

中文摘要 彰化縣長久以來為工業及農業發展的城市,空氣污染主要來源為各產業型態之工廠及各式機動車輛所排放之廢氣,而隨著都市土地利用型態的改變及民眾環保意識提升,工廠總數逐年減少,但使用中之機動車輛總量卻逐年上升,使得機動車輛所排放之廢氣成為都市空氣污染最主要之來源,因此,如何降低機動車輛之廢氣排放,是本縣當前極重要之環保課題。 柴油車管制方面,總計達成柴油車排煙檢測6,538輛次,不合格135輛次,不合格率為2.1%。油品篩選送驗12件,已檢驗完成12件。執行目視判煙不合格,進行車籍查詢並篩除煙度不足、報廢、繳銷及停駛等因素,總計已完成1,349件發文通知檢測工作。推動新增10家業者參加柴油車自主管理,參加柴油車自主管理4,802輛,柴油車污染改善2,384輛。本計畫藉由執行各項車輛管制措施及跨局處合作並輔以宣導民眾,進而達到改善彰化縣空氣品質之實際效益及完善績效。
中文關鍵字 粒狀污染物、移動污染源、目測


專案計畫編號 經費年度 112 計畫經費 10895.56 千元
專案開始日期 2021/03/24 專案結束日期 2021/12/31 專案主持人 吳書易
主辦單位 彰化縣環境保護局 承辦人 吳欲齊 執行單位 春迪企業股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 110彰化排煙期末定稿.pdf 6MB

2021 Changhua County Dynamometer Station Maintenance and Management Project.

英文摘要 Changhua County has been a city of industrial and agricultural development for a long time. The primary source of air pollution in this county is the waste gases emitted from diverse types of factory and variety of motor vehicles; and in the wake of the change from the pattern of urban land utilization along with the promotion of populace’s awareness of environmental protection, the total number of factory has been decreasing year by year; contrarily, the total number of motor vehicle in use has been increasing year after year that makes the emission of exhaust gas from motor vehicles the most critical source of urban air pollution. Therefore, how to reduce the emission of exhaust gas from motor vehicles has become the extremely important issue of environmental protection for Changhua County. In the aspect of controlling the diesel vehicles, 6,538 vehicles inspected & tested thereof smoke emission while 135 vehicles therein failed to pass the inspection at a nonconformity rate of 2.1%. With regard to the oil sampling, 12 diesel oil samples therein were screened and submitted for inspection. Vehicles failed to pass the visual determination and followed an inquiry of registration data, screening and report for scrapping, handing in for cancellation, suspension of driving, etc. factors; totally 1,349 letters of notice for inspection & test works were dispatched. 10 new companies were promoted to participate in the self-management of diesel vehicles, 4,802 diesel vehicles participated in the self-management, and 2,384 diesel vehicles were replaced.This project, by executing variety of vehicular control measures together with cooperation cross the bureaus and divisions plus a propagation to the populace; Changhua County has achieved a practical effect and a complete performance to improve the air quality.
英文關鍵字 Particulate matters, Mobile source, Visual determination