

中文摘要 臺灣的登革熱病媒蚊地理分布可能受氣候變遷影響而改變,本計畫利用誘卵桶、誘殺桶、孳生源調查與成蚊掃網捕捉,進行全臺登革熱病媒蚊地理分布與海拔分布調查。調查結果與氣候推估資料結合,推測重要病媒蚊在臺灣的地理分布,並以未來氣候變遷推估資料預測未來地理分布的改變。同時針對重要交通樞紐與人流多的高海拔地區進行病媒蚊監測,評估病媒蚊是否隨交通工具遷移至過去未曾分布的區域。截至2023年第44週,已進行1,281地點次調查。完成臺灣南部170個1010km2方格斑蚊分布監測調查,同時另有10個方格因位在行經路線上,因此一併進行調查。共計有175個方格記錄到白線斑蚊,26個方格記錄到埃及斑蚊,兩物種皆有記錄之方格為26個;合併去年資料總計全臺共有349個方格記錄到白線斑蚊,45個方格記錄到埃及斑蚊,兩物種皆有記錄之方格為45個。埃及斑蚊最北界為臺南市新營區,最高發現海拔不超過1,000m;白線斑蚊全臺皆有分布,最高發現海拔超過1,500m。與過去資料相比,白線斑蚊可在比過去更高海拔地區發現。去年於雲林縣北港鎮,與板橋車站內各捕獲1隻埃及斑蚊;本年度於嘉義縣中埔鄉與新烏日車站內捕獲1隻埃及斑蚊,持續進行監測後皆未再發現。此結果顯示埃及斑蚊可能藉由人為活動遷移,但應該無法在目前分布區外立足。其他重要地點斑蚊監測,如嘉義市斑蚊監測、輪胎去化廠斑蚊監測與重要高海拔地區斑蚊監測,皆未捕獲埃及斑蚊。調查結果以生態棲位因子分析法 (ENFA) 進行斑蚊分布預測,埃及斑蚊可能分布於南高屏及臺東市海拔1,000m以下地區,也可能分布到嘉義市,但實際調查未於嘉義市發現;白線斑蚊則是可能分布在海拔超過1,500m。以調查成果及未來不同氣候變遷情境推估病媒蚊的分布,並以此結果舉行專家諮詢會議,提出建議供環境部門研擬相關調適作為與因應措施,降低因氣候變遷改變的病媒蚊分布與其傳播疾病風險。
中文關鍵字 氣候變遷,病媒蚊,監測,地理分布


專案計畫編號 經費年度 112 計畫經費 3889.5 千元
專案開始日期 2023/03/16 專案結束日期 2023/12/10 專案主持人 黃旌集
主辦單位 氣候署調適韌性組 承辦人 邱惠鈞 執行單位 國家衛生研究院


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期末報告 20240412_112年氣候變遷調適期末報告_上傳版-改.pdf 14MB

Adaptation to Climate Change in 2023 - Vector Mosquito Change and Estimation

英文摘要 The geographical distribution of dengue vectors in Taiwan may be affected by climate change. Therefore, we use ovitraps, gravitraps, container surveys, and sweep nets to investigate the geographical and altitudinal distribution of dengue vectors in Taiwan. The data is used to project the current and future geographical distribution of the vectors in Taiwan under different climate change scenarios. Moreover, a routine surveillance program is conducted in regions of interest, including a few villages located in Chiayi City and Yunlin County, tire recycling plants, 2 attractions with high altitudes, and 2 large railway stations to explore the evidence for the invasion of vectors to areas not recorded before by transportation networks. As of the 44th week in 2023, we have finished the investigation in a total of 182 10*10km2 grids through 1,281 times surveys, including 170 grids located in southern Taiwan. Aedes albopictus and Ae. aegypti were recorded in 175 and 26 grids, respectively, and both species were recorded simultaneously in 26 grids. Since this project started in 2022, Ae. albopictus and Ae. aegypti had recorded in 349 and 45 grids, respectively, and both species were recorded simultaneously in 45 grids in Taiwan. The northernmost record of Ae. aegypti was in Xinying District, Tainan City, with the highest altitude less than 1,000m. Ae. albopictus was distributed throughout Taiwan, with the highest altitude higher than 1,500 m. Compared with the previous records, Ae. albopictus was found at a higher altitude. Besides, each Ae. aegypti was found in Beigang Town, Yunlin County, and Banqiao Station, New Taipei City last year. This year, each Ae. aegypti was found in Jhongpu Town, Chiayi County, and Xinwuri Station, Taichung City. However, none of the places has found Ae. aegypti at the same place again since then. This indicates that those Ae. aegypti may have been migrated by the travelers and still had not yet been established. No Ae. aegypti was found but Ae. albopictus in tire recycling plants and 2 attractions, including Qingjing Farm and Alishan National Forest Recreation Area. Both of them were situated in a high altitudinal area with a large number of passengers visiting. Furthermore, the investigation data were analyzed by ENFA (Environment Niche Factor analysis) to project mosquito distribution from 2022 to 2023. It has revealed that the potential altitudinal distribution of Ae. albopictus is up to 1,500m whereas Ae. aegypti is less than 1,000m and is limited to the southern part, including Chiayi City, Tainan City, Kaohsiung City, Pingtung County, and Taitung City. To gather academic opinions, we have completed one expert consultation meeting focusing on the investigation results and the projection of the distribution of Ae. aegypti and Ae. albopictus. Finally, we have summarized relevant suggestions to for the Ministry of Environment to plan an adaptation action plan to reduce the impact brought by the change of geographical distribution undergone in vector.
英文關鍵字 Climate change, vector, monitoring, geographical distribution