

中文摘要 本年度以電子化圖書館之概念,將「環境教育資訊系統」改版為「環境教育探索館」,以蒐整不同單位、委辦計畫在推動環境教育相關成果,進行線上倉儲與管理,再透過主題、情境與地圖等不同方式讓民眾探索所需資源、資訊。 本計畫協助環境部各項環境教育業務推動事宜上,透過不同會議、活動之辦理,來促進國家環境教育政策推動與發展;不僅強化中央部會間橫向連結,以扣合國家淨零轉型政策,滾動式檢討國家環境教育綱領及國家環境教育行動方案,促使各部會落實環境教育推展;同時促成與地方之經驗分享交流,了解實務執行困難處與問題,適時給予協助,因地制宜制定未來策略與調整不合時宜之處,在督導地方落實相關業務辦理,亦能符合國家政策與法規要求,尋求雙贏局面。 在推動全民終身學習工作上,辦理1場次全國性網路活動及製作1式數位課程,以提升民眾環境知識與宣傳相關政策,並持續輔導全國7千餘家提報單位,督促其於法定期程內完成年度環境教育執行成果提報作業;此外,協助受環境教育基金補(捐)助計畫各項審查與核銷工作,督導受補助對象確實辦理核准之計畫。本計畫另配合環境部升格作業,協助籌辦環境部布達典禮暨揭牌儀式,並於112年8月22日順利完成。
中文關鍵字 環境教育、環境教育探索館、終身學習


專案計畫編號 經費年度 112 計畫經費 12445.467 千元
專案開始日期 2022/12/30 專案結束日期 2023/12/05 專案主持人 戴士恩
主辦單位 環境部環境保護司 承辦人 陳孝仲 執行單位 環資國際有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 成果報告_合併(隱碼-V5).pdf 38MB 成果報告

2023 Environmental Education Administrative Support Project

英文摘要 This year, following the concept of an e-library, this project changed the Environmental Education Information System to the Environmental Education Discovery Center to consolidate the efforts of different units and commissioned projects to promote outcomes related to environmental education. It involves the establishment of an online data warehouse and management system, allowing the public to explore necessary resources and information through various means such as themes, scenarios, and maps. This project facilitated the promotion of various environmental education initiatives within the Ministry of Environment. Meetings and events were organized to advance the national environmental education policy and its development. The results not only strengthened the horizontal connections between central government departments, aligning with the national net-zero transition policy but also encouraged a rolling review of the national environmental education guidelines and action plans. This encouraged various departments to implement environmental education effectively. Additionally, this project fostered the sharing and exchange of experiences with local authorities, helped identify practical implementation challenges and issues, and offered timely assistance. By tailoring strategies to local conditions and adjusting where necessary, this project ensured the proper execution of relevant tasks at the local level, meeting both national policy and regulatory requirements, thereby striving for a win-win scenario. To promote lifelong learning for all citizens, this project organized a nationwide online event and developed a digital curriculum to enhance public awareness of environmental knowledge and promote related policies. This project continued to support over 7,000 participating units nationwide, overseeing the completion of their annual environmental education implementation reports within the legally prescribed timeframes. Additionally, this project assisted in reviewing and verifying various projects receiving environmental education fund subsidies, ensuring that approved plans were effectively implemented. Furthermore, in collaboration with the upgrading of the Ministry of Environment, this project assisted in organizing the inauguration ceremony and unveiling event, which was completed on August 22, 2023.
英文關鍵字 Environmental Education Discovery Center, Environmental Education, Lifelong Learning