

中文摘要 一、推動環保許可整合: 本團隊已掌握112年度各業務窗口聯絡人資訊,並彙整110至111年度已參與許可整合之60家業者做為精進輔導對象,另彙整歷年度尚未執行許可整合之優先試辦對象與有意願參與許可整合之業者共計25家,擇定為112年度輔導擴大對象名單。 關於污染流向圖,針對60家精進輔導對象,目前共計54家污染流向圖符合環保許可現況,尚餘3家業者未符合,目前已通知業者修正,預計11月完成修正並上傳EMS,另有3家業者已停止製程並辦理解除列管;針對25家擴大試辦對象,已於7月全數完成流向圖繪製並上傳EMS,然確認污染流向圖正確性涉及現勘查核,故需一定作業期程,預計12月可完成檢視,而後請業者修正上傳EMS;另今年度擴大輔導對象25家,其中敦南科技股份有限公司新竹分公司廠辦理註銷,原廠區變更為盧森堡商達爾國際新竹分公司,故調整原定名單,將敦南科技股份有限公司新竹分公司改為盧森堡商達爾國際新竹分公司。 統計自112年1月1日至9月30日之環保許可整合案件,共收件124件,其中有110件屬於快速核證,14件案件進入內部共同會審與諮詢會審程序,平均共同會審耗用天數為12.3天,均於作業流程規定18天內完成;平均業者諮詢會審辦理耗用天數為4天,均於作業流程規定7天內完成。 本團隊為提升執行人員熟悉運作諮詢會審程序,已於112年3月24日於新竹市環境保護局7樓會議室辦理1場次內部教育訓練會議,原預計進行諮詢會審模擬演練,然本團隊考量111年度與會者反應此演練課程時間較長,且各單位審查人員大多無替換,已有相當執行經驗,應無重複練習必要性,故本次教育訓練請講師安排內容以推動背景與現況、環保許可整合辦法草案概述、其他縣市常見問題等主題進行教育訓練。 另為使轄內公私場所了解環保許可整合相關作業程序,本團隊於112年3月20日(第一場)以科學園區業者為對象及3月29日(第二場)以園區外業者為對象,完成辦理2場次許可整合說明會,另本團隊為使參與人員對許可整合及污染流向繪製能有深刻瞭解,並能自願參與許可整合,故於會後發放問卷調查,統整結果顯示,有98%的人員已基本了解許可整合推動概念與流程;流向圖繪製方法則有91%的人員了解;整合系統則有87%的人員了解操作方式,顯示辦理許可整合說明會有助於提升業者了解環保許可整合相關內容;另業者對於環保許可整合相關資訊表達強烈需求,提供方式分別為辦理說明會(55%),寄發相關資料(28%),網路宣傳(15%),未來可規劃增加多元宣導方式以提升業者對於環保許可整合的了解程度;本計畫亦調查具環保許可整合之意願者共有19家,其可優先考量納入113年度辦理對象。 二、推動綠色採購: 本計畫為推動鼓勵轄內民間綠色消費,已辦理24場實體活動,購買325萬餘之環保綠點及清淨海洗碗精、清淨海浴廁清潔劑及蒲公英衛生紙共計1,800份,同時製作新竹市綠色消費有購讚及全民綠生活宣傳DM共計1,800張用於宣導發放,且搭配新聞稿、網路社群(25則)、傳統電台(6則)進行綠色消費推廣;而目前已輔導8家綠色商店完成申報,申報金額達7,307萬元,以3C與家電產品販售金額佔多數(91.55 %),而民間企業綠色採購配合企業於年底會計彙整,預計12月完成。 本計畫為提升拓展環保產品與服務,辦理服務業之環保標章說明會2場次共有45人參加,問卷調查結果顯示,與會人員於會後對於環保標章及碳足跡皆有明確瞭解;且已完成82家餐飲業者響應環保餐廳,4家旅館業通過環保旅店認證,輔導1家旅館(福華大飯店)取得環保標章旅館銅級認證,並已完成35家環保餐廳及20件次之碳足跡標籤產品查核作業,皆符合相關規定。 關於綠色旅遊行程推動,本計畫向機關、科室宣導提倡綠色旅遊,已完成6行程出團,參與人數為233人,另上架轄內綠色旅遊自由行之行程5套,突顯新竹市在地活動、飲食特色。 關於推動機關及民間企業響應綠色辦公,本計畫為提升機關單位綠色採購熟知度,已辦理1場次機關綠色採購說明會,目前機關指定項目綠色採購比例為92.44 %,後續本計畫亦將加強電話聯繫,請各機關單位完成綠色採購申報,另亦已完成累計83家機關學校及新增10家民間企業響應綠色辦公。 本計畫透過辦理全民綠生活推廣活動向民眾宣導「環保綠點」,今年度新竹市已新增715位環保集點會員,並以綠點作為宣導品發放20場次,另拓展環保集點特約機構,已完6家,為老爺酒店及其相關餐飲,後續亦將輔導福華大飯店及其相關餐飲上架。 且為提升全民綠生活熟知度及參與綠色生活,本計畫辦理「我的綠色撲滿」、「綠色生活好康送」,結合環保集點APP,鼓勵集點與填寫綠生活調查問卷,以綠點為誘因,來達到推廣環保集點及促進綠色消費之目標,目前已完成「綠色生活好康送」,共收集159份問卷,發出15.9萬環保綠點;而「我的綠色撲滿」目前活動已截止,計有24位民眾參與,然本團隊於彙整與確認相關資料中,後續確認獲獎名單,將修正期末報告呈現。 有關淨零綠生活,本團隊已彙整跨局處相關活動共計8項與結合新竹藝文慶典「風城藝術節」系列活動推動淨零綠生活;亦為收集民眾意見,已完成2場次分眾對話,今年度以銀髮族長輩與園區業者進行對話,多數具有響應淨零綠生活意願,然部分因個人年齡、身體健康原因較無法配合,另園區上班民眾認為推動低碳運輸交通應先建立推動基礎,提升技術安全度與成熟度,讓整個低碳交通運輸網路更方便與普及;以村里為單位推動淨零綠生活,已完成2場村里淨零綠生活資訊宣導及2村里前哨站推動;且推動新竹市淨零綠生活行動計畫,已召開2場跨局處會議,確認31項優先具體行動及22項關鍵績效指標,目前亦已提交新竹市淨零綠生活行動計畫及關鍵績效指標予環境部,後續追蹤關鍵績效指標執行進度,已完成13項,待12月彙整成果與佐證資料提報環境部;另配合淨零排放科技計畫,已提出金竹里淨零綠生活轉型建議推動項目。
中文關鍵字 環保許可整合、綠色採購、綠色消費、全民綠生活、淨零綠生活


專案計畫編號 經費年度 112 計畫經費 3173 千元
專案開始日期 2023/01/01 專案結束日期 2023/12/31 專案主持人 林瑋舜
主辦單位 新竹市環境保護局 承辦人 謝文雄、周碧毓 執行單位 富聯工程顧問股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 112年度新竹市推動環保許可整合與推動民間企業與團體實施綠色採購計畫-期末定稿(公開).pdf 16MB

Hsinchu City Integrated Environmental Permitting Project for the Year 2023.

英文摘要 1. Promotion of Environmental Permit Integration: Our team has acquired contact information for various business units in the 112th year and compiled a list of 60 businesses involved in permit integration from 110 to 111 as the enhanced counseling targets. Additionally, a total of 25 entities, including priority trial targets from previous years and those willing to participate in permit integration, have been identified as expanded counseling targets for the 112th year. Regarding pollution flow diagrams, out of the 60 enhanced counseling targets, 54 entities currently comply with environmental permit conditions in their pollution flow diagrams. Three entities still do not comply, and they have been notified for necessary adjustments. It is anticipated that these adjustments will be completed and uploaded to the EMS (Environmental Management System) by November. Furthermore, three entities have ceased their processes and undergone delisting. Concerning the 25 expanded trial targets, all flow diagrams were completed and uploaded to EMS in July. However, confirmation of the accuracy of the pollution flow diagrams requires on-site inspections, leading to an estimated completion for review by December, after which the entities will be asked for corrections and EMS upload. Among the expanded counseling targets for this year, 25 in total, Dunan Technology Co., Ltd.'s Hsinchu branch has undergone