

中文摘要 本計畫為屏東縣政府環境保護局針對轄內各溪流域之事業進行稽查與輔導,加強執行稽查工作及放流水水質採樣檢測、暗管稽查與封管等作業之專案計畫,以有效削減河川污染,並辦理全縣水污染防治費徵收查核作業,督促業者覈實報繳水污染防治費,建立縣民良好的環保觀念及提升執行力。計畫執行期程為112年1月1日至112年12月31日止,執行工作內容包含為(1)辦理各溪流域事業巡查作業、(2)科學稽查儀器蒐證作業、(3)水污費徵收查核、(4)執行環保署專案計畫、(5)其它配合事項等5大項工作。截至112年12月15日止,本計畫已執行約11個月,現階段執行成果如下: 一、 各溪流域事業巡查作業 (一) 事業稽查作業 透過多元因子篩選建立重點事業稽查名單,已完成稽巡查529件,查獲7件違規情事,已全數告發,合計處分金額2,925,500元。違規情事皆追蹤複查至改善為止。 (二) 水質採樣檢測作業 已完成113件水質採樣檢測作業,查獲放流水檢驗數值超過放流水限值共7次,不合格率6.2%,合計處分金額764,500元。 二、 科學稽查儀器蒐證作業 本計畫稽查員詳細巡查事業後,如發現有疑慮或經常不排水之事業,將運用24小時水質連續監測設備,共計針對5家違規潛勢事業進行架設,查獲3件放流水超標,合計處分金額486,000元。 三、 水污費徵收查核作業 依據行政院環境保護署「112年水污染防治費申報案件查核作業」規定,本縣列管家數為1,000家以上,應查核25家次,此外依據考核規定,若要達到滿分,需達查核率125%,故本計畫查核32家次(128%),32家總計有196個期別需要查核,查核結果123個期別需要修正,錯誤率62.8% 。   四、 環保署專案計畫 (一) 公共污水下水道系統查核 縣內公共污水下水道系統共計5家,除屏東市污水下水道系統-六塊厝污水處理廠查核頻率為每2月1次外,其餘4家採樣頻率皆為每季採樣1次。共今年度共須採樣22次,目前已累計達22次,檢測結果皆符合排放標準。 已完成13家社區下水道開機查核,並執行2家次放流水採樣。另經本計畫調查,其中8家社區下水道系統之廢水設施屬自行操作,其餘5家則委託雅翔水電工程有限公司操作,並使用環保署公告之定型化契約範本。 (二) 工業區專用污水下水道系統管理 本計畫每月針對高屏溪4大工業區執行工業區放流水檢測至少一次,共計採樣57次,其中包含41次日間及16次夜間採樣,日間採樣其中針對雨水道採樣8次,檢測結果皆符合排放標準。 (三) 預鑄式建築物污水處理設施查核 本計畫已查核4處使用預鑄式污水處理設施者進行查核。查核重點包括設廠牌型號、槽體數量是否正確,是否正常開機操作、人孔上方空間淨空、每年至少清理污泥1~2次等,以確保處理設施妥善操作維護及清理。 (四) 化糞池污物定期清理 屏東縣目前以機關、學校為主要公告清理對象,尚未擴及至一定樓層之建築物,本計畫掌握應定期清理對象之執行狀況;對於尚未依規定執行定期清理者,於期限前以書面通知提醒,若期限屆滿仍未執行定期清理者,先以勸導配合為原則,惟經勸導仍未能配合執行者,依法處理。統計112年1至10月水肥清運成果,清運量達513.78公噸。
中文關鍵字 三、水污費徵收查核作業、科學稽查儀器蒐證作業


專案計畫編號 1111111-B 經費年度 112 計畫經費 5355 千元
專案開始日期 2023/01/01 專案結束日期 2023/12/31 專案主持人 陳威憲
主辦單位 屏東縣政府環境保護局 承辦人 黃一明 執行單位 技佳工程科技股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 倉儲系統上傳用(全合併版).pdf 15MB

Pingtung County Water Pollution Prevention and Control Fee Collection Audit Project (Year 2023)

