

中文摘要 112年度之計畫自112年1月1日起開始執行至112年12月31日止,以下茲就計畫執行成果摘要分為「許可管制」、「排放量管制」、「行業別管制」、「屢遭陳情管制」及「法規宣導及其他配合工作」等五大工作面向進行說明: 1) 許可管制 本縣轄區內之固定污染源操作許可證共計365張,書面審查作業件數達253件,已核發許可證共計169件,申請文書平均審查日數為18~46日/件,執行防制設備效率驗證審查2根次,另協助25件專責人員申請案件審核及建檔,並辦理3場次宣導說明會及4場次教育訓練。 許可現場查核223條製程,查核正確率為98.2%,並針對重大污染源辦理專家學者協助審查5件,已請業者依據委員意見進行修正。另執行應定檢對象、戴奧辛及重金屬之監督檢測及審查105根次。 執行污染防制計畫書管制策略,包括改善鍋爐污染排放、製程改善、設備元件檢測、加油站油氣回收設備改善及餐飲業輔導改善,削減PM10、PM2.5、硫氧化物、氮氧化物及揮發性有機物分別為3.29噸、2.66噸、11.99噸、206.14噸及68.39噸。另執行187家更新作業,更新排放量分別為粒狀物225公噸、硫氧化物257公噸、氮氧化物1,324公噸及揮發性有機物2,301公噸,排放量更新率為75~93%。 2) 排放量管制 本縣共105家需排放量申報,111年第4季~112年第3季之申報率為100%,除112年第3季外已全數完成審查作業。此外,針對111年應申報業者,進行排放量現場查核89家,查核正確率為91%,需修正部分也請廠方進行修正。 空污費列管582家,其中124家為便民服務廠家,每季提醒及輔導業者進行網路申報,網路申報率為100%。目前現場查核346家(季排放量>1噸為63家,季排放量<1噸為283家),其中20家申報有缺失,已修正完畢。不論網路審查或現場查核後,經審查後應補繳空污費之業者,業已完成結算並發文要求補繳。111第1季~112第3季總申報金額109,518,648元,審查後總核定金額為108,990,732元。 3) 行業別管制 本縣9大工業區許可列管145家231條製程,112年更新2座工業區,分別為中洋及嘉太工業區。另外,除購置緊急應變演練之相關安全防護設備外10月20日假台化新港廠進行實兵演練,嘉義地區發生芮氏規模6之地震,導致台化新港廠1,3-丁二烯槽區輸送泵浦軸封受損,毒性化學物質洩漏並揮發逸散於空氣中,引發災情,配合廠內應變小組、聯防小組、中區環境事故專業技術小組、環保局空噪科及綜計科等單位,進行緊急應變演練。 112年執行625家次稽查作業中,告發處分件數共8件,處分金額1,405仟元,另稽查應改善為24件,應修正之業者,本計畫將後續追踨至改善完成。 逸散性管理辦法稽查84家次,原因為堆置逸散性粒狀污染物質防制設施、輸送設備、車行路徑及車輛清洗等,符合率為96%,及查核戴奧辛及重金屬查核操作條件共17根次,查核結果符合相關規定。 VOCs法規現場查核14家工廠26條製程及2家工業區綜合廢(污)水處理廠,另執行2次設備元件之紅外線熱像儀(FLIR)監測作業,其結果未發現洩漏情事;而設備元件共執行3,040點次,其中洩漏元件數3點,總洩漏率為0.11%,經改善後VOC削減2.49噸。 新設加油站協助審查2家,並執行氣油比10站及氣漏檢測10站,氣油比檢測總合格率100%,及氣漏檢測總合格率100%。另完成96家次加油站法規符合度查核,包含各站管制項目之資料核對、申報資料審查及污染源現況核對等,皆符合相關法規規範。 4) 屢遭陳情管制 屢遭陳情對象採取主動稽查外,另配合稽查隊移轉至業務科案件,由本計畫進行後續追蹤及查處。 112年1月~12月工廠異味陳情共216件,相對去年同期332件明顯減少34.9%,惟屢遭陳情業者13家相對去年同期10家增加,但屢遭陳情次數共97次相比111年同期133次減少27.1%。112年其中3家同為111年屢遭陳情業者,分別為素味食品、上評資源循環及富迪水上二廠,陳情數從36件降為27件,1家為110年屢遭陳情業者(承慶企業),陳情數從2件增為12件,另111年7家從屢遭名單解除;112年新增9家屢遭陳情業者為勤道瀝青、保證責任嘉義縣東石合作農場、蔡江南(洗蚵場)、大成長城、上昇糧食、光利瀝青、玉山輪胎、保證責任嘉義縣玉明山果菜運銷合作社及鼎樺綠色材料股份有限公司。 本計畫查核過程若有發現可以加強的部分,則會建議業者改善方向或安排專家輔導,以減少異味逸散,包括上昇糧食、上評資源循環及玉山輪胎安排專家輔導,另針對有明顯污染疑慮之工廠,建議環保局進行稽查(檢測)作業,如不符合規定將依法處分,包括承慶企業及光利瀝青管道異味超標,進行告發處分。 5) 法規宣導及其他管制作業 為提升計畫執行人員對法規及專業性之認知之重要性及有效宣導空氣污染防制工作辦理以下會議: 1、 內部教育訓練: 目前已辦理3場次內部教育訓練,分別為空氣污染防制費(3/28)、固定污染源設置操作及燃料使用許可證審查人員(5/5)及固定污染源監督檢測(8/17)。 2、 法規說明會: 目前已辦理3場次法規說明會,分別為加油站管制作業及維護宣導說明會(3/23)、固定污染源逸散性粒狀物空氣污染防制設施管理辦法說明會(8/21)、固定污染源空氣污染防制費收費費率法規說明會(8/29)及固定污染源資訊管理系統之申請操作流程(11/29)。
中文關鍵字 固定污染源、許可管制、空污費


