

中文摘要 河川揚塵係由河道內裸露地受強風吹拂所造成,過去長期影響沿岸的空氣品質及民眾日常生活,爰此,環境部自100年起即協調經濟部水利署、農業部、教育部與地方政府共同辦理9條列管河川揚塵防制及改善工作,至112年僅濁水溪及高屏溪仍發生河川揚塵,其餘7條列管河川的揚塵問題已獲解決。 為解決濁水溪揚塵問題,環境部奉行政院指示107年起規劃、推動3年為1期濁水溪揚塵防制及改善行動方案,以水利、造林及防災應變三大架構來改善濁水溪揚塵,綜合前2期(107年至112年)執行成果,至112年已提早達成PM10年平均濃度50 μg/m3政策目標,河川揚塵事件亦由106年59次改善至112年5次。另環境部借鏡濁水溪防制經驗,於110年推動高屏溪揚塵防制及改善行動方案,第一期行動方案結束後,揚塵事件減少75% (109年8次減少至112年2次),已達成河川揚塵事件改善50%之方案目標。本計畫彙整並檢討前揭成果,於113年1月分別完成規劃、推動濁水溪第三期及高屏溪第二期(113年-115年)行動方案,持續改善河川沿岸空氣品質。 本計畫以FDM揚塵擴散模式模擬濁水溪及高屏溪185個河川揚塵事件,分析不同網格區位河道裸露地對於下風處測站PM10貢獻量及比例,據以標定河道內揚塵熱區,支援揚塵改善評估決策機制,模擬結果顯示濁水溪揚塵改善應以第一區西濱大橋至出海口河段及第三區二崙清潔隊前河段為重點,建議進入非汛期後以第一區及第三區為優先防制設施施作區位。高屏溪以第一區攔河堰管理中心蓄水範圍起點(約溪埔國小附近)至里港大橋河段及第四區萬大橋至雙園大橋河段為重點,建議進入非汛期後防制設施以上述2區為優先施作區位,防災應變資源配置亦同。 依據河川環境變化研提濁水溪及高屏溪揚塵預警條件調整建議方案,另為優化濁水溪防災應變機制,依風速、相對溼度及未降雨日數等氣象因子,分為初級、中級、緊急等3個預警等級,對應不同應變措施,優化資源運用。同時,於緊急預警時應評估加強應變措施,減抑揚塵影響程度,提升防災應變資源執行效能。 本計畫評估運用遙測技術優化空品淨化區管理,透過相異年度航照圖之各類型土地使用變化,辨識區內維護管理成效及植樹區域占用為非核定用途情境,以節約例行性巡查人員、加強區內管理及遏止違規行為。評估結果空品淨化區運用遙測技術管理具可行性,其中土地變遷辨識準確度達90.9%,依林地、草生地及居住地等土地類別差異,最小辨識面積介於50-100 m2,符合維運查核需求。運用遙測技術管理空品淨化區,可優先評估與農業部航測及遙測分署辦理定期圖資交換或結合農林業定期航拍需求,節省圖資採購成本或軟體使用費用。作業流程應套用已建置之變遷偵測及IPCC土地覆蓋型分類,時間跨距參照森林資源檢定調查以5年為一輪,並規劃不同土地變遷面積時之相應管理作為。 為推動空氣品質植生淨化,本計畫完成研擬都市空品植生淨化行動方案(草案)及六都潛在空品淨化區優先推動清冊,透過盤點各單位施政策略及配合空品淨化區考評內容,於112年推動設置約10.5公頃空品淨化區,環保局已具備以此為基礎,持續與府內相關單位協調推動植生淨化施政措施。另於增加空品淨化區認養比例以加強維運管理,本計畫評估以空品淨化區整合再生能源及固碳量等附加經濟效益形式,提升企業認養誘因及參與意願,評估結果建議應搭配企業社會責任(CSR)和ESG等相關議題,推廣以空品植生減污共利節能減碳,增加企業認養空品淨化區之附加社會效益及意願。
中文關鍵字 河川揚塵、裸露地、空氣品質淨化區、空品植生淨化


