

中文摘要 為使淨零綠生活具體行動能夠有效的落實及推廣,環境部委託「112年中區淨零綠生活地方創新轉型推動專案工作計畫」(以下簡稱本計畫),針對中部六縣市(苗栗縣、臺中市、南投縣、彰化縣、雲林縣及金門縣)推動各項淨零綠生活工項,藉以從產業轉型及生活轉型,進而有效促達淨零綠生活策略目標及效益。 本計畫完成(1)五式綠色食譜設計及推廣、(2)結合2處農產市集推動在地低碳農特產品、(3)輔導11所校園綠生活校園評量,進而協助3所學校進行綠色轉型輔導改善、(4)推動日月潭風景區為優質旅遊示範區,並結合綠色旅遊、綠色運具及環保餐廳等響應措施、(5)輔導南投金都餐廳及金門盈春閣提供綠色飲食服務及辦理1場次推廣活動、(6)與家樂福於6縣市17家門市辦理3場次綠色產品推廣示範活動,並導入減碳、減廢及減塑措施、(7)輔導新增綠色辦公1,019家、綠色旅遊34條及環保餐廳176家、(8)編撰「低碳運輸網絡」及「永續觀光樂悠遊」2本行動措施指引、(9)辦理4場次產業與社區綠生活種子人員培訓課程、(10)完成蒐集國內外餐飲業及民俗祭祀場所低碳及節能技術應用資料、(11)召開1場次中區縣市主管機關溝通會議,並確認30處碳盤查名單、(12)盤點30處民生關注排放源減碳潛勢,並輔導18處導入減碳技術應用及其輔導效益,擇優作為示範場所、(13)辦理3場次民生關注排放源觀摩暨經驗分享活動、(14)編撰民生關注排放源減碳參考指引初稿、(15)完成辦理中區計畫執行成果發表會。
中文關鍵字 淨零綠生活、淨零轉型、溫室氣體碳盤查


專案計畫編號 經費年度 112 計畫經費 9300 千元
專案開始日期 2023/09/05 專案結束日期 2024/03/31 專案主持人 鄭伃舒
主辦單位 環境部綜合規劃司 承辦人 黃楚竣 執行單位 京丞資源國際有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 112AA246_期末成果報告定稿(全)上傳檔.pdf 61MB

2023 Central Region Net-Zero Green Living Local Innovation and Transition Promotion Project

英文摘要 In order to effectively implement and promote the specific actions of net-zero green living, the Ministry of Environment commissioned the "112-year Central District Net-zero Green Living Local Innovation and Transformation Promotion Project Work Plan" (hereinafter referred to as this plan), targeting six counties and cities in central China ( Miaoli County, Taichung City, Nantou County, Changhua County, Yunlin County and Kinmen County) promote various net-zero green living projects to transform industry and life, thereby effectively promoting the strategic goals and benefits of net-zero green living. This project completed (1) the design and promotion of five-style green recipes, (2) combined with 2 agricultural markets to promote local low-carbon agricultural products, (3) guided the green life campus evaluation of 11 campuses, and then assisted 3 Schools conduct green transformation coaching and improvement, (4) promote the Sun Moon Lake Scenic Area as a high-quality tourism demonstration area, and integrate green tourism, green transportation and environmentally friendly restaurants and other response measures, (5) coach Nantou Jindu Restaurant and Kinmen Yingchun Pavilion to provide Green catering services and 1 promotion event, (6) 3 green product promotion demonstration activities with Carrefour in 17 stores in 6 counties and cities, and introduction of carbon reduction, waste reduction and plastic reduction measures, (7) Coaching to add new green products 1,019 offices, 34 green tourism items and 176 environmentally friendly restaurants, (8) compiling 2 action guides of "Low Carbon Transportation Network" and "Sustainable Sightseeing and Leisure Travel", (9) handling 4 industry and community green life seeds Personnel training courses, (10) Completed the collection of low-carbon and energy-saving technology application materials for domestic and foreign catering industries and folk worship sites, (11) Convened a communication meeting with the central district, county and city competent authorities, and confirmed 30 carbon inventory lists, (12 ) Inventory the carbon reduction potential of 30 emission sources that are of concern to people's livelihood, and provide guidance on the introduction of carbon reduction technology applications and their coaching benefits in 18 places, and select the best as demonstration sites, (13) conduct 3 observation and experience sharing activities of emission sources that are of concern to people's livelihood, (14 ) Compiled the first draft of reference guidelines for carbon reduction from emission sources that are of concern to people’s livelihood, and (15) completed the presentation of the results of the implementation of the Central District Plan.
英文關鍵字 Net zero green living, Net zero transition, Greenhouse Gas Carbon Inventory