專案計畫編號 經費年度 112 計畫經費 15400 千元
專案開始日期 2023/01/01 專案結束日期 2023/12/31 專案主持人 賴宏志
主辦單位 嘉義縣環境保護局 承辦人 粘淑勤 執行單位 元律科技股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 00-112年期末報告定稿(本文)-個資法.pdf 22MB

2023 chiayi county stationary sources permit system and volatile organic compounds inspect and control plan

英文摘要 The main work items are as follows:(1) Permission review and issuance, (2) Permission on-site inspection, (3) Volatile organic compounds Regulatory review and inspection, (4) Annual emissions quantities check for the premises which have been announced in 2 batches, (5) Air pollution fees review, (6) Air Pollution fee late payment, (7) Air pollution fees Factory coefficient review, (8) On-site inspection, (9) Gas stations control, (10) Industrial area control, (11) Database expansion, maintenance and updates, (12) Supervision and periodic tests review, (13) Repeated petition cases control, (14) Holding meetings for related policies or law announcement / education and training, (15) Other work items. In addition to (7) air pollution fees Factory coefficient review without the factory to apply, the rest of the work of the quantitative objectives, are completed within the implementation period. This plan will be implemented from January 1, 2023 to December 31, 2023. The implementation highlights are as follows. 1. Negotiation on reduction of large stationary pollution sources 1) Zhongyang Industrial Zone and Nanya Chiayi Factory are the main industrial zones in the county. The permitted emissions of particulate matter, sulfur oxides, nitrogen oxides and volatile organic compounds in 2023 were 159 metric tons, 596 metric tons, 1,443 metric tons and 4,734 metric tons respectively. Among them, FCFC Xingang and Nanya Chiayi cogeneration procedures (5 valid operating permits) are the main sources of pollution emissions. 2) Through negotiations and the signing of an environmentally friendly agreement since 2016, the control equipment of the cogeneration procedures (4 valid operating permits) of FCFC Xingang Plant are in compliance with BACT standards. In addition, the cogeneration of Nanya Chiayi Plant Procedure (1 valid operating permits), SCR control equipment was also added, and the permitted NOx emissions of both reduced from 4,570 tons in 2016 to 1,034 tons in 2023. 3) In order to continuously improve the emissions of large stationary pollution sources, we negotiate with FCFC Xingang Plant and Nanya Chiayi Plant(cogeneration procedures) every year to track the improvement results. A reduction consultation meeting was held on June 28, 2023, Nanya Chiayi Plant (M01) and FCFC Xingang Plant (M01 and M03) have stopped operations. (1) Nanya Chiayi cogeneration procedures(M01) ceased operation: in 2023, it reduced coal burning by approximately 140,000 metric tons, reduced NOX emissions by approximately 186 metric tons, and reduced CO2 emissions by approximately 340,000 metric tons; an additional 13MW of solar energy was built, reducing carbon emissions by 9,660.82 metric tons per year (CO2e). (2) FCFC Xingang cogeneration procedures(M01 and M03) ceased operations: coal burning was reduced by approximately 160,000 and 220,000 metric tons respectively in 2025 and 2030, NOX emissions were reduced by approximately 33 metric tons and 57 metric tons, and approximately 380,000 metric tons and 900,000 metric tons of CO2 emissions; an additional 8.13MW of solar energy was built, reducing carbon emissions by 4,644 metric tons per year (CO2e). 2. Additional payment of air pollution fees In recent years, accounting audits of the gravure printing industry have revealed that the additional air pollution fees paid by DASE-SING Company and Xu yuan Company were NT$ 6,965,110 and NT$ 30,806,112 respectively. In addition, Fudi Company due to inaccurate equipment maintenance, The waste gas flow direction efficiency was poor due to the backup control equipment and pipeline discharge, so the control efficiency was recalculated. After the recalculation in 2023, the factory had to pay an additional NT$10,246,704. 3. Repeatedly controlled by petitions A total of 13 businesses were investigated for repeated complaints, an increase of 10 compared to the same period in 2022. However, the number of repeated complaints was 97, a decrease of 27.1% compared to 133 in the same period in 2022.
英文關鍵字 stationary sources, permit, database, air pollution fees