

中文摘要 《環境教育法》於民國101年正式施行,嘉義市政府環境保護局為配合政府實施環境教育法,自103年起藉由嘉義市環境教育宣導整合相關計畫,以鼓勵嘉義市民參與戶外環境教育宣導活動,更期待透過宣導整合計畫以培養市民對環境的敏感度及素養提升。 「112年嘉義市環境教育宣導整合計畫」以配合近年環保議題主軸「全民綠生活」及「淨零」等相關議題,透過多元活動、課程及會議,結合嘉義在地特色元素,除了鼓勵民眾走出戶外,更培養解決環境問題的技能,以提升環境素養、環境覺知及敏感度,進而影響態度及行動,以朝向永續發展。以下就各工作項目之主要執行成果作相關摘要說明: (一) 持續推動環境教育相關活動,深化市民環境教育之知識、技能、態度及價值觀,並提升環境素養。 配合環境季辦理相關環境教育活動,辦理地球日系列活動,「嘉義市112年地球日–低碳×雨怪×童玩漫遊趣」、「綠生活農耕趣」、「微光教室」及「國際生物多樣性日-生態導覽」等活動,鼓勵民眾踴躍參與。盤點歷年辦理環境教育相關活動偏向環保或環境議題之面向。 此外,為使環境教育普及推廣,以透過不同面向的活動,例如辦理環境教育繪本、環境教育暑期營隊、惜食料理食譜及教案甄選及環境知識競賽初賽全國賽等,讓孩童、民眾皆能以多元方式參與及體驗。今年度環境教育繪本徵選徵件共9件,並於8月29日辦理1場次繪本審查會議,而獲獎之繪本參與10月14日至15日環境教育繪本嘉年華展出。環境教育暑期營隊辦理2梯次,並擴大參與對象且兩梯次招募年齡分別為國小、國中至高中,共56人參與,參與暑期營隊活動之學員也給予高度正向回饋。惜食料理食譜及教案甄選為今年第一次辦理,本次食譜組共甄選30組及教案組1組,希冀透過惜食概念結合食譜及教案,讓民眾透過料理也能瞭解惜食的重要性。環境知識競賽嘉義市初賽共於112年9月16日辦理,共342人參與,而獲得前五名之參賽選手也將於112年11月18日代表參與知識競賽全國賽。 此外,環境教育推廣須從個人擴及到社區,而為鼓勵民營事業、學校、機關(構)、團體、社區及個人,在各項領域中推行與實踐環境教育,今年辦理第9屆國家環境教育獎嘉義市初審,經過委員實地訪查共評選出4個單位,學校組特優-嘉義市興嘉國民小學、社區組特優-社團法人嘉義市西區何庄社區發展協會、社區組優等-嘉義市西區大溪社區發展協會及個人組特優-邵O澄先生,而獲得特優之單位將代表嘉義市參加中央複審。 為深耕社區環境教育,今年協助輔導文雅社區、興仁社區、興安社區及仁義社區提交「社區環境調查及培力計畫」相關季報表及成果;此外也著手輔導5處社區申請113年「社區環境調查及培力計畫」包含文雅社區、興仁社區、大溪社區、新短竹社區、荖藤社區及安業社區,及「環保小學堂」共輔導1處新店社區。 另為擴大嘉義市垃圾焚化廠環境教育影響力,今年1月至10月共辦理12場次累計488人次,並於今年申請環境教育設施場所展延。 (二) 提升環境教育志工專業知能,以凝聚志工向心力及強化歸屬感。 環境教育推動核心包含課程教案、場域設施、經營管理及人員培力。嘉義市環境教育志工類別涵蓋環保志工、節電志工、綠繪本志工及環境教育志工等。目前環境教育志工人數共58位,今年除了招募青年環境教育志工外,更針對新舊環教志工進行環境教育相關知能培訓,以精進環境教育知識,因此辦理1場次基礎訓練、1場次特殊訓練及4場次增能課程培訓,同時將4場次增能課程過程製作成影片,以作為未來推廣環境教育志工使用。 此外,也針對環保志工辦理大型群英會志工活動,讓遍及嘉義市環保志工夥伴能透過群英會互相交流,更讓各志工小隊培養團隊向心力、團結力及營造歸屬感。群英會活動不僅是志工小隊交流會議,更是志工小隊提升自我知能及發掘自我價值的重要媒介。期望不論是環保志工、節電志工、綠繪本志工及環境教育志工等都能代表嘉義市政府環境保護局共同推動環境教育理念,實踐淨零目標。 (三) 落實環境教育法,及強化健全環境教育機制。 為落實環境教育法第19條,機關、公營事業機構、高級中等以下學校及政府捐助基金累計超過百分之五十知財團法人,每年應訂定環境教育計畫以推廣環境教育,所有員工、教師、學生均應參加4小時以上環境教育規範,本計畫於112年4月21日辦理環境教育法規查核與申報說明會,共58人參與,同步於5月31日完成嘉義市14家單位實地查核輔導作業。 另提升民眾對環境知識及價值觀,於本計畫中辦理環境講習,針對受裁處單位進行課程安排,112年10月3日辦理1場次8小時實體課程。截止10月31日,共辦理7場次環境講習,舊案完成率99.2%,新案完成率90.6%。 除了針對民眾外,亦對於本市所辦理環境教育相關課程、活動及會議,透過每年「環境教育審議會議」及「環境教育基金管理會議」共同檢核及修正,讓嘉義市在環境教育推廣能持續發揮影響力。
中文關鍵字 環境教育、地球日、生態、繪本、國家環境教育獎、環境教育志工、環境教育法


專案計畫編號 經費年度 112 計畫經費 5790 千元
專案開始日期 2023/01/01 專案結束日期 2023/11/30 專案主持人 謝孟宏
主辦單位 嘉義市政府環境保護局 承辦人 張文倩 執行單位 大立環保科技有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 112環教成果報告_1121207(倉儲上傳版).pdf 43MB 112年嘉義市環境教育宣導整合計畫成果報告

2023 Chiayi City Environmental Education Promotion and Integration Project

英文摘要 The Environmental Education Act came into effect in 2012, and the Chiayi City Government Environmental Protection Bureau, in order to support the government's implementation of the Environmental Education Act, has been organizing the Environmental Education Promotion of Chiayi City and integration program since 2014 to encourage citizens to participate in outdoor environmental education and promotion activities, and to cultivate citizens' sensitivity to the environment and to improve their quality of life through the promotion and integration program. The "2023 Chiayi City Environmental Education and Publicity Integration Program" is in line with the main theme of environmental protection in recent years, such as "Green Life for All" and "Net Zero", and combines Chiayi's local characteristics through a variety of activities, courses, and conferences. In addition to encouraging people to go outdoors, it also fosters the skills of solving environmental problems, so as to enhance environmental literacy, awareness, and sensitivity, and then influences the attitudes and actions towards sustainable development. The following is a summary of the main implementation of each program. The following is a summary of the major achievements of each project: (a) Continuously promote environmental education-related activities to deepen citizens' knowledge, skills, attitudes, and values in environmental education and