

中文摘要 本計畫針對北區九縣市推動淨零綠生活地方創新、輔導各項綠色產業、培訓相關人才、執行綠生活素養提升工作、建立餐飲業及民俗祭祀之低碳轉型示範場所、推廣各項低碳生活措施,同時扶持相關產業使其逐步朝綠色轉型,藉此提升民眾的綠生活素養,從而達成「淨零綠生活關鍵戰略」及「我國2050淨零排放」之目標。   執行團隊從各生活面向逐步推動綠色生活相關工作:在綠色飲食方面,完成了196家環保餐廳的響應,並與開南大學合作設計五式低碳食譜並進行線上推廣,同時也輔導團膳外燴業者優化烹飪流程來達到減少碳排放的目的;在綠色辦公方面,輔導了1057家企業響應綠色辦公,並從中挑選11家進行綠色辦公室健檢,同時輔導3家改善辦公環境,並協助其計算實際減碳量;在綠色旅遊方面,團隊共申請了31條綠色旅遊線,並輔導北觀風景區朝綠色轉型,共計達成1322人次的低碳運具使用,以及1058人次參與綠色旅遊遊程;在綠色消費部份,協助在地小農進行產品異地販售,藉此增加銷量及曝光度,同時也和家樂福合作辦理環保標章產品推廣促銷活動;在人員培訓部份,編撰教材並完成172名綠生活種子人員培訓,同時完成兩本「淨零綠生活行動指引措施細則」的撰寫,透過執行上述措施,使我國逐步轉型,朝淨零邁進。 此外,為了瞭解產業在朝綠色轉型時碰到的問題,團隊設計並完成1104份針對業者的「淨零綠生活現況問卷調查」,以及306份針對場域的問卷調查,前者主要在瞭解業者對淨零的認知與瞭解,後者則主要讓業者瞭解其工作場域主要碳排放源,以及瞭解業者在場域改善上碰到的問題與困難。最後彙整兩份問卷調查的結果並製作投影片,向更多業者介紹我國綠色產業的現況。 在碳盤查的部份,完成45間餐飲業或民俗祭祀業場域的盤查,從中挑選並輔導27間進行減少碳排放的改善措施,最後再選出9處作為各縣市的減碳示範場域,收集並彙整上述盤查及輔導改善的經驗,辦理1場次餐飲業減碳等民生關注排放源活動及4場次低碳示範場域觀摩活動,並完成一份民生排放源(餐飲業)減碳參考指引。 本計畫橫跨飲食、旅遊、辦公和碳盤查等多個生活面向,以淨零綠生活作為核心,透過將理念與資源導入各項產業,從而引導業者轉型,在7個月的期程內完成多項淨零綠生活轉型推動工作;另外也透過問卷瞭解業者對於產業轉型的疑慮與難處。希冀在未來能作為基石,使後繼者可以參考計畫的成果與經驗,更順利地朝「淨零綠生活」的目標邁進。
中文關鍵字 2050淨零碳排、生活轉型、淨零綠生活


專案計畫編號 經費年度 112 計畫經費 13772.068 千元
專案開始日期 2023/09/05 專案結束日期 2024/03/31 專案主持人 呂理德
主辦單位 環境部綜合規劃司 承辦人 郭庭赫 執行單位 財團法人環境資源研究發展基金會


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 112年北區淨零綠生活地方創新轉型推動專案工作計畫_成果報告.pdf 55MB 112年北區淨零綠生活地方創新轉型推動專案工作計畫_成果報告(含本文及附件)

2023 North of Taiwan Net-Zero Green Life Local Innovation and Transformation Promotion Project

英文摘要 The aim of this project is mainly focused on promoting local innovation for net zero green living, providing guidance for green industries and training related talents. In ordered to enhance civic green living literacy, establishing low-carbon transformation demonstration sites for the catering and folk festival places is necessary. Multiple low-carbon lifestyle measures are also important for industrial net zero transitioning towards green practices, and thereby ultimately achieve the goals of the "Key Strategy for net zero Green Living" and "Net Zero Emissions by 2050" in our country. In this project, net zero green lifestyle has been gradually promoted across various facets. In green dining, of 196 eco-friendly restaurants have successfully collaborated with the team of Kainan University, and total five low-carbon recipes were created for online green diving promotion. They have also provided guidance to catering businesses to optimize cooking processes for carbon emission reduction. In green office initiatives, we have assisted 1057 enterprises in adopting green office practices, and conducted green office assessments for 11 selected offices. To improve the environmental conditions of total three offices, and we also helped them to calculate and reduce actual carbon emission levels. In the part green tourism, we have applied for 31 green tourism routes. The North coast and Guanyinshan National Scenic Area is assisted in transitioning to green practices, around 1322 instances of low-carbon transportation usage and 1058 participants in green tourism activities were showed in this report. In terms of green consumption, we have aided local farmers in selling their products in different areas to increase sales and exposure. Additionally, we also collaborated with Carrefour to promote sales activities of Green Mark products. In personnel training, they have compiled training materials and completed training for 172 green lifestyle advocates. We have also authored two manuals titled "Net Zero Green Living Action Guidelines" to facilitate the implementation of these initiatives. Furthermore, to understand the challenges faced by industries during their transition to green practices, we designed and completed two surveys. Of total 1104 industry stakeholders related "Clean Zero Green Living Current Status Questionnaire" was collected, and was aimed to gauge stakeholders' awareness and understanding of net zero initiatives. Another one was targeted 306 venues, and this questionnaire was focused on helping stakeholders understand the primary sources of carbon emissions in their workplaces and the challenges of improvement. The results of both surveys and created presentations to introduce the current situations of the green industries in our country to more stakeholders. In the carbon footprint verification, the team completed assessments for 45 dining or folk ritual venues. From these, we selected and guided 27 venues in implementing measures to reduce carbon emissions. Finally, we chose 9 sites as demonstration venues for carbon reduction in various counties and cities. They collected and compiled the experiences from these assessments and improvement guidance sessions. Additionally, they organized one event focusing on reducing emissions from dining venues and four low-carbon demonstration venue observation events. They also completed a reference guide for reducing carbon emissions from dining places. This project spans across multiple aspects of daily life including dining, tourism, office practices, and carbon footprint verification, with net zero green living as a major thinking. Through multiple concept and resource integration in various industries, we guided stakeholders towards transition, completing multiple paths of net zero green living transition within a 7-month period. Additionally, through surveys, we sought to understand stakeholders' concerns and challenges regarding industry transition. On the bases of this project, the project's outcomes and experiences allowing successors to follow and to reach the goal of net zero life transition.
英文關鍵字 Net-Zero Emissions by 2050, Life Transformation, Net-Zero Green Life