英文摘要 Abstract Led by the Environmental Protection Bureau of Pingtung County Government, this project focuses on inspecting and guiding businesses within various river basins. Emphasizing enhanced inspection efforts, it includes specialized tasks such as water quality sampling and testing, inspection of hidden pipelines, and sealing operations. The primary objective is to effectively reduce river pollution. Furthermore, the project involves conducting audits for the collection of water pollution prevention and control fees throughout the entire county, ensuring accurate reporting and payment by businesses. Additionally, through encouraging compliance, the project aims to foster a positive environmental awareness among the county's residents and enhance enforcement capabilities. The project is scheduled to be implemented from January 1, 2023, to December 31, 2023. The execution tasks encompass five main categories: (1) Conducting inspections in various river basins (2) Utilizing scientific inspection instruments for evidence collection (3) Auditing water pollution prevention and control fee collection (4) Executing Environmental Protection Administration's special projects (5) Coordinating with other related tasks. As of December 15, 2023, this project has been implemented for approximately 11 months. The current implementation results are as follows: 1. Inspection Operations in Various River Basins (1) Business inspection operations Through a multifactor screening process, a targeted list for business inspections has been established. A total of 529 inspections have been conducted, resulting in the identification of 7 instances of violations. Legal actions have been taken against 6 parties involved, leading to a cumulative penalty amount of NTD2,925,500. Subsequent legal actions will be pursued for all violations, and a continuous monitoring and re-inspection process will be implemented until improvements are observed. (2) Water quality sampling and testing operations A total of 113 water quality sampling and testing operations have been completed. In the course of these operations, 7 instances were identified where the values of the discharged water exceeded the permissible limits. The non-compliance rate is 6.2%, and the cumulative penalty for these violations amounts to NTD764,500. 2. Scientific Inspection Equipment and Evidence Collection Operations During the execution of this project, inspectors, following a detailed examination of businesses, utilize 24-hour continuous water quality monitoring equipment when potential violations or instances of frequent non-discharge are identified. A total of 5 potentially non-compliant businesses were targeted for the installation of monitoring equipment, resulting in the identification of 3 instances where effluent water exceeded standards. Additionally, one case is currently undergoing the process of statement submission. The total penalty amount for these violations is NTD186,000. 3. Water Pollution Fee Collection and Verification Operations This operation involves the verification of water pollution fee collection based on the regulations outlined in the Environmental Protection Administration of the Executive Yuan's "2023-Year Water Pollution Control Fee Declaration Case Verification Operations." In this county, where the number of registered entities exceeds 1000, 25 verifications are required. According to the assessment criteria, achieving a full score necessitates a verification rate of 125%. Therefore, the project's objective is to conduct 32 verifications (128%). In total, 196 periods require verification, and the results indicate that corrections are needed for 123 periods, resulting in an error rate of 62.8%. 3. Project Plans of The Environmental Protection Department (1) Public sewage system inspection There are a total of 5 public sewage systems in the county. The inspection frequency varies, with the Pingtung City Sewage System - Liukuaicuo Sewage Treatment Plant being inspected every 2 months and the remaining 4 systems being sampled once per quarter. In the current fiscal year, a total of 22 samples are required, and so far, 22 samples have been taken. All test results comply with the emission standards. Currently, inspections for the startup of sewage systems have been completed for 13 communities, and discharge water sampling has been conducted twice. Additionally, according to the investigation conducted by this project, among these communities, 8 operate their wastewater facilities independently. The remaining 5 have entrusted the operation to Yasho Water and Electric Engineering Co., Ltd., utilizing the standardized contract template announced by the Environmental Protection Administration. (2) Management of industrial zone-specific sewage systems This project conducts monthly industrial discharge water testing at least once for the two major industrial zones along the Gaoping River. A total of 57 samples were collected, including 41 daytime and 16 nighttime samplings. Among the daytime samplings, 8 were specifically for storm sewer, and all test results complied with emission standards. (3) Inspection of prefabricated building wastewater treatment facilities This project has conducted inspections on four facilities utilizing prefabricated wastewater treatment systems. The inspections focused on verifying the factory's model and type, ensuring the correct number of tank bodies, checking if the system operates normally, confirming clear space above manholes, and ensuring the facility undergoes cleaning of sludge at least once or twice a year. The goal is to ensure proper operation, maintenance, and cleaning of the treatment facilities. (4) Regular cleaning of septic tank waste Currently, the main targets for announced cleaning in Pingtung County are government offices and schools, and it has not yet expanded to buildings of a certain height. This project monitors the execution status of objects that should undergo regular cleaning. For those who have not carried out regular cleaning as required, written notices are provided before the deadline as a reminder. If the deadline is exceeded without the execution of regular cleaning, the principle is to encourage cooperation initially. However, if cooperation is still not achieved after encouragement, legal measures will be taken. As of January to October in 2023, the results of water and fertilizer transport show a total transport volume of 513.78 metric tons.
英文關鍵字 Water Pollution Fee Collection and Verification Operations, Scientific Inspection Equipment and Evidence Collection Operations