

中文摘要 為掌握我國生物質量能以及再利用流向,於今年度(112年)進行產業調查問卷。本計畫調查結果除作為未來環境部資源循環署擬定廢生物質管理及再利用相關政策參考依據外,亦運用調查結果協助建立我國生物質產業資料庫及生物質料源地圖,未來將可使用生物質資料庫查詢各種生物質料源資訊,亦可使用生物質資料地圖查詢各種生物質地理資訊及再利用管道,本計畫已累計蒐集回傳問卷526份,包含農、林、漁、牧產銷班、食品及飼品製造業等,透過調查結果瞭解本縣產出之廢棄生物質種類、數量及清理方式,推動本縣生物質廢棄物料源資源循環評估。 本計畫為推廣「固體再生燃料」(Solid Recovered Fuel,簡稱 SRF)以「轉廢為能」的理念,推動廢棄物燃料化政策,將廢棄物再利用並減少化石原料及燃料開採。環境部制訂「固體再生燃料製造技術指引與品質規範」,並本縣執行固體再生燃料(SRF)驗證及品管工作,已完成辦理SRF製造廠或再利用機構之專家學者現勘會議6廠次,查訪具有成為SRF製造廠潛力之再利用機構,針對廢木材之再利用方式、操作技術或相關環保防制設施,提升產品品質之效益等提出宏觀角度建議,提供業者營運或未來轉型參考。 實際使用投料為台○水泥蘇澳廠,已完成辦理6廠次SRF使用廠專家學者現勘會議。潤○宜蘭冬山廠現況尚未開始使用木屑及SRF,廠內氣化爐正裝設中,設置完畢後以及固定污染操作許可試車完成通過,才會開始投料SRF,目前現場原料貯存區及氣化爐設備廠區工程執行中,預計年底前完成試車計畫。 統計112年1-11月台○水泥蘇澳廠,SRF(170044)平均使用733公噸/月,木屑(140017)平均使用1,804公噸/月。本計畫推動其他物料資源循環,為解決漁港常有老舊漁船占用泊位,促使漁船汰建申請漁船解體,但漁船結構材質多為安全性較高、較硬的玻璃纖維為主,初步提供建議媒合去化流向或技術可行之再利用方式提升再利用率,使資源永續循環。本計畫已配合環境部執行1場次廢漁船廢玻璃纖維(FRP)、木材混合物細破碎循環利用示範處理,在112年4月25日於幸福水泥東澳廠內進行破碎,其破碎機具為2台,分別為粗、細破碎機,首先將從漁港初步拆解完成之廢漁船FRP木材混合物進行粗細破碎,再由幸福水泥自行破碎至粒徑3公分以下後,投至旋窯再利用。現況廢船舶處理現況問題,包含處理費用較高、廢棄船舶長期滯留 於港口、無完善之前處理設施、地點及廢棄物資源化管等,為瞭解目前縣內廢棄漁船處理情形,以及常見問題分析瞭解,經調查訪談本縣海洋漁業所及蘇澳漁會,目前縣內完成申請汰建漁船為7艘,另有3艘待申請,據承辦人員表示,現況廢漁船處理問題,除了處理成本過高外,因廢棄漁船拆解後之廢棄物種類不易分類處理,造成清除及處理機構妥善處理之困難,本計畫已彙整提供相關媒合去化流向或再利用方式建議,進而提供解決漁港常有老舊漁船占用泊位之問題參考,俾利資源循環再利用。
中文關鍵字 生物質、固體再生燃料、替代燃料、廢玻璃纖維、資源循環


專案計畫編號 經費年度 112 計畫經費 3850 千元
專案開始日期 2023/04/01 專案結束日期 2023/11/30 專案主持人 陳意淳
主辦單位 宜蘭縣政府環境保護局 承辦人 藍如穎 執行單位 康廷工程顧問企業有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 112年宜蘭SRF期末定稿.pdf 47MB

2023 Yilan County Plan for Promoting Biomass, Solid Recovered Fuel (SRF), Inorganic Recycled Aggregates, and Other Resource Recycling

英文摘要 To grasp the biomass energy potential and the reutilization flow in Taiwan, an industry survey was conducted this year (2023). The results of this survey will not only serve as a reference for the Ministry of Environment’s Resource Recycling Department in formulating policies for biomass waste management and reutilization, but will also be used to help establish a national biomass industry database and biomass resource map. In the future, this database will allow for searches of various biomass resource information, and the map will enable searches for biomass geographic information and reutilization channels. To date, 526 questionnaires have been collected, covering industries such as agriculture, forestry, fisheries, livestock, food production, and feed manufacturing. The results of the survey provide insights into the types, quantities, and disposal methods of waste biomass produced in the county, which will aid in evaluating the resource recycling potential of biomass waste in Yilan County. This project also aims to promote the concept of “Waste to Energy” by advancing the use of Solid Recovered Fuel (SRF) in the county’s waste-to-energy policies. The Ministry of Environment has developed "Technical Guidelines and Quality Standards for SRF Manufacturing," and Yilan County has implemented SRF verification and quality control measures. So far, six expert site inspections have been conducted at SRF manufacturing plants or reutilization facilities with potential to become SRF manufacturers. These inspections have focused on the reutilization methods for waste wood, operational techniques, environmental protection facilities, and suggestions for improving product quality, providing businesses with macro-level recommendations for operations or future transitions. Currently, the Taiwan Cement Su’ao Plant is using SRF, having completed six expert site inspections. However, the Run Tai Yilan Dongshan Plant has not yet started using wood chips or SRF. The gasification furnace is still being installed, and SRF feeding will only commence after installation and trial operations for fixed pollution control permits are completed. The raw material storage area and the gasification furnace facility are currently under construction, with trial operations expected to be completed by the end of the year. From January to November 2023, Taiwan Cement Su’ao Plant has used an average of 733 metric tons per month of SRF (170044) and 1,804 metric tons per month of wood chips (140017). As part of this project’s efforts to promote the recycling of other materials, it also seeks to address the issue of old fishing boats occupying berths at fishing ports. To encourage the deconstruction of old fishing vessels, applications for fishing vessel deconstruction have been processed. However, many fishing boats are made primarily of fiberglass, which is strong and durable. The project offers preliminary recommendations on potential recycling channels or technically feasible reutilization methods to enhance recycling rates and promote sustainable resource circulation. In cooperation with the Ministry of Environment, the project conducted a demonstration of the fine crushing and recycling of waste fiberglass (FRP) and wood mixtures from decommissioned fishing boats on April 25, 2023, at Xingfu Cement’s Dong’ao Plant. The crushing process used two machines (coarse and fine crushers), which first crushed the FRP and wood mixture dismantled from the fishing boats. The materials were then further crushed to particles smaller than 3 cm by Xingfu Cement and fed into the rotary kiln for reutilization. Current challenges related to waste vessel processing include high processing costs, long-term retention of waste vessels in ports, lack of suitable pre-processing facilities, and challenges in recycling these waste materials. To understand the current state of waste vessel processing and common issues, interviews were conducted with the Yilan County Marine Fisheries Institute and the Su’ao Fishermen's Association. Currently, seven decommissioned fishing boats in the county have completed deconstruction applications, with three more pending. According to officials, one of the key challenges in processing waste fishing boats is the high cost of disposal, and the difficulty of sorting and processing the various types of waste materials generated after dismantling. The project has compiled recommendations on potential disposal channels and reutilization methods, offering solutions to the problem of old fishing boats occupying berths, thus facilitating resource recycling and reutilization.
英文關鍵字 Biomass, Solid renewable fuels, Alternative fuels, Waste fiberglass, Resource recycling