中文摘要 | 112年度土壤及地下水污染調查及查證工作計畫-苗栗縣(以下簡稱本計畫)主要為控管及建立苗栗縣內長期土壤及地下水環境品質資料,以作為後續相關管理政策推動之參考依據,以及適時依法適當進行處置相關緊急應變之需求,協助進行必要之作為。本計畫工作內容包括:地下水監測井巡查及維護、工業區預警網監測、貯存系統追蹤、公告事業審查及技師查核、改善完成場址驗證、應加速解列場址進度推動、事業土地污染預防、土水污染預防宣導及推動設置光電設施辦理、推動綠色永續型整治、農地污染預防管理、推動國(公)有污染場址改善與活化、民眾陳情緊急應變污染調查查證等。 本計畫自簽約日起至今,已完成本年度例行性監測井巡查531口次、監測井井體維護更新作業20口次、井體設施修復4口次及28口次井況評估作業;貯存設施及加油站地上(下)儲槽系統追蹤完成15站次;轄內場址驗證作業已執行5場次,其國泰塑膠工業股份有限公司竹南廠南側廠區、台灣中油股份有限公司探採事業部採油工程處鐵砧山礦場、通霄鎮五里牌段隘口寮小段377-92、377-94地號,驗證測項檢測結果均低於土壤及地下水管制標準,經「土壤及地下水污染場址改善推動小組」審認驗證報告,同意上述3場址解除列管。另1處苗栗縣頭份市蘆竹湳段蘆竹湳小段573-3地號之驗證結果均低於土壤管制標準,待委員審議是否解除列管。另1處台一線112公里500公尺處之場址土壤之總石油碳氫化合物共有5點次超過土壤污染管制標準,地下水檢測結果均低於地下水第二類管制標準;已執行應加速解列場址推動4處及工業區預警網監測作業22口次之豐枯水期定期監測作業,依目前檢測結果數據顯示,國泰北側及頭份市永貞段91-2、1182地號之2處含氯有機污染物已於2年豐枯水期執行MNA定期監測均低於地下水第二類管制標準,建議可申請解除列管。另公館子段等5筆地號中僅有公館子段590地號之K00399監測井之氯乙烯測值超過地下水第二類管制標準,其餘地號之監測井含氯有機物濃度均低於管制標準,建議可進行分區解列;另蘆竹湳小段645-14地號因含氯有機物有超過管制標準之情形,建議可評估進行相關整治作業以改善含氯有機物之濃度。 本年度新增工作項目為事業污染預防管理作業,已執行完成A群3家事業查證作業,其中僅強成公司發現有土壤及地下水污染情形,後續建議可將其公告為場址,以命行為人進行改善;農地定常監測作業,發現頭份市永貞段1304地號土壤有重金屬銅污染情形,由樹脂包調查圳路重金屬銅測值亦有偏高情形,建議追蹤附近工廠放流水,以釐清污染源。再者,112年3月31日因濫倒廢酸液重大新聞案件,已啟動緊急應變費用調查三灣北埔段105地號土壤及地下水污染情形,經採樣檢測結果顯示土壤及地下水重金屬測值超過土壤及地下水管制標準,已公告為控制場址。另有2處緊急應變場址之土壤重金屬測值超過土壤污染管制標準,後續建議執行公告程序。 本團隊待已完成本年度各個工項,團隊致力如期達成本計畫執行目標,以維護本縣生活環境,提供民眾更趨完善及乾淨的美好家園,達到預防土壤及地下水污染之效益。 | ||
中文關鍵字 | 土壤污染、地下水污染 |
專案計畫編號 | 經費年度 | 112 | 計畫經費 | 14042.832 千元 | |
專案開始日期 | 2023/01/01 | 專案結束日期 | 2023/12/20 | 專案主持人 | 董仁 |
主辦單位 | 苗栗縣政府環境保護局 | 承辦人 | 周俐潔 | 執行單位 | 亞太環境科技股份有限公司 |
類型 | 檔名 | 檔案大小 | 說明 |
期末報告 | 112苗栗期末-公開版.pdf | 90MB | 112苗栗期末-公開版 |
The Survey of the Soil and Groundwater Contamination in Miaoli County in 2023
英文摘要 | The 112 Annual Soil and Groundwater Pollution Investigation and Verification Work Plan - Miaoli County is mainly to control and establish long-term soil and groundwater environmental quality in Miaoli County. The program has been operated for the follows: 1.According to the inspection results of all the 531 monitoring wells, 20 monitoring wells were maintained, and 4 monitoring wells were repaired. The 28 well conditions of the monitoring wells were evaluated and the internal function have been checked. 2.15 gas stations on-site inspection have been completed, and their soil gas monitoring well have been checked. 3.5 pollution sites improvement completion verification have been operated. The chemical analysis of one site showed that the concentration of TPH in soil was higher than the Soil Pollution Monitoring Standards. And other 4 sites showed that the concentration of 8 heavy metals in soil was lower than the Soil Pollution Control Standards. 4.5 groundwater pollution sites to monitoring the chlorinated solvent test, 2 pollution sites results were higher than Groundwater Pollution Monitoring Standards and it must be keep monitoring. 3 pollution sites results were lower than Groundwater Pollution Monitoring Standards. 5.Industrial pollution prevention and management investigation, l factory was found the heavy metals pollution and 2 factory were lower than the Soil Pollution Control Standards. 6.Agricultural land pollution prevention found 1site soil test result the Cu was higher than the Soil Pollution Monitoring Standards(for agricultural). The team has achieved the goal and maintain environment of the county. To provide a clean environment and preventing soil and groundwater pollution. | ||
英文關鍵字 | soil pollution, groundwater pollution |