to enhance environmental literacy. In conjunction with the environmental season, we organized environmental education activities, such as the Earth Day series, "Chiayi City 2023 Earth Day - Low Carbon x Rain Monster x Children's Comic Fun," "Green Life Farming Fun," "Shimmering Light Classroom," and "International Day of Biodiversity - Ecology Guide," encouraging the public to participate in these activities. Inventory of environmental education-related activities held over the years is oriented toward environmental protection or environmental issues. In order to popularize and promote environmental education, different activities, such as the organization of environmental education picture books, environmental education summer camps, the selection of recipes and lesson plans for "Food for Thought", and the preliminary national competition of the Environmental Knowledge Contest, were held to allow children and the public to participate and experience environmental education in a variety of ways. This year's Environmental Education Picture Book Competition received nine submissions, and a picture book review meeting was held on August 29th. The winning picture books were exhibited at the Environmental Education Picture Book Carnival on October 14th and 15th. The environmental education summer camp was held in two sessions, and the number of participants was expanded to include elementary school, junior high school, and high school, with a total of 56 participants, and the students who participated in the summer camp activities gave highly positive feedback. The selection of recipes and lesson plans for food conservation was held for the first time this year, with a total of 30 groups in the recipe category and 1 group in the lesson plan category, in the hope that through the concept of food conservation combined with the recipes and lesson plans, the public would be able to understand the importance of food conservation through cooking. The Chiayi City preliminary contest of the Environmental Knowledge Contest was held on September 16, 2023, with a total of 342 participants, and the top five contestants will be represented in the national contest on November 18, 2023 In addition, the promotion of environmental education should be extended from individuals to the community, and in order to encourage private enterprises, schools, organizations, groups, communities and individuals to implement and practice environmental education in various fields, this year we held the 9th National Environmental Education Award Chiayi City Preliminary Audit, and after the members of the field visit, we selected four units, the school group of the best - Chiayi Xingjia Elementary School, the community group of the best - the community development association of Hezhuang in the western district of Chiayi City, the community group of the best - Chiayi City, west of the Daxi Community Development Association, and individual group of the best - Mr. Shao, and the units that have been awarded with the best will participate in the Central Audit on behalf of the city of Chiayi City. In order to deepen community environmental education, this year we assisted and counseled Wenya Community, Xingren Community, Xing'an Community, and Renyi Community to submit quarterly reports and results of the "Community Environmental Survey and Training Program"; in addition, we also began to counsel five communities to apply for the 2024 "Community environmental survey and training program", including Wen Ya Community, Xingren Community, Daxi Community, Xinduanzhu Community, Laoteng Community, and Anye Community, as well as the tutoring Xindian community to become an "Eco-Elementary classroom". In addition to expand the impact of environmental