, customized hazard identification card information will be added, helping operators to establish hazard identification card details that can be used for fire-fighting units’ reference and during emergencies. The project will also cooperate with relevant regulatory authorities to provide system operation training and consultation services, while collecting user feedback to inform future system improvements. At the same time, the application of chemical substance labeling technology will be promoted to strengthen flow tracking and management. Operators will be guided in using labeling technology and cloud-based record management, simplifying the reporting process. In collaboration with local environmental protection bureaus, the project will assist 14 operators from two supply chains in adopting labeling technology and cloud-based operational record systems, supporting data verification and reporting. Industry patterns and management models will be compiled and analyzed for future reference when encouraging other operators to adopt similar systems. Furthermore, the project will analyze integration with the "Toxic and Regulated Chemical Substances Registration and Reporting System," evaluating features such as single sign-on, identity verification, and data interface configuration, with the aim of expanding data integration and providing more comprehensive application services.
英文關鍵字 Geographic Information System, Labeling Technology, Chemical Management Map