deregistration, with the original site being changed to Darr International's Hsinchu branch in Luxembourg. Therefore, adjustments were made to the original list, replacing Dunan Technology Co., Ltd.'s Hsinchu branch with Darr International's Hsinchu branch from Luxembourg. Statistics on environmental permit integration cases from January 1st to September 30th of the 112th year indicate a total of 124 cases received, with 110 classified as fast-track verifications. Fourteen cases entered the internal joint review and consultation process. The average time for the joint review process was 12.3 days, all completed within the stipulated 18 days as per operational procedures. The average duration for the industry consultation and review process was 4 days, all completed within the prescribed 7 days as per operational procedures. To enhance familiarity with the consultation and review procedures among personnel, an internal educational training meeting was conducted on March 24th, 112th year, at the 7th-floor conference room of the Hsinchu City Environmental Protection Bureau. Originally planning to conduct a simulation of the consultation and review process, the team reconsidered based on the participants' feedback from the 111th year, acknowledging that the simulation session was lengthy, and most review personnel had significant execution experience, thus deeming repetitive practice unnecessary. As a result, the training session focused on topics such as background and current status promotion, an outline of environmental permit integration regulations, and common issues encountered in other counties and cities. Additionally, to familiarize public and private entities within the jurisdiction with the operational procedures of environmental permit integration, two seminars were held on March 20th (first session) for Science Park businesses and March 29th (second session) for businesses outside the park. After these sessions, questionnaires were distributed to participants. Survey results indicate that 98% of respondents have a basic understanding of the concept and process of permit integration. Regarding flow diagram creation methods, 91% of respondents were familiar, while 87% understood the operation of the integrated system. This demonstrates that conducting seminars has assisted in enhancing businesses' understanding of environmental permit integration. Furthermore, there is a strong demand among businesses for information related to environmental permit integration, with 55% preferring seminars, 28% favoring receiving relevant materials by mail, and 15% preferring online promotion. Future planning aims to incorporate various promotional methods to enhance businesses' understanding of environmental permit integration. The project has also identified 19 entities expressing interest in environmental permit integration, prioritizing their consideration for implementation in the 113th year. 2. Promotion of Green Procurement: The project has actively promoted and encouraged local civilian green consumption through 24 physical events. Over 3.25 million environmental green points, along with clean sea dishwashing detergent, clean sea toilet cleaners, and dandelion toilet paper, totaling 1,800 sets, have been purchased. Additionally, 1,800 copies of promotional materials for green consumption in Hsinchu City and advertisements for a nationwide green lifestyle were produced and distributed via press releases, social media (25 posts), and traditional radio broadcasts (6 broadcasts). Currently, guidance has been provided to 8 green stores to complete their declarations, amounting to a reported value of 73.07 million NT dollars. The majority of these purchases (91.55%) involve sales of 3C products and home appliances. Collaboration with private sector enterprises for green procurement aligns with their year-end accounting, expected to be completed by December. To expand the market for environmental products and services, two seminars on environmental label certification for service industries were conducted, attracting a total of 45 participants. Survey results indicate clear post-seminar understanding among attendees regarding environmental labels and carbon footprints. Additionally, guidance has been provided to 82 catering businesses to become certified as environmental-friendly restaurants, with 4 hotels receiving certification as eco-friendly lodgings. Assistance was offered to one hotel (Fuhua Grand Hotel) to obtain bronze-level environmental label certification. 