education at the Chiayi City Refuse Incineration Plant, from January to October, a total of 12 sessions were held for a total of 488 people, and this year we applied for an extension of the environmental education facilities. (b) Enhance the professional knowledge of environmental education volunteers in order to build up their centripetal force and strengthen their sense of belonging. The core of environmental education promotion includes curriculum, facilities, operation and management, and personnel training. Chiayi City's environmental education volunteers include environmental volunteers, power saving volunteers, green picture book volunteers and environmental education volunteers. Currently, there are 58 environmental education volunteers. This year, in addition to recruiting young environmental education volunteers, we also conducted environmental education related training for new and old environmental education volunteers in order to improve their knowledge of environmental education, so we organized one basic training, one special training, and four enrichment courses, and at the same time, we also made a video of the process of the four enrichment courses for the future promotion of environmental education volunteers. In addition, we also organize a large-scale group meeting for environmental volunteers, so that environmental volunteers throughout Chiayi City can communicate with each other through the group meeting, and so that each volunteer team can cultivate team centripetal force, solidarity, and create a sense of belonging. The event is not only a meeting for volunteers to exchange ideas, but also an important medium for volunteers to improve their self-knowledge and explore their self-worth. It is hoped that the environmental volunteers, power-saving volunteers, green picture book volunteers, and environmental education volunteers will represent the Chiayi Municipal Government's Environmental Protection Bureau to promote the concept of environmental education and realize the goal of net-zero. (c) To implement the environmental education law and to strengthen a sound environmental education mechanism. In order to implement Article 19 of the Environmental Education Act, which stipulates that agencies, public institutions, schools below the senior secondary level, and consortiums with more than 50% of their funds donated by the government should annually set up environmental education programs to promote environmental education, and that all employees, teachers, and students should participate in more than four hours of environmental education, the program held an environmental education regulation checkup and declaration briefing session on April 21st, 2023, with a total of 58 participants, and completed the on-site checkups and counseling on May 31st for 14 units in Chiayi City. In addition to enhancing the public's knowledge and values of the environment, we organized environmental lectures under this program, targeting the units under adjudication and arranging courses. On October 3, 2023, we organized one 8-hour physical course. As of October 31, a total of 7 environmental lectures have been held, with a completion rate of 99.2% for old cases and 90.6% for new cases. In addition to targeting the public, courses, activities and meetings related to environmental education organized in Chiayi City are also reviewed and corrected through the annual "Environmental Education Review Meeting" and "Environmental Education Fund Management Meeting", so that Chiayi City can continue to make an impact on the promotion of environmental education.
英文關鍵字 Eenvironmental education, The Earth Day, Ecology, Picture Book, Eenvironmental education Volunteer, The Environmental Education Act