

中文摘要 本計畫執行重點在於協助環保局執行「環境部112年度直轄市及縣(市)政府環境保護績效考核計畫(源頭減量及資源回收考核)」,掌握本市資源回收工作整體執行成果,透過稽查管制工作,督促轄內列管業者落實回收場域之環境維護,並暢通回收物之後端去化管道,達成資源永續循環之目標。執行成果說明如下: (一) 整合本市資源回收工作成果及辦理環境部資源回收工作績效考核計畫 1. 彙整分析111年各縣市特色作法,提出適合本市之建議,整理出八大架構64項具體作法推動本市執行機關、社區、學校、團體四大體系及回收商等落實資源回收工作,依區域型態,因地制宜,擬定策略。 2. 截至112年10月31日止,環境部考核分數得分為82.9分(滿分100±28分,達成率64.77%)。 3. 辦理5場次工作檢討會、4場次考核檢討會。檢討資源回收工作。 4. 研擬及執行創新作法,辦理112年台南杯杯十在優惠活動,計1,551人次參與,意同於減少1,551個一次性杯子使用。 (二) 加強辦理統計數據申報工作 1. 輔導3,734處申報資源回收量,以事業單位1,513處居多,其次為集合式住宅625處;各區清潔隊亦輔導312處單位申報,年度增加54,530公噸資源回收量,以佳里區及麻豆區輔導最為積極。 2. 訂定「112年資源回收申報獎勵評比制度計畫書」,由申報積極度、按期申報及申報方式(如網路申報)等,篩選出得獎名單(250處申報獎、40處回收量獎),頒發獎狀及等值宣導品,獎勵積極主動申報單位,經統計獲獎單位以事業單位142處居多,其次為學校81處。 3. 完成40處機關及253所學校數據申報檢核工作,回收物交付對象以回收商203處(69%)居多、其次為個體業者36處(12%)。 4. 112年1-10月資源回收量達498,875公噸,資源回收物以紙類238,245公噸居多,資源垃圾回收率64.55%、廚餘回收率5.83%;本市行政區資源回收率最高前三名依序為永康區、左鎮區及龍崎區。 5. 每週對環保局網站(一般廢棄物管理科項下子網站、資源回收全民動起來網站等)相關網站,檢視網頁資訊正確性。 (三) 查核管制應回收廢棄物回收處理業 1. 完成35家應回收處理業審查作業,30家通過、5家申請文件未齊全要求業者進行補正,督促業者遵守法令規範,並每月追蹤輔導業者按時申報營運量;7家次回收業者用地使用審查作業,1家提送定稿本、2家文件內容尚有誤及資料不齊全請業者辦理補正、4家駁回。 2. 輔導未達一定規模資源回收站新登記3家,本市共有24家完成資收站登記,並掌握1-10月回收量6,949公噸。 3. 完成147家次已登記回收處理業、114家次未達一定規模回收業現場查核工作,43家次輔導後現場立即改善(27家場區發現積水容器未清除、10家發現陽性容器告發處分、4家貯存區中文標示脫落或未標示及2家廢鉛蓄電池未依規定貯存),要求業者立即清除改善。 4. 轄內列管之核准興辦事業計畫或容許使用而尚未完成應回收廢棄物回收處理業登記業者計有6家,其中1家重新辦理試運轉、1家變更興辦事業計畫、1家用必轉售、1家申請建築執照階段、1家預計年底前可清除廠區內事業廢棄物、1家編定變更地目階段。 5. 於4月25日辦理「應回收廢棄物回收處理業防災訓練及標竿學習宣導說明會」,計有93位業者共同參與。 6. 完成45家消防檢查工作(含已登記回收處理業21家、未達一定規模回收業24家),現場調查輔導消防設施情形及檢查滅火器正確使用,無發現缺失情形,並加強防火之宣導。 7. 陳情案件辦理,1件告發處分(場區資收物未依規定貯存)、1件限期改善(場區外堆放雜物)、1件移交相關局處及科室辦理(場區資收物大多屬事業廢五金)。 (四) 執行廢機動車輛回收處理(焚化爐)衍生廢棄物(ASR)再利用工作 配合環境部政策協助去化ASR或SRF,並媒合進入熱能廠,環保局建有臺南市廢資材永續循環推廣媒合平台,以提高廢資材資訊曝光率,增加去化量。 (五) 協助機關強化資源回收政策 依據「112年應回收廢棄物回收處理業示範場補助計畫」,輔導3處示範廠,依施作地點當地特色,與業者討論並設計相關中文標示牌、廠區配置圖、形象招牌及公佈欄等物品,完成形象改造。 (六) 維護資源回收資料庫 為即時查詢列管業者歷史紀錄及查詢案件辦理進度,本計畫於111年度建置資源回收資料庫,本年度持續更新資料庫列管名單共計18,062處,並於11月完成各列管行業別稽查紀錄匯入。 (七) 查核輔導清潔隊資源回收貯存場 完成8處清潔隊回收貯存場四季巡查作業,綜合類溢滿堆置於貯存區外、照明光源未鋪設緩衝設施、鉛蓄電池未放置「抗酸耐蝕之容器」內、緊急應變聯絡名冊未更新等缺失,皆已於現場改善完成,以新營區整體環境及細分類情形為最優。 (八) 提高綠/雜色廢玻璃容器再生料(砂)再利用量 3月30日提送本市綠色/雜色廢玻璃容器再生料再利用方式規劃書,為讓廢玻璃容器再生料(砂)能運用在臺南市相關工程,本年度於3月28日與程豐環境科技股份有限公司簽訂玻璃容器再生料開口契約,並規劃優先使用於環保局相關工程,本年度使用玻璃砂計2,017公噸。 (九) 提升舊衣及女性內衣回收管道效能及暢通再利用管道 1. 完成4件舊衣回收設施申請審查作業,核准展延申請3件(133處),並更新核准舊衣GOOGLE MAP便民查詢。 2. 結合全品牌舊衣回收設施工作,增加二手女性內衣回收項目,結合5處賣場、5家內衣品牌業者、3處村里資收站辦理二手內衣回收月兌換活動。從3月8日起至5月31日止共計736人次參與,回收二手女性內衣5,336件(約396公斤),平均每月245人回收約1,778件二手女性內衣。 (十) 提升指定公告應回收廢棄物項目回收量 提升指定項目回收量,於7月結合31處3C電器販賣業者辦理5回收折價換好物活動,共計862人次參與,回收筆記型電腦283台、平板電腦(7吋以上)657台、手機1,775支,以提升回收量,達考核目標。
中文關鍵字 資源回收、應回收廢棄物回收處理業、廢機動車輛衍生廢棄物焚化或粉碎處理、舊衣回收設施、清潔隊資源回收貯存場


專案計畫編號 TNEPB-111-WM -31208 經費年度 112 計畫經費 18390 千元
專案開始日期 2023/01/12 專案結束日期 2023/12/15 專案主持人 林百文、葉佳瑋
主辦單位 臺南市政府環境保護局 承辦人 曾綉丹 執行單位 綠信環境科技股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 112年臺南市資源循環計畫-期末報告_compressed_compressed.pdf 28MB 112年臺南市資源循環計畫-期末報告

Tainan City-112 Annual Resource Circulation Work Plan

英文摘要 The focus of the implementation of this plan is to assist the Environmental Protection Bureau in implementing the "Ministry of Environment's 112th Annual Municipal and County (City) Government Environmental Protection Performance Assessment Plan (Source Reduction and Resource Recovery Assessment)", to grasp the overall implementation results of the city's resource recycling work, and to transparently Through auditing and control work, we urge regulated companies within our jurisdiction to implement environmental