

中文摘要 本縣107~112年空氣品質指標(AQI)年平均值由45.4下降至38.2,整體空氣品質呈現改善。統計分析近年指標污染物以O3-8hr和PM2.5為主,112年PM2.5年平均值為8.6 μg/m3,較111年平均值7.5 μg/m3提升約15%,主因為4-5月多日境外沙塵影響,使全臺PM10及PM2.5濃度均有一致提升情形,O3-8hr的部分則為53.2 ppb,較111年同期54.4 ppb下降2.2%。 依環境部辦理之「112年度執行空氣品質維護及改善工作績效展現評比」協助環保局依照各項資料繳交時間完成指定資料提報。 追蹤宜蘭縣空氣污染防制計畫(109年至112年)各項管制執行成果,統計109-112年各項空氣污染防制工作污染物削減量和空氣品質現況皆達成執行目標。 依空氣污染防制法第7條規定,環境部已提出「空氣污染防制方案(113年至116年)」,由本計畫初步彙整各污染源空氣污染管制策略,並整合其他跨局處相關執行工作,協助環保局提出「宜蘭縣空氣污染防制計畫(113年至116年)(草案)」。 配合環境部,本計畫已協助環保局由本縣列管之固定污染源篩選33家公私場所提報及審核空氣品質惡化防制計畫,協談各廠優於法規提前於AQI>100時,即執行相關應變工作,並集邀本縣各局處單位共同研擬制訂應變措施,納入「宜蘭縣區域空氣品質惡化防制措施」,由宜蘭縣政府於112年3月2日公告施行。 在水泥廠汞污染管制上,本計畫於112年完成轄內4家水泥廠汞流布調查,本年度流布調查執行之4根煙道多可符合環境部初步規劃之未來汞管制標準50 μg/Nm³;此外,水泥製程中水泥磨運作過程會導致汞在製程累積,參考文獻指出累積汞會在生料磨停磨後數小時內大量排放,據此已協談水泥廠配合完成停磨之管道汞檢測調查。總整本年度調查結果,於12月辦理污染物減量協談會,請業者針對高汞物料進行源頭管理,並自行評估訂定汞允收標準,同時針對物料及管道定期執行檢測,以掌握整體流布變化。 針對龍德工業區異味污染問題,於龍德工業區PM2.5感測器分析熱點執行OP-FTIR監測,比對風向後以CC-FTIR分別於111年、112年針對特定業者執行排放管道調查,並針對調查結果召開空污改善協談會,協談管道排放較需改善之業者進行相關製程調整,並提送自主管理計畫至環保局備查。 此外,本計畫於105年協助環保局針對冬山鄉民眾陳情異味執行溯源調查,輔導業者於107年增設蓄熱式焚化爐(RTO),於本年度以CC-FTIR同步採氣使用GC-MS分析污染指紋,掌握排放現況,協助業者發現設備異常問題並完成檢修。 依環境部考核規範,於工業區完成大氣有害空氣污染物監測作業,並協助環境部建置全國有害空氣污染物排放背景資料。
中文關鍵字 空氣品質、環境監測、汞、異味污染物、有害空氣污染物


專案計畫編號 經費年度 112 計畫經費 1030 千元
專案開始日期 2023/01/01 專案結束日期 2023/12/31 專案主持人 呂旻倫
主辦單位 宜蘭縣政府環境保護局 承辦人 胡孟凱 執行單位 昱山環境技術服務顧問有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 112年度空氣品質改善維護暨有害及異味污染物環境監測調查計畫期末報告-屏蔽.pdf 29MB

Air Quality Improvement, Maintenance, and Monitoring Survey for Harmful and Odorous Pollutants in Yilan County for the Year 112 (2023)

英文摘要 The county's annual average Air Quality Index (AQI) decreased from 45.4 to 38.2 between 107 (2018) and 112 (2023), showing an overall improvement in air quality. Statistical analysis indicated that the major pollutants in recent years were O3-8hr and PM2.5. In 112, the annual average PM2.5 was 8.6 μg/m3, about 15% higher than the 7.5 μg/m3 average in 111 (2022), mainly due to the impact of transboundary dust storms on multiple days in April and May, causing consistent increases in PM10 and PM2.5 levels across Taiwan. As for O3-8hr, it was 53.2 ppb, a 2.2% decrease from 54.4 ppb in the same period of 111. Assistance was provided to the Environmental Protection Bureau to achieve good performance in the "112 Annual Air Quality Maintenance and Improvement Work Performance Evaluation" conducted by the Environmental Protection Administration, and to complete the submission of all designated data required by the EPA according to the schedule. Assistance was provided to track the implementation results of various control measures under Yilan County's Air Pollution Control Plan (109-112). The amount of pollutant reduction achieved and the current air quality status from 109 to 112 all met the targets set by the Control Plan. As required by Article 7 of the Air Pollution Control Act, the EPA has proposed the "Air Pollution Control Program (113-116)." This project preliminarily consolidated the air pollution control strategies proposed by various plans and integrated the implementation of relevant inter-bureau efforts to assist the Environmental Protection Bureau in formulating the "Yilan County Air Pollution Control Plan (113-116) (Draft)." In coordination with the EPA, this project assisted the Environmental Protection Bureau in selecting 33 public and private premises from the county's controlled stationary pollution sources to report and review their air quality deterioration prevention plans. Negotiations were held with each facility to implement contingency measures earlier than required by law when the AQI reaches 100. Additionally, relevant departments were consulted to formulate various contingency control measures, which were incorporated into the "Yilan County Regional Air Quality Deterioration Prevention Measures." After confirmation by the Environmental Protection Bureau, these measures were announced and implemented by the Yilan County Government on March 2, 112. Regarding mercury pollution control in cement plants, this project completed a mercury distribution survey at 4 cement plants under its jurisdiction in 112. The survey results from 4 stacks this year mostly met the EPA's preliminary planned future mercury control standard of 50 μg/Nm³. Furthermore, the cement grinding process leads to mercury accumulation in the process. According to literature, accumulated mercury is released in large amounts within a few hours after the raw mill stops grinding. Based on this, cement plants were consulted to cooperate in conducting mercury testing in the ducts after mill stoppages. Summarizing this year's survey results, a pollution reduction consultation meeting was held in December, requesting operators to implement source management for high-mercury materials, self-evaluate and set mercury acceptance standards, and regularly test materials and ducts to monitor overall distribution changes. For the odor pollution issue in the Longde Industrial Park, OP-FTIR monitoring was performed at PM2.5 sensor hotspots in the park. After correlating with wind directions, CC-FTIR was used in 111 and 112 to survey the emission ducts of specific operators. Based on the survey results, an air pollution improvement consultation meeting was convened to discuss with operators whose duct emissions required improvement to adjust their processes accordingly and submit self-management plans to the Environmental Protection Bureau for reference. Moreover, in 105, this project assisted the Environmental Protection Bureau in conducting source investigations in response to odor complaints from residents of Dongshan Township. The operator was guided to install a regenerative thermal oxidizer (RTO) in 107. This year, CC-FTIR simultaneous sampling and GC-MS were used to analyze the pollution fingerprint and understand the current emission status. In accordance with the EPA's evaluation guidelines, this project commissioned an EPA-accredited testing company to complete monitoring of hazardous air pollutants in industrial areas and assisted the EPA in establishing a national background database for hazardous air pollutant emissions.
英文關鍵字 Air quality、Environmental monitoring、Mercury、Odorous pollutants、Hazardous air pollutants