

中文摘要 我國於2022年3月提出「臺灣2050淨零排放路徑及策略總說明」,在「能源轉型」路徑中,將大量推動建置太陽光電及風力發電,伴隨而來廢棄物,應如何有效循環再利用以降低廢棄物之產生,並評估可行的廢棄物處理方案與管理策略,以降低所造成環境的衝擊與影響。爰此,環境部資源循環署特推動「廢太陽光電板清理稽核暨新興廢棄物回收推動計畫」,進行廢太陽光電板回收清除處理規範及研析國內廢風機葉片廢棄物回收處理方式或技術等事宜,以達到廢棄物減量與資源再利用之效益。 因應太陽光電模組未來具大量排出可能性,現行可就處理量能,規劃國內多元化資源廠設置重點及期程。同時,檢修廢太陽光電模組回收清除處理制度,並以落實生產者延生責任概念,評估納入公告應回收項目。為使廢太陽光電板回收清除處理體系趨於完善,透過「廢太陽光電板回收服務管理資訊系統(以下簡稱PVIS)」功能開發與維護,擴增基本資料維護功能,及提供資料庫統計及分析服務,促使作業效能有所提升。此外,因應廢風機葉片未來具除役及廢棄問題,蒐整國外相關回收處理等管理制度及掌握國內現況,以供國內規劃廢風機葉片回收體系之管理制度研析之參考。
中文關鍵字 廢太陽光電模組、回收清除處理體系、稽核查驗、廢太陽光電板回收服務管理資訊系統


專案計畫編號 經費年度 112 計畫經費 9285 千元
專案開始日期 2023/03/01 專案結束日期 2023/11/30 專案主持人 林玟辰
主辦單位 循環署循環處理組 承辦人 陳翔營 執行單位 環科工程顧問股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 廢太陽光電板清理稽核暨新興廢棄物回收推動計畫_公開版V1.pdf 48MB

Promotion Project to Audit the Waste Photovoltaic Panels Disposal and to Recycle Emerging Wastes

英文摘要 In March 2022, Taiwan published “Taiwan’s Pathway to Net-Zero Emissions in 2050 with Strategies” in which the pathway of “Energy Transition” will drive mass construction of the solar photovoltaic (PV) modules and wind farms. On the heels of the solar power and wind power generation are the consequent wastes which require us to think out how to effectively recycle and reuse such wastes for the cut-down of waste output and to evaluate the feasible waste disposal solutions and management strategies, so as to reduce the impact and influence such wastes will cause to the environment. Therefore, Resource Circulation Administration, Ministry of Environment specially urges the “Promotion Project to Audit the Waste Solar Photovoltaic Panels Disposal and to Recycle Emerging Wastes” in order to formulate the regulations governing the waste solar PV panels recycling, clearance and disposal, and to study the waste wind turbines blades recycling and disposal methods and the relevant techniques in Taiwan. All of these are meant to achieve benefits in both reducing waste and reusing resources. In response to the possibility of large-scale output of solar PV modules in the future, we had better now plan the key points and schedule for establishing diversified resource factories based on the current available management capacity in Taiwan. At the same time, it is necessary to overhaul the system for the recycling, clearance, and disposal of waste solar PV modules, to implement the concept of extended responsibilities for producers, and to assess the incorporation of items to be recycled into the announcement. To improve the system of recycling, clearance, and disposal for waste solar PV panels, we may make use of the PVIS to develop and enhance basic data maintenance capabilities, and to provide service of statistics and analysis from the databank. This will facilitate the upgrade of operation performance. In addition, to cope with the future problems of decommissioned wind turbines blades and their disposal as waste, we will search and collate the relevant recycling and disposal management system in the foreign countries, and grasp the status quo in Taiwan. It will, as a result, provide reference for the formulation of management system for the waste wind turbines blades recycling in the future.
英文關鍵字 Waste photovoltaic modules, Recycling and disposal system, Audit and inspection, Waste photovoltaic panels recycling management information system