

中文摘要 嘉義市政府環境保護局為進一步改善公害陳情案件管制問題,有效提升民眾生活品質,特專案辦理本計畫,配合各項管理方式,期盼有效改善本市轄內各項環境污染情形,以下即針對各項所欲達成之目標及效益分別說明: 一、經由主動之稽巡查,掌握時效,以有效的處理污染問題,減少抗爭。 二、強化公害民眾陳情案件之處理,使違反者不存僥倖心理,落實服務成效。 三、協助處理民眾陳情案件,並對列管之事件進行追蹤,有效杜絕公害維護環境品質,提升環保陳情案件服務品質。 四、分析統計民眾陳情案件其改善狀況報告。 五、配合執行本市污染惡化時管制方式及各污染物削減量管制等事項。 六、提供環保局各項稽查計畫之必要協助。 本計畫為提升嘉義市執行陳情案件處理績效,協助執行公害案件相關文書處理、受理建檔及結案登錄行政作業共計件7,345次;協助陳情案件稽查(含夜間、假日)及交辦案件複查等,共完成7,968件次。 依據環境部環境管理署定義,同一污染項一年陳情3次以上即歸類為多次陳情案件,惟避免案件歸類為多次陳情案件之因素,共計有13處場所屢遭陳情(詳如表4.1.3-1);定期清除雜草之宣導已分別2/22、3/25及7/29完成3場次共計362人參與之宣導活動;雜草清除相關作業於第一次主動巡查30處空地,經查需通知15處地主進行空地整理,並於複查上述15處改善情形,仍有3處空地尚未改善。 依據本計畫招標規範,每季應辦理1次工作檢討會議,報告本計畫執行情形、屢遭陳情案件之處理方式等。本計畫計辦理4次工作檢討會議。 歷年處理效能於108至112年度平均處理時間最快為0.07日,本年度統計平均處理時間維持在0.12日。 112年度在「完成調查」部分,非常滿意共計有641件次,佔「完成調查」件數約47.17%,滿意共計有592件次,約佔43.56%,尚可共計有113件次,約佔8.31%,不滿意及非常不滿意共計有13件次,約佔0.96%。整體而言,民眾對陳情案件處理滿意度(含非常滿意及滿意)達約90.73%,顯現民眾對於環保局執行陳情案件處理效率及品質之認同。 為強化環保人員稽查及緊急事件之處理技巧,本計畫已於111年12月26日辦理1場次職前教育訓練;112年3月24日、3月30日及9月22日辦理共計3場次在職教育訓練。
中文關鍵字 公害陳情、陳情稽查


專案計畫編號 經費年度 112 計畫經費 6773 千元
專案開始日期 2023/01/01 專案結束日期 2023/12/31 專案主持人 侯燕玲
主辦單位 嘉義市政府環境保護局 承辦人 李煌仁 執行單位 百部環境科技股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 112年度嘉義市公害防治民眾陳情案件處理、非農地環境雜草管理暨空氣污染夜間稽查計畫期末報告.pdf 13MB 期末報告

2023 Annual Chiayi City Pollution Prevention and Control Public Complaint Case Handling, Non-Agricultural Land Environmental Weed Management and Air Pollution Nighttime Audit Plan

英文摘要 In order to further improve the control of public nuisance complaints and effectively improve the quality of people's lives, the Environmental Protection Bureau of the Chiayi City Government has implemented this project in conjunction with various management methods, hoping to effectively improve various environmental pollution situations within the city's jurisdiction. The following are That is, explain each goal and benefit to be achieved: 1. Through proactive inspections and timeliness, we can effectively deal with pollution problems and reduce protests. 2. Strengthen the handling of public complaints regarding public nuisance, so that violators will not take any chances and ensure service effectiveness. 3. Assist in handling cases filed by the public and track the incidents under management, effectively eliminate pollution, maintain environmental quality, and improve the service quality of environmental complaints cases. 4. Analyze and compile reports on the improvement of public complaints cases. 5. Cooperate with the implementation of the city’s control methods when pollution worsens and control of the reduction of various pollutants, etc. 6. Provide necessary assistance to the Environmental Protection Bureau for various audit plans. This project aims to improve the performance of Chiayi City's execution of petition cases, assisting in the processing of documents related to public nuisance cases, acceptance and filing, and case closing and registration administrative operations for a total of 7,345 times; assisting in the inspection of petition cases (including nights and holidays) and review of assigned cases etc., a total of 7,968 items were completed. According to the definition of the Environmental Management Agency of the Ministry of Environment, complaints about the same pollution item more than three times a year are classified as multiple complaint cases. However, there are factors that prevent cases from being classified as multiple complaint cases. A total of 13 places have been repeatedly complained. (Details are shown in Table 4.1.3-1); the promotion of regular weed removal has completed 3 publicity activities on 2/22, 3/25 and 7/29, with a total of 362 people participating; weed removal related operations were completed in the first This initiative proactively inspected 30 vacant lots, and after inspection, it was necessary to notify 15 landowners to clean up the vacant lots. After re-examining the improvement conditions of the above 15 locations, there were still 3 vacant lots that had not been improved. According to the bidding specifications of this project, a work review meeting should be held every quarter to report on the implementation of the project, the handling of repeated complaints, etc. This plan plans to hold 4 work review meetings. The processing performance over the years has been the fastest with an average processing time of 0.07 days from 108 to 112, and the statistical average processing time this year has remained at 0.12 days. In the "Survey Completed" section in 2012, there were 641 very satisfied cases, accounting for about 47.17% of the "completed investigation" cases, 592 satisfied cases, accounting for about 43.56%, and 113 acceptable cases, accounting for about 8.31%. %, there were a total of 13 cases of dissatisfaction and very dissatisfaction, accounting for about 0.96%. Overall, the public's satisfaction (including very satisfied and satisfied) with the handling of petition cases reached approximately 90.73%, showing the public's recognition of the efficiency and quality of the Environmental Protection Bureau's handling of petition cases. In order to strengthen the environmental protection personnel's inspection and emergency incident handling skills, this project has conducted 1 pre-service education training on December 26, 2011; a total of 3 sessions were conducted on March 24, March 30, and September 22, 2020. Sessions of on-the-job education and training.
英文關鍵字 Environmental Public Nuisance、Environmental Sanitation