

中文摘要 為推動地方創新淨零綠生活轉型,在綠色飲食方面,結合屏東縣大鵬灣觀光產業聯盟-東港豐水產及台東縣南迴永續旅行聯盟-LI.KA CAFE力卡珈琲2處南區在地團體,設立專櫃,推出綠色行低碳農漁產組合包,共同推廣低碳在地農漁產品,透過綠色旅遊實體導購及市集活動行銷;並與國立高雄餐旅大學合作,設計推出5式應用當季、在地食材之綠色食譜,供民眾參考,落實於日常生活中實踐綠色飲食;在輔導社區綠色轉型方面,則完成南區縣市10處社區綠色健檢作業,訂定綠色社區健檢項目,針對其中3處社區進行改善輔導,整合綠色健檢及輔導改善之經驗與成果,提出自主改善宣導手冊及成果輯,研析彙整我國淨零綠色社區之指標項目,召開專家諮詢會進行調整修正,提供社區自主落實響應成為綠色社區之參考;在綠色旅遊方面,整合屏東縣大武山生活圈為示範區,結合示範區內的環境教育設施場所或生態遊憩場所、環保餐廳,及計畫推動綠色飲食的推廣導購及市集等活動,推行不同主題的旅遊行程,提供自行車租借、觀光巴士搭乘及遊程體驗優惠卷等優惠方案,由散客自行報名,定點、定時、合車、合團方式,提供接駁、共乘、專人導覽體驗,計畫期間內搭乘低碳運具參加綠色旅遊行程達1,197人;在扶植關鍵產業綠色轉型方面,輔導屏東縣竹田鄉天使花園休閒農場及澎湖縣南寮風車有機農場休息站2家外燴團繕業者,轉型提供綠色飲食服務選擇,辦理成果經驗分享會,擴大輔導效益,讓消費者未來有更多綠色團膳外燴的選擇,並與南區家樂福綠色商店業者合作,於臺南市安平店、高雄市鼎山店及屏東縣新屏店3家分店,同步舉辦在地食材料理試吃、有獎徵答、闖關活動及鼓勵消費綠色商品抽獎等活動,通盤連結當地各項綠色永續行動,共創綠色市場,鼓勵民眾落實綠色消費活動及提升環保永續概念。另外,完成研析我國或其他國際對於二手衣物之再利用方式,及媒合久泰二手衣回收商及沛德設備技術商簽訂合作意向書,共同持續朝提升二手衣再利用及再製造比例努力,以強化二手衣再利用及管理。為輔導淨零綠生活綠色產業及人才培訓,輔導新增響應綠色辦公1,030家、155家環保餐廳及30條綠色旅遊,完成綠生活推動鼓勵方案發放作業。並透過113年1月4場次種子人員培訓作業,協助166名中的50名種子人員執行150家環保餐廳輔導作業,藉以擴大輔導執行量能。 為建立餐飲及祭祀綠生活轉型,完成35處餐飲業及祭祀場所之ISO 14064-1碳盤查、減碳效益評估及建議報告,並透過辦理南區縣市主管機關溝通會議,挑選出21處場所,進行減碳效益評估,針對可量化效益4大項目:空調、照明、廚房、及冷凍冷藏進行重點輔導,最後擇選出屏東崇蘭昌黎殿等7處示範場所,完成減碳指引,並於113年3月在嘉義樸素齋坊林森店、屏東崇蘭昌黎殿,及澎湖南寮風車有機農場3處示範場所,舉辦低碳減污示範場所觀摩宣導活動,共計3場次總參與人數125人,並於113年3月20日臻愛花園飯店舉辦民俗祭祀排放源宣導活動,總參與人數90人,擴大宣傳影響力,達到相互交流學習經驗。最後,完成「友善環境綠時尚」及「居住品質提升」之淨零綠生活行動措施細則,依辦理4場次專諮會專家學者意見修正細則,以及整合南區縣市計畫執行成果,於113年3月18日高雄Le Phare新左營館舉辦成果發表會,總計62人次參與,期使計畫扶植綠生活轉型經驗及具體行動能夠有效的推廣及落實。
中文關鍵字 淨零綠生活、綠色旅遊、社區輔導


專案計畫編號 經費年度 112 計畫經費 9790 千元
專案開始日期 2023/09/05 專案結束日期 2024/03/31 專案主持人 闕乃羚
主辦單位 環境部綜合規劃司 承辦人 郭庭赫 執行單位 晶淨科技股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 南區淨零綠生活地方創新轉型推動專案工作計畫(成果報告定稿彙整本-公開版).pdf 38MB 112年南區淨零綠生活地方創新轉型推動專案工作計畫成果報告定稿本(公開版)

