

中文摘要 本計畫配合臺灣開放政府國家行動方案推動「環境領域的資訊揭露」承諾事項,發展愛環境資訊網做為環境資訊揭露整合平臺,以議題為主軸,整合周遭環境探索功能,結合在地環境資源主題之整合展示,以視覺化互動式地圖提供服務,提供多元的資訊傳遞管道、促進環境資訊公眾參與,協助民眾了解環境資訊內涵,確立社區知情權的落實與公民科學的賦權的架構制度;而列管污染源資料查詢系統可供公眾同時查閱空、水、廢、毒列管污染源的資料。查詢系統提供跨欄位整合搜尋功能,並加入空間資訊與地圖介面,提供民眾多元便捷的查詢方式。本計畫對上述2個環境資訊揭露整合應用系統進行功能擴充及維運管理。 另外,數位發展部「服務型智慧政府2.0推動計畫(110年-114年)」,推動線上申辦服務、主動推播服務,於應用程式導入多元認證、跨機關資料傳輸專屬通道(T-Road)、個人化資料自主運用(MyData)等服務,於資安無虞的環境下,實現可線上即時取得申辦所需證明資料,打造以民為本的便民服務。本計畫協助研擬智慧政府中長程計畫之發展規劃、先期計畫書,包含計畫目標、整體架構、工作內容、年度執行計畫、年度經費配置、預期效益與績效指標等內容,以及智慧政府推動、履約監控、查核品管及管考作業。
中文關鍵字 開放政府、智慧政府、系統發展規劃與維運


專案計畫編號 經費年度 112 計畫經費 8270 千元
專案開始日期 2023/08/11 專案結束日期 2024/11/10 專案主持人 邱仁成
主辦單位 環境部監測資訊司 承辦人 楊雅芳 執行單位 耕雲科技股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 112AA217結案報告書_修正版.pdf 9MB

112-113 Open Government Information Service Development and System Maintenance Management Plan

英文摘要 This plan aligns with Taiwan's Open Government National Action Plan to promote the commitment to "disclosure of environmental information." It involves the development of the i-Environment as an integrated platform for environmental information disclosure, focusing on specific issues. The platform integrates surrounding environment exploration functions and showcase local environmental resources through a consolidated display. It offers services via interactive, visualized maps, providing diverse information channels and promoting public participation in environmental information. This helps the public understand environmental information content, establishing a framework and system to enforce the community's right to know and empower citizen science. The Pollutant Release and Transfer Register System allows the public to access data on regulated pollution sources, including air, water, waste, and toxic substances. The query system offers cross-field integrated search functions and incorporates spatial information and map interfaces, providing the public with a variety of convenient search methods. This plan aims to expand the functionality and manage the operations of these two integrated environmental information disclosure systems. Additionally, the Ministry of Digital Affairs' "Smart Government 2.0 Promotion Plan (2021-2025)" aims to advance online application services and proactive service notifications. It incorporates services such as multi-factor authentication in applications, T-Road, and MyData. These services ensure that required documents for applications can be obtained instantly online, all within a secure environment, creating citizen-centric services for public convenience. This project assists in formulating the mid-to-long-term development plan and preliminary project proposal for smart government, covering project goals, overall framework, work content, annual execution plans, budget allocation, expected benefits, and performance indicators. It also includes promoting the smart government initiative, performance monitoring, compliance control, quality assurance, and management processes.
英文關鍵字 Open Government, Smart Government, System Development Planning and Maintenance