

中文摘要 本計畫之計畫期程為112年7月8日至112年12月31日,以下就現階段計畫執行至112年12月31日之結案報告修正稿成果簡述說明: 本計畫於高屏溪沿岸之大樹區里嶺大橋上游至林園區出海口7處進行巡查點位,依計畫契約內容,於每個月執行高屏溪河川揚塵巡查,平均每月至少應達10天次,統計計畫目前執行至112年12月31日共完成60天次巡查,並巡查及記錄高屏溪沿岸砂石堆置場與疏濬工程,巡查至112年12月31日共完成2天次。同時購買衛星圖資1幅與執行航空照片拍攝2次,透過衛星圖資購買掌握高屏溪流域於112年11月5日非汛期裸露地面積共計2,152.8公頃相較前期(112年4月30日)減少132.1公頃,且主要分布於第一區(里港大橋下游與里嶺大橋上游河段)以及第四區(潮寮里河段下游左岸);並且藉由空拍作業確認第一區裸露地集中於里嶺大橋上游至里港大橋下游處,面積約有167公頃,而第四區裸露地則集中於萬大橋下游河段右岸與潮寮里河段左岸處,並且潮寮里河段左岸裸露地約有86.5公頃,同時根據空拍結果辦理1場次高屏溪裸露地現勘作業與1場次聯繫會議,確實掌握高屏溪沿岸裸露地實地分布情況。另統計112年7月~112年12月31日尚未發生河川揚塵事件。 第七河川分署與南區水資源分署也依據本計畫所提供裸露地分析資料,每年於高屏溪裸露地上施作揚塵改善工法,減少河床裸露地面積,降低高屏溪河川揚塵現象,於109年度共計施作改善相關工法,共計651.2公頃;110年度統計共施作723.2公頃,包含綠化植生、稻草蓆覆蓋、疏濬工程以及灑草籽等;111年度,施作水覆蓋、割草綠覆蓋、稻草蓆覆蓋、許可種植、短土堤破壞風場與改良土質等,共計完成1,026.75公頃;112年,施作引水渠道、稻草蓆覆蓋、架設水線、撒草籽綠覆蓋、疏濬工程等,共計完成812.408公頃。 本年度透過衛星圖資、空拍與巡查選定重點揚塵好發區域並與河川管理單位共同針對這些區域執行相對應改善工法,包含:里嶺大橋上游河段執行水覆蓋(引水渠道)、攔河堰上游執行水覆蓋(水塘)與果樹木屑鋪設、萬大橋下游執行水覆蓋(引水渠道)、萬丹堰下游開放許可種植與執行稻草蓆敷蓋工法,對比執行前遇強南風之時段,河川灘地產生揚塵規模與時長皆有顯著下降趨勢,後續將透過行動方案會議研討113年第一季施作重點。另配合沿岸周邊環境清理以防制道路揚塵捲揚以及防範河川揚塵造成的負面效應,本計畫於112年7月~112年12月31日共完成高屏溪沿岸道路環境清理2,975.97公里與高雄市區道路環境清理(含高屏溪沿岸道路) 10,093.08公里,TSP削減量共計達77.45公噸,PM10削減量共計達14.87公噸。 本計畫於112年度更著重於推動及改善部分,體認應從教育做起,其宣導對象共分為三部份如下所示: (1) 第一部分為宣導對象為高屏溪沿岸國中小學教師及學童,對於高屏溪沿岸受揚塵影響較為嚴重的學校,截至112年12月31日,本計畫選定大樹區溪埔國小,共計辦理1場次宣導,參與人數約230人。 (2) 第二部分為高屏溪沿岸之區里,規劃選定高屏溪沿岸發生河川揚塵事件日易受到影響的區里辦理1場次區里揚塵防護宣導說明會,截至112年12月31日共辦理1場次,選定大樹區並聯合5個區里,參與人數約達202人次。 (3) 第三部份為透過廣播宣導強化高屏溪沿岸民眾與用路人對於河川揚塵資訊接收即時性,截至112年12月31日共計播放100檔次。 本計畫已依規劃期程,執行各項活動之辦理並確實完成宣導與揚塵防制之目標,除提升民眾對於揚塵事件基本防護觀念外,同時降低河川揚塵對於周邊區里之影響。
中文關鍵字 河川揚塵