專案計畫編號 經費年度 112 計畫經費 14400 千元
專案開始日期 2023/06/17 專案結束日期 2024/06/16 專案主持人 黃超群
主辦單位 環境部大氣環境司 承辦人 詹萬芳 執行單位 新紀工程顧問有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 「河川揚塵防制策略暨推動都市綠淨化行動計畫」成果報告(定稿).pdf 39MB

River Fugitive Dust Control Strategies and Urban Greening Initiative

英文摘要 The Ministry of the Environment has carried out dust prevention and improvement measures for nine regulated rivers since 2011 with the Water Resources Agency under the Ministry of Economic Affairs, the Ministry of Education, and local governments. As of 2023, only Zhuoshui and Gaoping Rivers still experience dust incidents. The dust problems in the other seven regulated rivers have been resolved. To resolve dust emission for Zhuoshui River, under the instructions of the Executive Yuan, the Ministry of the Environment designed and promoted a dust prevention and improvement plan for Zhuoshui River in 2018, on a three-year term basis. The plan was structured around three main areas: water management, afforestation, and disaster response, with measures implemented to mitigate Zhuoshui River’s dust emissions. Based on the results of the first two terms (2018-2023), as of 2023, an annual average PM10 concentration of 50 μg/m³ has been reached ahead of schedule. The number of river dust incidents has also reduced from 59 in 2017 to 5 in 2023. Additionally, learning from Zhuoshui River’s dust control and prevention work, the Ministry of the Environment initiated an action plan for preventing, controlling, and improving dust emissions of Gaoping River in 2021. With the completion of the phase-1 action plan, the number of dust incidents have reduced by 75%, achieving the initial objective of 50% reduction. Based on this plan, the Ministry of the Environment completed the planning and promotion of the phase-3 initiatives for Zhuoshui River and phase-2 for Gaoping River in January 2024. These initiatives are set for implementation from 2024 to 2026 and aim to continually improve riverside air quality. This project evaluates the use of remote sensing technology to optimize the management of air quality purification zones. By analyzing changes in various types of land use through aerial imagery taken over different years, the project aims to assess the effectiveness of maintenance and management in these zones and to identify cases where tree-planting areas have been converted for non-approved uses. This approach seeks to reduce the need for routine manual inspections, enhance in-zone management, and curb regulatory violations. The evaluation results indicate that using remote sensing technology to manage air quality purification zones is feasible, with a land change detection accuracy of 90.9%. The minimum identifiable area ranges from 50 to 100 square meters, depending on their categories such as forest land, grassland, and residential areas, while meeting operational monitoring requirements. Utilizing remote sensing technology to manage air quality purification zones allows for prioritized evaluation of regular data exchange with the Aerial Survey and Remote Sensing Branch, Forestry and Nature Conservation Agency, Ministry of Agriculture or collaboration with the agriculture and forestry sectors in periodic aerial photography, thus saving data procurement costs and software fees. The operational process should apply the current change detection and IPCC land cover classification mechanisms with a five-year cycle based on forest resource verification surveys, while planning corresponding management measures for different land change areas. To promote vegetation greening for air quality improvement, this project has developed a draft action plan for vegetation greening in urban areas and a priority list of potential air quality purification zones in the six largest cities in Taiwan. By reviewing the implementation strategies of various agencies and aligning with the evaluation criteria for air quality purification zones, approximately 10.5 hectares of air quality purification zones were established in 2023. It is estimated that some Environmental Protection Bureaus already have a foundation for coordinating with related units within their governments to promote vegetation greening policies. To encourage the management of air quality purification zones by volunteering companies for better maintenance, we evaluated the integration of renewable energy and carbon sequestration in these zones as additional economic benefits to increase volunteering incentives and participation. It is recommended to emphasize concepts such as Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) to promote a mutually beneficial approach for pollution reduction, energy conservation, and carbon reduction through vegetation greening. This strategy aims to enhance companies’ willingness to voluntarily look after air quality purification zones by highlighting the added social benefits.
英文關鍵字 River Fugitive Dust, Bare Land, Air Quality Purification Zone, Vegetation for Air Quality Purification