2023 Southern District Net Zero Green Lifestyle Local Innovation and Transformation Promotion Project Work Plan.

英文摘要 To promote local innovation net zero green lifestyle transformation, in terms of promoting green dining, two local groups in the southern district of Pingtung County Dapeng Bay Tourism Industry Alliance-Donggang Feng Fisheries and Taitung County Nanhui Sustainable Travel Alliance-LI.KA CAFE was combined to set up a counter. Implement low-carbon agricultural and fishery product packages through green travel physical shopping guides and market events to jointly promote low-carbon local agricultural and fishery products, cooperated with the National Kaohsiung University of Hospitality and Tourism to design and launch 5 green recipes using seasonal and local ingredients for people to refer to and implement green dining in their daily lives. In terms of guiding the green transformation of communities, we completed ten communities inspection operations, formulated the items of green community inspection, and provided improvement counseling for three of those communities. We integrated the experience and results of community inspection and counseling and proposed a self-improvement advocacy manual and compilation of results. Researched and analyzed the indicator items of net-zero green community in our country. We convened an expert consultation meeting to adjust and provide a reference for the community to autonomously implement and respond to become a green community. In terms of promoting green travel, we completed the integration of the Dawushan Living Circle in Pingtung County as a travel demonstration zone. Combining the environmental education facilities or ecological recreational areas, eco-friendly restaurants within the demonstration zone and planned to promote the procurement promotion and market events of green dining, conducted various themed travel itineraries and provided discount schemes for bicycle rentals, tourism bus rides, and tour experiences, including discount vouchers. Individual travelers can sign up on their own, using fixed locations, scheduled times, carpooling, group booking methods, and offering shuttle services, ride-sharing, and guided trip experiences. During the project period, 1,197 people participated in green travel itineraries by riding low-carbon vehicles. In terms of fostering the green transformation of key industries, we counseled 2 catering and group meal operators -Angel Garden Leisure Farm in Zhutian Township, Pingtung County, and Nanliao Windmill Organic Farm Rest Stop in Penghu County, transformed and provided the choices of green dining service. An Experience Sharing was organized to expand the benefits of counseling and allow consumers to have more green dining choices for group meals in the future. We cooperated with Carrefour Green Store operators in the southern district, we simultaneously organized events such as local ingredient tasting, prize quizzes, and challenge events, and encouraged the consumption of green products with lucky draw incentives in Tainan City - Carrefour Anping Store, Kaohsiung City - Carrefour Dingshan Store and Pingtung County - Carrefour Xinping Store to comprehensively link various local green sustainable actions, co-create a green market, encourage the public to practice green consumption activities and enhance environmental sustainability concepts. In addition, the research and analysis of reusing methods of second-hand clothing in Taiwan or other countries was completed. Facilitate the signing of a letter of intent for cooperation between the Jiutai recycling company and the Pade equipment provider to jointly work towards increasing the proportion of reused and remanufactured second-hand clothing, enhancing the reusing and management of second-hand clothing. To counsel the green industries of net zero green lifestyle and talent training, a total of 1,030 new green offices, 155 new eco-friendly restaurants, and 30 new green travels were added, and the green lifestyle promotion and encouragement plans were completed. Through Four seed personnel training operations in January 2024, 50 seed personnel out of 166 seed personnel were assisted in carrying out counsel operations for 150 eco-friendly restaurants, aiming to expand the capacity of counsel execution. To establish a green lifestyle transformation for dining and ritual, we completed the green house gas inventory by method ISO 14064-1, carbon reduction benefit assessment, and recommendation reports for 35 restaurants and rituals. Additionally, we selected 21 sites for carbon reduction benefit assessment through the holding of the communication meeting with southern regional government authorities and city supervisors. Focusing on quantifiable benefits of four key areas: air conditioning, lighting, kitchen facilities, and refrigeration and freezing. Seven demonstration sites including Chonglan Changli Temple in Pingtung County were finally selected, and carbon reduction guidelines were proposed. In March 2024, low-carbon pollution reduction demonstration sites observation and promotion events were held at three demonstration sites that were Pusu Zhaifang Lin Sen Store in Chiayi City, Chonglan Changli Palace in Pingtung County, and Nangliao Windmill Organic Farm in Penghu County. 125 people participated in the three events. A folk ritual emission source promotion event was held with 90 participants at the TrueLove Garden on March 20, 2024, to enhance the promotional impact, mutual communication, and experiential learning.The detailed regulations for the " Eco-Friendly Green Fashion " and "Enhancing Living Quality" actions for achieving a net zero green lifestyle were finally completed, the details were revised based on feedback from four expert consultation meetings and integrated the executed results of the southern district county and city plans. On March 18, 2024, the presentation of the achievements was held at Le Phare Zuoying Hall with 62 participants. A plan to foster green lifestyle transformation through experiences and concrete actions can be effectively promoted and implemented.
英文關鍵字 Green Lifestyle, Green Travel, Community Counseling