

中文摘要 為落實2050淨零碳排目標,我國今年度已通過「氣候變遷因應法」,將透過強化法規政策方式,來面對全球嚴峻的氣候變遷現象。正確掌握主要溫室氣體(CO2、CH4及N2O) 的排放量是達成淨零碳排目標的重要基礎,本計畫之目的為發展開放式場域溫室氣體通量檢測技術,透過本計畫之技術開發、驗證及方法制定,將可應用於評估農業施作對於溫室氣體短與中期之影響,進而提供政策擬定之參考。 本年度計畫以農業系統為溫室氣體通量檢測技術開發驗證的場域,設立下列三點階段目標:(1) 蒐集國內外技術發展趨勢,規劃3種主要溫室氣體 (CO2、CH4及N2O) 之通量檢測所需的人力與設備。(2) 擬定溫室氣體通量檢測技術與方法,以提升數據解讀的一致性及可比較性。(3) 建置通量檢測示範場域進行技術擴散,包括硬體規劃、觀測校驗、通量計算的具體流程示範。 本計畫依預訂進度已完成以下工作: 1.) 蒐集重要的溫室氣體研究文獻並進行摘述,包括三種不同場域(農業、都市與汙染逸散源),並針對農業氮肥施用及田間作業對溫室氣體排放的影響了解氣象因子與溫室氣體通量的相關性;在資料處理技術方面則著重通量資料異常處理技術探討、以及比較不同觀測方法及觀測儀器的優缺點等。 2.) 參採歐洲碳通量整合觀測系統(Integrated Carbon Observation System, ICOS)及亞洲通量觀測系統(Asia Flux)的監測儀器和資料管理規範建立通量觀測儀器精密度及再現性的實驗室標準檢測方法。 3.) 建置農田溫室氣體通量監測示範場域,已完成CO2、CH4、N2O之通量觀測系統之建置與後端資料處理程序之運行。 4.) 完成兩場次的通量監測技術工作坊。
中文關鍵字 農業場域、溫室氣體、渦流相關法


專案計畫編號 112BB011 經費年度 112 計畫經費 7900 千元
專案開始日期 2023/04/21 專案結束日期 2023/12/31 專案主持人 周崇光
主辦單位 國環院氣候變遷研究中心 承辦人 許令宜 執行單位 中央研究院


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 NIEA_溫室氣體通量檢測技術開發驗證及⽅法制定_定稿.pdf 7MB 成果報告

Formulation of Measurement guidelines for Development and Validation of Greenhouse Gas Flux Observation Technology

英文摘要 To achieve the goal of net-zero emissions by 2050, Taiwan has enacted the ‘Climate Change Response Act’ this year to strengthen regulatory policies. The act aims to address the severe global climate change phenomenon. Accurate measurement of the emissions of major greenhouse gases (CO2, CH4, and N2O) is a crucial basis for achieving the net-zero carbon emission goal. The project focuses on the agricultural system as the field for developing and validating greenhouse gas flux measurement technology. The project has set three-stage goals: (1) Collecting global technological development trends and planning the manpower and equipment required for the flux of three major greenhouse gases (GHGs) (CO2, CH4, and N2O). (2) Formulation of measurement guidelines for greenhouse gas flux observation technology to enhance the consistency and comparability of data interpretation. (3) Establishing an ecosystem GHGs flux measurement demonstration site for specific system setup, equipment verification, and flux calculation processes. The project has completed the following tasks: 1. Collecting and summarizing important greenhouse gas research literature, including three fields (agriculture, urban, and pollution emission sources). 2. Adopting data management specifications from the European Integrated Carbon Observation System (ICOS) and the Asia Flux for the precision and repeatability of flux measurement instrument standard testing methods. 3. Establishing a greenhouse gas flux measurement demonstration site in farmland. The construction and operation of the CO2, CH4, and N2O flux observation systems have been completed. 4. Completing two sessions of eddy covariance flux measurement technology workshops. This project is a significant step towards achieving the net-zero carbon emission goal. The proposed approach can be applied to assess the short and medium-term impacts of agricultural practices on greenhouse gas emissions, thereby providing an important reference for the implementation of sound policies.
英文關鍵字 Agricultural Field, Greenhouse Gases, Eddy Covariance Method