

中文摘要 新北市環保局自民國93年執行土壤及地下水污染調查及查證工作計畫迄今,不斷掌握轄內土壤及地下水品質,並實施必要因應措施,自源頭杜絕污染,自管末阻絕擴散。 本計畫地下水監測井相關工項,已完成監測井設置、巡查、更新、修復、評估、完井及廢止作業,建議全面補強井體周圍警示油漆。地下水水質監測部分,正泰化工上半年偶發2口井汞超標,下半年已下降;樹林工業區以cis-1,2-DCE、VC污染為主,本年度證實污染團已向下移動至地面下10公尺處,建議113年度辦理MNA時可參考之,同時可參考幸邦公司及苗栗縣EA實務經驗,調整施作參數。 貯存系統相關工項,完成地下儲槽系統業者網路申報資料審查,現場輔導業者,並完成測漏管查核、評價機制及土氣GC/FID分析,建議將集水坑中有油氣味之加油站納入關切名單內。 宣導活動協辦環保小局長,主辦A、B群事業說明會,光電說明會,《貯存系統管理辦法》說明會,《土污法》第8、9條說明會。建議未來辦理宣導活動可參考本年度問卷意見回覆。 光電工項針對A群事業辦理光電說明會;針對公告列管場址調查裝設意願,再至現場推廣,並寄送文宣;針對已解裂解列調查中、高發電潛勢宣導意願,請光電業者實際評估效益1場次。建議中央及地方環保機關共同努力討論誘因。 本年度截至10/31,已審查38件《土污法》第8、9條評估調查資料,現場查核35家次。 配合環管署辦理兩階段技師簽證案件抽查作業,將最終缺失積分計算結果發函受查技師,督促其改進簽證品質。 污染場址相關工項,轄內目前公告列管50處場址,每月依分級、分類方式執行1~2次巡查作業,並結合GSR、BMPs落實度確核。本年度已執行4處場址改善完成驗證作業,僅1處通過,彰顯新北環保局執法力道與嚴謹性。 地上貯存系統改善複查工作及地下貯存系統法規符合度確認工作均已完成。 全國農地土壤污染預防之定常性工作暨底泥超過土壤污染管制標準之灌溉渠道水體污染溯源調查工作均已完成合約規範內容及數量。底泥結果顯示石頭溪圳重金屬超過底泥品質指標上限;二甲九圳重金屬超過土壤管制標準,持續調查可能污染來源。 事業土壤及地下水污染預防管理作業規範事項均已辦理完成。4場次A群污染查證作業均查獲污染物超過管制標準,公告率達100 %,顯示本工項可有效幫助發現土壤/地下水污染。 業務評鑑之創新作為的部分,本團隊提出二案。「離場土壤流向追蹤管制」及「事業污染潛勢地圖整合灌溉渠道預防管理作業」,均已完成。 緊急應變與調查加測水質掌握各場址地下水現況;尋回6口遭掩埋監測井;113年度樹林工業區MNA前置作業;調查樹林工業區、三重區中興北街、汐止區大同路515巷地下水質現況。
中文關鍵字 土壤及地下水、污染調查、查證


專案計畫編號 經費年度 112 計畫經費 1700 千元
專案開始日期 2022/12/05 專案結束日期 2023/11/15 專案主持人 范康登
主辦單位 新北市政府環境保護局 承辦人 陳必祥 執行單位 傑美工程顧問股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 112年度土壤及地下水污染調查及查證工作計畫 期末報告 (定稿本)(公開版)-2.pdf 61MB 112年度土壤及地下水污染調查及查證工作計畫-新北市

112Soil and Groundwater Pollution Survey and Verification Project - New Taipei City

英文摘要 Since Environmental Protection Department, New taipei City Government (NTC-EPD) implemented the program of soil and groundwater pollution investigation and verification in 2004, it has continuously monitored the quality of soil and groundwater, and implemented necessary response measures to eliminate pollution from the source and the end. About the part of groundwater monitoring wells in this program, we have done the maintenance works. It is recommended to apply warning paint around all of the wells. In terms of groundwater quality monitoring, two wells of Jhengtai have been found mercury exceeded the standard in the first half of this year but down to normal in the next half of this year. Shulin Industrial Park is mainly polluted by cis-1,2-DCE and VC. This year, it was confirmed that the pollution has moved downward to 10 meters below the ground. When trying MNA next year, we may be able to adjust some parameters by referring to this depth, the experience of groundwater pollution remediation in the New Taipei Industrial Park, or the experience of EA in Miaoli County Government. For this year's storage system work, we have examined all of the online reports, provided face-to-face guidance, monitored leak detection wells, inspected on-site facilities, and analyzed soil gasses with GC/FID. If the collecting-sump emission oil gas, it should be put on the list of concerns for next year. This year, we have co-organized a course for elementary school students with NTC-EPD. Other policy promotion activities have been held for the factories controlled by Articles 8 and 9 of the Soil and Groundwater Pollution Remediation Act, the storage systems, Optoelectronics Market, and the groups A and B. It is recommended that NTC-EPD refer to the responses to this year’s questionnaire when conducting publicity activities next year. Photovoltaics were promoted for all of Pollution Control/Remediation Site in New Taipei City. But positive feedback was never received. Members of the review committee recommended that central and local environmental departments should work together to discuss the incentives. 38 soil pollution assessment investigation reports have been reviewed, and 35 on-site inspections have been conducted. Cooperate with Environmental Management Administration to conduct a two-stage review of 6 environmental engineer visa reports. The final result of the missing points was sent to each environmental engineer for quality improvement. For 50 Pollution Control/Remediation Sites in New Taipei City, on-site inspections are carried out 1 to 2 times a month, , and check GSR and BMPs at the same time. This year, 4 sites were verified, but only 1 site passed the assessment. It show the fairness and rigor of NTC-EPD. We have reviewed aboveground storage system improvement operations and confirmed regulatory compliance for underground storage systems. The routine of preventi soil pollution in agricultural land and the traceability investigation of water pollution in irrigation channels where sediment over the Soil Pollution Control Standards have been completed. The concentration of heavy metals in the sediment in Shih Tou irrigation canal exceeded the upper limit of the sediment quality guidelines. The concentration of heavy metals in the sediment in the Er Jia Jiou irrigation canal exceeded the Soil Pollution Control Standards. NTC-EPD will investigate the possible sources of contamination. The enterprise's soil and groundwater pollution prevention and management operations have been completed. After certifying 4 companies of Group A, it was found that heavy metals or TPH exceeded the Soil Pollution Control Standards. It shows that this pollution prevention and management operation has effectively discovered soil or groundwater contamination. We have proposed two innovative plans and have implemented them. One is ‘Tracking whereabouts of off-site soil’, the other is ‘Soil pollution potential map combining factories and irrigation canals’. After improvements, it can be used continuously in the future. About emergency works, we have monitored the groundwater qualities of specific sites; repaired 6 buried monitoring wells; the preparatory works for MNA, which will be carried out in Shulin Industrial Park in 2024; investigated the groundwater quality of Shulin Industrial Park, Zhongxing North Street in Sanchong District, and Lane 515 in Section 1 in Datong Road in Xizhi District.
英文關鍵字 Soil and groundwater, pollution investigation, verification