專案計畫編號 經費年度 112 計畫經費 5550 千元
專案開始日期 2023/07/08 專案結束日期 2023/12/31 專案主持人 江政祿
主辦單位 高雄市政府環境保護局 承辦人 王晴畇 執行單位 理虹工程顧問股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 112年度河川暨街道揚塵計畫結案報告正式報告F.pdf 20MB 112年度結案正式報告

2023 Kaohsiung advocacy program of riverbed and street fugitive dust prevention and control

英文摘要 The project schedule spans from July 8th, 112 to December 31st, 112. The following is a brief description of the revised draft of the interim report on the project's progress up to December 31st, 112. This project conducted inspections at 7 locations along the Gaoping River from upstream of the Liling Bridge in Dashu District to the estuary in Linyuan District. According to the project contract, dust inspections of the Gaoping River were conducted monthly, with an average of at least 10 days per month. Up to December 31st, 112, a total of 60 inspection days have been completed. The inspections also covered sand and gravel deposition areas and dredging projects along the Gaoping River, with 2 inspection days completed by December 31st, 112. Additionally, one satellite image was purchased, and aerial photography was conducted twice. Through the acquisition of satellite imagery, the exposed land area in the Gaoping River basin during the non-flood season on November 5th, 112, was determined to be 2,152.8 hectares, a decrease of 132.1 hectares compared to the previous period (April 30th, 112). The reduction was mainly observed in the first zone (downstream of the Ligang Bridge and upstream of the Liling Bridge) and the fourth zone (downstream left bank of the Chaoliao section). Aerial surveys confirmed that exposed land in the first zone was concentrated from upstream of the Liling Bridge to downstream of the Ligang Bridge, covering an area of approximately 167 hectares. In the fourth zone, exposed land was concentrated on the right bank downstream of the Wandan Bridge and the left bank of the Chaoliao section, with approximately 86.5 hectares of exposed land on the left bank of the Chaoliao section. Additionally, one on-site inspection and one coordination meeting were conducted based on the aerial survey results to accurately understand the distribution of exposed land along the Gaoping River. Furthermore, no river dust emission events were recorded from July to December 31st, 112. The Seventh River Management Office and the Southern Region Water Resources Office utilize the exposed land analysis data provided by this project to implement dust mitigation techniques on the exposed land along the Gaoping River each year. These measures aim to reduce the area of exposed riverbed and mitigate dust emission from the Gaoping River. In the fiscal year 109, a total of 651.2 hectares of improvement techniques were implemented. In the fiscal year 110, a total of 723.2 hectares were executed, including greening vegetation, straw mat cover, dredging projects, and seeding. In the fiscal year 111, improvement techniques such as water coverage, grass cutting and green cover, straw mat cover, permitted planting, destruction of short embankments, and soil improvement were carried out, totaling 1,026.75 hectares. In the fiscal year 112, improvement techniques including water channel construction, straw mat cover, water line installation, seeding for green cover, and dredging projects were implemented, totaling 812.408 hectares. This year, key areas prone to dust emission were identified through satellite imagery, aerial surveys, and inspections. Corresponding improvement techniques were implemented in these areas in collaboration with river management authorities. These techniques included water coverage (water channels) upstream of the Liling Bridge, water coverage (ponds) and spreading fruit tree wood chips upstream of sediment retention weirs, water coverage (water channels) downstream of the Wandan Bridge, and permitting planting and implementing straw mat cover downstream of the Wandan Weir. Comparing the periods before and after implementation, there was a significant decrease in both the scale and duration of dust emission from riverbank areas during strong southern winds. Subsequently, the focus for the first quarter of 113 will be discussed through action plan meetings. Additionally, in coordination with cleaning the surrounding environment along the riverbanks, measures were taken to prevent road dust resuspension and mitigate the negative effects of riverbank dust emission. From July to December 31st, 112, a total of 2,975.97 kilometers of cleaning was completed along the Gaoping River coastal roads, and 10,093.08 kilometers of cleaning was completed in urban areas of Kaohsiung City (including roads along the Gaoping River). The total reduction in Total Suspended Particles (TSP) amounted to 77.45 metric tons, and the reduction in PM10 totaled 14.87 metric tons.
英文關鍵字 river dust