maintenance at recycling sites and unblock the back-end decontamination pipeline to achieve the goal of sustainable recycling of resources. The execution results are explained as follows: (1) Integrate the city’s resource recycling work results and handle the Ministry of Environment’s resource recycling work performance appraisal plan 1. Comprehensive analysis of the characteristic practices of various counties and cities over the past 111 years, put forward suggestions suitable for this city, and sorted out 64 specific practices in eight major frameworks to promote the city's four major systems of executive agencies, communities, schools, groups, and recyclers to implement resource recycling work , formulate strategies based on regional patterns and local conditions. 2. As of October 31, 2020, the assessment score of the Ministry of Environment was 82.9 points (full score 100±28 points, achievement rate 64.77%). 3. Conduct 5 work review meetings and 4 assessment review meetings. Review resource recovery work. 4. Developed and implemented innovative methods to conduct the 112-year Tainan Cup Ten Cup Promotion, with a total of 1,551 people participating, with the goal of reducing the use of 1,551 disposable cups. (2) Strengthen the processing of statistical data declaration work 1. Assisted 3,734 places to declare resource recycling volume, with 1,513 public institutions being the majority, followed by 625 collective housing units; the cleaning teams in each district also assisted 312 units to declare, with an annual increase of 54,530 metric tons of resource recycling volume, with Jiali District and Madou District District counseling is the most active. 2. Formulate the "112-Year Resource Recycling Declaration Award and Evaluation System Plan", and select the list of winners (250 applications for awards, 40 recycling sites) based on the reporting enthusiasm, reporting on schedule and reporting methods (such as online reporting) Quantity Award), award certificates and promotional materials of equivalent value, and reward active applicants. According to statistics, the majority of award-winning units are public institutions with 142, followed by schools with 81. 3. The data declaration and verification work of 40 agencies and 253 schools was completed. The majority of recyclers were delivered to 203 recyclers (69%), followed by 36 individual businesses (12%). 4. From January to October in 2012, the resource recycling volume reached 498,875 metric tons, with the majority of resource recycling materials being 238,245 metric tons of paper. The resource waste recycling rate was 64.55%, and the food waste recycling rate was 5.83%. The top three administrative districts with the highest resource recycling rates in this city are The order is Yongkang District, Zuozhen District and Longqi District. 5. Check relevant websites of the Environmental Protection Bureau website (sub-website under the General Waste Management Section, National Action for Resource Recycling website, etc.) every week to check the accuracy of web page information. (3) Review and control of waste recycling and processing industries 1. Completed the review of 35 recycling and processing industries, 30 passed, 5 had incomplete application documents and required operators to make corrections, urged operators to comply with laws and regulations, and tracked