35 eco-friendly restaurants and 20 carbon footprint label product checks have been completed, all in compliance with relevant regulations. To promote green travel itineraries, 6 trips have been organized with 233 participants. Furthermore, 5 self-guided green travel itineraries have been made available for local activities and culinary specialties in Hsinchu City. Efforts to encourage government agencies and private enterprises to adopt green practices involved organizing one government agency green procurement seminar to enhance awareness. Currently, designated green procurement items in government agencies account for 92.44%. Subsequently, the project plans to intensify telephone contact to ensure government agencies complete green procurement declarations. Moreover, 83 government schools have adhered to green office practices, with an additional 10 private enterprises newly committed to eco-friendly office practices. The project has conducted widespread public awareness campaigns promoting "environmental green points." This year, Hsinchu City has added 715 new members to its environmental point collection program. Twenty events distributing green points have been conducted, and six institutions, including Lao Ye Hotels and their affiliated restaurants, have become environmental point collection partners. Future plans include guiding Fuhua Grand Hotel and its related restaurants to join the program. Efforts to raise public awareness and engagement in green living led to activities such as "My Green Hub" and "Goodies for Green Living." These initiatives combined an environmental point collection app to encourage both point collection and completion of green lifestyle surveys, using green points as an incentive to promote environmental point collection and stimulate green consumption. "Goodies for Green Living" has already collected 159 surveys, distributing 159,000 environmental green points. The "My Green Hub" event has concluded, with 24 participants. Following the consolidation and confirmation of relevant data, the team will amend the final report to reflect the list of winners. Regarding "zero-net" green living initiatives, the team has compiled eight cross-departmental activities aligned with the Hsinchu Arts Festival "Wind City Art Festival" series. Additionally, two dialogues have been conducted to gather public opinions. This year's dialogues involved discussions between elderly citizens and park-area business owners. Most displayed a willingness to support zero-net green living; however, some faced personal challenges due to age or health limitations. Park-area employees suggested that before promoting low-carbon transportation, a solid foundation for implementation should be established, focusing on improving technological safety and maturity to make the entire low-carbon transportation network more convenient and widespread. The project has begun implementing zero-net green living in villages, conducting two information sessions and establishing two village outposts. Moreover, efforts toward Hsinchu City's Zero-Net Green Living Action Plan have involved two inter-departmental meetings, confirming 31 prioritized specific actions and 22 key performance indicators. These plans and indicators have been submitted to the Ministry of the Environment, with ongoing tracking of key performance indicators. Thirteen actions have already been completed, with results and supporting documentation scheduled for submission to the Ministry in December. Additionally, in alignment with the Zero Emission Technology Plan, proposals for the transformation of green living in Chin-chu Village have been submitted.
英文關鍵字 Environmental Permit Integration, Green Procurement, Green Consumption, Nationwide Green Living, Zero-Net Green Living