

中文摘要   本計畫係透過SWOT分析評估各執行機關清潔隊的內外部狀況,以制定策略導向的教育訓練課程,協助環境部環境管理署(以下簡稱環管署)凝聚資源於優勢與機會上行動,同時改善內部劣勢情況、克服外部威脅。計畫採用多種研究方法,包括訓練需求分析、問卷調查法、深度訪談法、焦點團體訪談法、專家學者座談法等,進行教育訓練內容的設計與規劃,藉此協助各執行機關落實勞動基準法,並提升清潔隊業務主管人員的人力資源管理職能。   對清潔隊業務主管人員的培訓課程涵蓋法規通識、溝通協調、風險管理、人員督導、團隊激勵等,培訓方式結合案例學習和分組研討。培訓後的問卷調查和學習成效測試顯示,學員在知識和技能上有顯著提升,並對課程內容和教學方法表示滿意。另舉辦座談會進行培訓精進研討,參與者提到案例分析和講師經驗分享是最受益處,呼籲增加實務案例分享和分析。   為提升清潔隊人事管理效率,本計畫研擬了工作規則和績效考核參考例,考慮清潔隊員的實際需求和勞動法規,提供靈活適應的參考例。同時,透過政策論述呈現清潔隊員適用勞動基準法的歷史背景、薪資福利、工作時間等重點,以做為未來發展方向參考資料。
中文關鍵字 人事管理制度、人力資源管理、教育訓練


專案計畫編號 112AA114 經費年度 112 計畫經費 4450 千元
專案開始日期 2023/03/16 專案結束日期 2023/11/20 專案主持人 邱雅梅
主辦單位 環管署環境衛生組 承辦人 柯賢駿 執行單位 財團法人台灣水資源與農業研究院


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 清潔隊-期末報告-0102(反黑).pdf 5MB 成果文本

The National Execution Agencies' Cleaning Team Human Resource Management Advancement Project

英文摘要   This project employs SWOT analysis to assess internal and external conditions of cleaning teams in various agencies. It aims to develop a strategic educational training program to assist the Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) in consolidating resources, addressing weaknesses, and capitalizing on strengths. Utilizing various research methods, including training needs analysis and surveys, the project enhances the human resources management skills of cleaning team supervisors.   The training program covers regulations, communication, risk management, and team motivation, incorporating case-based learning. Post-training surveys show significant improvements in participants' knowledge and skills, with high satisfaction. Feedback emphasizes the value of case analysis and the need for more practical sharing.   To enhance personnel management, the project formulates reference examples for work rules and performance evaluations, considering team members' needs and labor regulations. A policy discourse presents historical context and labor standards applicable to cleaning team members, serving as a future development reference.   In summary, this project, through comprehensive training and management tool development, elevates skills and provides practical references for cleaning teams, contributing to organizational competitiveness and long-term development.
英文關鍵字 personnel management, Human Resource Management, Education Training