and coached operators on a monthly basis to declare their operations on time; 7 recycling operators used land In the application review process, 1 company submitted the final version, 2 companies had errors in the document content and incomplete information and asked the operator to make corrections, and 4 companies rejected it. 2. Provide guidance to 3 new resource recycling stations that have not reached a certain scale to register. A total of 24 resource recycling stations in the city have completed the registration of resource recycling stations, and the recycling volume from January to October was 6,949 metric tons. 3. Completed on-site inspections for 147 registered recycling businesses and 114 recycling businesses that did not reach a certain scale. On-site inspections for 43 businesses were immediately improved after counseling (27 sites found water-stagnant containers that had not been cleared, and 10 sites found positive containers. Reporting and punishment, 4 companies’ Chinese labels in storage areas fell off or were not labeled, and 2 companies failed to store waste lead-acid batteries in accordance with regulations), requiring operators to immediately remove and improve. 4. There are 6 companies under the jurisdiction that have approved business plans or are allowed to use but have not yet completed the registration of recyclable waste recycling and treatment businesses. Among them, 1 has re-applied for trial operation, 1 has changed the business plan, and 1 has Must be resold, one company is in the stage of applying for a construction license, one company is expected to clear the industrial waste in the factory area before the end of the year, and one company is in the stage of changing the location. 5. The “Recyclable Waste Recycling and Disposal Industry Disaster Prevention Training and Benchmark Learning Promotion and Briefing Session” was held on April 25, with a total of 93 industry participants. 6. Completed fire inspections for 45 companies (including 21 registered recycling companies and 24 recycling companies that have not reached a certain scale), conducted on-site investigation and guidance on fire protection facilities and checked the correct use of fire extinguishers. No defects were found, and fire prevention propaganda was strengthened. . 7. Processing of complaint cases, 1 case of reporting and punishment (the property collected at the site was not stored in accordance with regulations), 1 case of improvement within a time limit (stuffing of debris outside the site), and 1 case transferred to relevant bureaus and departments for processing (material collected at the site was not stored in accordance with regulations) Most of the items are industrial scrap hardware). (4) Implementing the reuse of scrap motor vehicle recycling (incinerator) derived waste (ASR) In line with the Ministry of Environment’s policy to help eliminate ASR or SRF and match them into thermal energy plants, the Environmental Protection Bureau has established a Tainan City waste material sustainable recycling promotion and matching platform to increase the exposure of waste material information and increase the amount of waste material removal. (5) Assist agencies to strengthen resource recycling policies According to the "112-year Recyclable Waste Recycling and Treatment Industry Demonstration Site Subsidy Plan", we