

中文摘要 本計畫藉由蒐集美國、歐盟、日本等國家及斯德哥爾摩公約等4項國際環境公約對於化學物質管制之最新資訊,及掌握我國產業實際運作化學物質情形,完成評估公告列管伽瑪-丁內酯(γ-Butyrolactone,GBL)、環丁烴、全氟己烷磺酸及其鹽類與相關化合物(PFHxS),及全氟辛烷磺酸等153種化學物質為毒性化學物質作業,並協助研擬「列管毒性化學物質及其運作管理事項」修正草案。 在關注化學物質方面,除完成2-氯乙醇評估列管工作外,亦針對國際間已管制之9,000餘種化學物質進行全面盤點,並依物質特性篩選519種具應預防事故、爆裂物先驅、易致敏、毒品先驅等含關注化學物質潛在特性化學物質,提出未來管制方向建議;而為降低我國濫用新興精神活性物質之風氣興起,更已掌握聯合國毒品與犯罪問題辦公室(UNODC)接獲各國通報共1,227種之新興精神活性物質資料,並藉由與我國毒品管制清單比對及判斷化學結構方式,篩選62種化學物質未來可優先評估列入關注化學物質管制。 在邊境管理方面,本計畫皆依標準審查作業流程協助執行輸入規定801第5項、輸入規定837第6項及含汞產品輸入初審作業,至112年11月,輸入規定801第5項及837第6項共受理608件申請案,其中經審查通過所核發之證明文件計544件,主要申請化學貨品以貨品分類號列以分類號列3808.91.90.00-9(其他殺蟲劑成品)及3808.92.20.90-4(其他殺菌劑成品)最多共488件,佔整體89%;另含汞產品輸入案件,今年皆無業者提出申請。 同時因應毒性及關注化學物質管理規定部分調修,及環保許可整合政策推動,業已依管理需求或法規時序完成多項毒性及關注化學物質登記申報系統功能調整,包括完成管理端證件整合查詢功能之審查日期調整、證件套印之異動日期及事項呈現、新增證件申請書公開功能、績效考評填報計算等多項功能。另為提升管理端功能友善度,亦已依管理人員建議及使用率調整共20項功能。 此外,為使運作業者能快速解決系統操作上的問題與相關制度的問題,本計畫提供6線諮詢電話,平均每月輔導約565人次,作為使用者第一線諮詢管道,更藉由辦理4場針對管理端系統功能精進研商會議、6場業者說明會及1場業務檢討會,協助毒化物運作業者及管理單位對於毒化物系統及相關管制規定更加熟稔。
中文關鍵字 毒性化學物質、關注化學物質


專案計畫編號 經費年度 112 計畫經費 17000 千元
專案開始日期 2023/02/06 專案結束日期 2023/11/30 專案主持人 江伯全
主辦單位 化學署評估管理組 承辦人 許子承 執行單位 環化有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 公開版0-4 計畫成果詳細版V1(OK).pdf.pdf 0MB

The Project of Assessment Management and Border Management for Toxic and Concerned Chemical Substances in 2023

英文摘要 This project aims to collect the latest information on chemical substances regulations from the United States, the European Union, Japan and four international conventions (e.g., Stockholm Convention) and also to understand the actual operation of chemicals in the industries. Complete the assessment and listing of 153 toxic chemicals, including γ-butyrolactone, cybutryne、perfluorohexane sulfonic acid (PFHxS), perfluorooctane sulfonic acid. And assist in the formulation of a draft revision of the "Categories and Management of Handling for Toxic Chemical Substances" guidelines. In the concerned chemical substances, in addition to completing the assessment for the listing of 2-chloroethanol, a comprehensive inventory of over 9,000 internationally regulated chemical substances has been conducted. Based on the properties of these substances, 519 chemicals with potential characteristics of concerned chemical substances related to accident prevention, explosive precursor, sensitization, precursor to drugs have been screened. Recommendations for future regulatory directions have been proposed regarding these chemicals. Furthermore, to curb the rising trend of substance abuse involving new psychoactive substances, data on 1,227 new psychoactive substances have been obtained through notifications from various countries in collaboration with the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC). Compare with the national controlled substances list and utilizing chemical structure analysis, screen 62 chemical substances for prioritized evaluation for inclusion in concerned chemical substance control. In the context of border management, this project assists in implementing the preliminary reviews of import regulation code 801-5,837-6 and import application for mercury-containing products. As of November,2023, a total of 608 cases for import regulations code 801-5 and 837-6 were received. Among these, 544 cases were reviewed and approved, resulting in the issuance of corresponding certificates. The majority of these applications, 488 in total, were for chemical products classified under c.c.c. code 3808.91.90.00-9 (other insecticides products) and 3808.92.20.90-4 (other fungicides products), representing 89% of the total. In addition, no import application for mercury- containing products this year. Simultaneously, in response to revisions in toxic and concerned chemical substances management regulations and the promotion of environmental permit integration policies, several adjustments have been made to the Toxic Chemical Substances Registration and Declaration System (TCSRDS) based on management needs and regulatory timelines. These adjustments include changes to the review date for the integrated document search feature on the manage interface, modifications to the document printing date and item presentation, the addition of a public document application function, and the calculation of performance assessment reporting, among other functions. Additionally, to enhance user-friendliness on the manage interface,20 functions have been adjusted based on recommendations from management personnel and usage statistics. Furthermore, in order to assist operators quickly address issues related to system operations and relevant regulations, this project provides a service number with six lines as the frontline consultation channel for users, assisting an average of approximately 565 individuals per month. Additionally, through the organization of four meetings to discuss the enhancement of management system functions, six briefings for operators, and one business review meeting, this project assists operators of toxic substances and management units in becoming more familiar with TCSRDS and related regulations.
英文關鍵字 Toxic Chemical Substances, Concerned Chemical Substances, Import and Export Regulation Code 801-6 and 837-7