provide guidance to 3 demonstration plants. Based on the local characteristics of the construction site, we discuss with the industry and design relevant Chinese signboards, plant layout plans, image signboards and bulletin boards. and other items to complete the image transformation. (6) Maintain resource recycling database In order to instantly check the historical records of listed companies and check the progress of cases, this plan will build a resource recycling database in 2011. This year, the database will continue to update a total of 18,062 listings, and the list of each listed industry will be completed in November. Audit records are imported. (7) Inspection and guidance of the cleaning team’s resource recycling storage site Completed four-season inspections of 8 recycling storage sites by cleaning teams. Comprehensive items were overflowing and piled outside the storage areas. Buffer facilities were not installed for lighting sources. Lead-acid batteries were not placed in "acid-resistant and corrosion-resistant containers." The emergency response contact list was not updated. All deficiencies such as these have been improved on-site to optimize the overall environment and subdivision conditions of the new camp area. (8) Increase the reuse amount of green/variegated waste glass container recycled materials (sand) On March 30, the city’s green/variegated waste glass container recycled material reuse plan was submitted. In order to allow waste glass container recycled material (sand) to be used in related projects in Tainan City, this year’s meeting with Cheng Feng was held on March 28 Environmental Technology Co., Ltd. signed a contract for the opening of glass container recycled materials and plans to give priority to the use of related projects of the Environmental Protection Bureau. This year, 2,017 metric tons of glass sand will be used. (9) Improving the efficiency of recycling channels for used clothes and lingerie and unblocking reuse channels 1. Completed the review of 4 applications for used clothes recycling facilities, approved 3 extension applications (133 places), and updated the approved used clothes GOOGLE MAP for convenient inquiry. 2. Integrate the work of all-brand used clothing recycling facilities, add second-hand women's underwear recycling projects, and combine 5 stores, 5 underwear brand operators, and 3 village collection stations to conduct second-hand underwear recycling monthly exchange activities. From March 8 to May 31, a total of 736 people participated, and 5,336 pieces of second-hand women's underwear (approximately 396 kilograms) were recycled. On average, 245 people recycled approximately 1,778 pieces of second-hand women's underwear every month. (10) Increase the recycling volume of designated waste items that should be recycled Increased the recycling volume of designated items. In July, we organized 31 3C electrical appliance vendors to conduct a 5-year recycling and trade-in exchange activity. A total of 862 people participated, and 283 laptops, 657 tablets (7 inches or above), and 1,775 mobile phones were recycled. To increase recycling volume and meet assessment targets.
英文關鍵字 Recycle, Recyclable waste recycling industry, Incineration or crushing of waste derived from scrap motor vehicles, Used clothing recycling facility, Cleaning Team Resource Recovery Storage Site