

中文摘要 本計畫因應環境檢驗測定法草案的二次預告,配合中央行政機關法制作業應注意事項,草擬法律制定案時,對於應訂定之法規命令,應一併規劃並執行先期作業,原則上於法律公布施行後6個月內完成發布。 法規研擬面部分,於第1次工作進度報告提出9項子法草案名稱及研擬規劃期程並經國環院核定。本計畫共完成9項子法草案完整條文及相關說明,依序為一、「違反環境檢驗測定法罰鍰額度裁罰準則」,重點為依公式計算之罰鍰額度逾法定最高罰鍰者及情節輕微之裁處原則;二、「違反環境檢驗測定法所得利益核算及推估辦法」,重點為提示主管機關應注意追繳所得利益之違規行為;積極利益類型及其核算、推估方法;三、「違反環境檢驗測定法按次處罰通知限期改善或補正執行準則」,重點為違反本法之按次處罰,限期改善、補正之通知書與裁處書應分別作成,並規範限期改善或補正通知書應記載事項;四、「環境檢驗測定技術能力考核及盲樣測試準則」,重點為技術能力考核及盲樣測試之執行方式、作業程序、盲樣測試結果送交期限等規定;五、「檢舉違反環境檢驗測定法案件獎勵辦法」,重點為檢舉違反環檢法規後,需經主管機關查證屬實並經裁處罰鍰後之案件才可獎勵,並規範獎勵方式;六、「違反環境檢驗測定法行為揭弊者法律扶助辦法」,重點為就法律扶助之申請資格、扶助範圍、審核方式及委託辦理等事項加以規範;七、「環境檢測基金收支保管及運用辦法」,重點為因各環保法律多有環境檢測需求,辦理環境檢測相關管理措施宜有穩定適足財源,故由主管機關成立環境檢測基金管理運用;八、「環境檢驗測定機構績優獎勵辦法」,重點為予以獎勵之條件明確定義,俾辦理推薦及評審,得有更明確之規定可依循;九、「環境檢驗測定法規費收費標準」,重點為配合本法各項管理制度及行政措施之推動,明定本法規費收取涵蓋之範疇與收費項目。 制度推動面部分,共完成4項重點推動制度之作業指引文件,依序為一、「檢測機構分級管理制度」,重點包含有分級制度經濟誘因、分級制度評析因子及分級等級核定時機點與條件;二、「環境檢測設備查驗制度」,重點包含有近年檢測業務類別占比分析、空氣品質監測車之儀器分析及全國代檢業重要儀器狀況;三、「環檢技術人員證照制度」,重點包含有日本計量士制度研析、我國環境檢測人員類別、訓練課程及多元化證書取得作法;四、「檢測費代收轉付制度」,重點包含有申報管理程序、代收轉付程序、申報及收費作業流程、代收金融機構解帳目正確性之核對機制。 行政支援面部分,為求順利推動環境檢驗測定法及其子法相關之政策,本計畫已於112年8月22日協助完成國家環境研究院揭牌典禮之辦理,並於計畫執行期間,共協助辦理完成8場次專家學者諮詢會議及5場次環境檢測政策研商會議,再完成12人時法律或檢測背景之專家請益,所蒐集之回饋意見,均作為本團隊執行相關法制作業研擬之參考依據。
中文關鍵字 環境檢驗測定法、環境檢測機構、檢測申報制度


專案計畫編號 經費年度 112 計畫經費 5085.760 千元
專案開始日期 2023/01/01 專案結束日期 2023/12/31 專案主持人 謝嘉鴻
主辦單位 國環院檢測認證中心 承辦人 林何印 執行單位 環科工程顧問股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 因應空氣污染物申報制度之檢測管理精進計畫 .pdf 12MB

The Enhancement Project of Testing Management for Air Pollutant Declaration System

英文摘要 This project responds to the second notice of the draft Environmental Testing and Analysis Act, and cooperates with the central administrative agency. There are some matters that should be paid attention in the legal progress. When drafting a law, the preparatory work about the laws and regulations should be planned and implemented together. The release will be completed within six months after the announcement. In the aspect of regulatory development, during the first progress report, titles of nine sub-law drafts were proposed along with their development planning schedules, which were subsequently approved by National Environmental Research Academy. Nine completed sub-law drafts and their related explanations have been submitted as follows: 1."Regulations on Penalty Criteria for Violations of the Environmental Testing and Analysis Act": This draft focuses on the principle of imposing penalties for cases where the calculated fine exceeds the legally defined maximum fine and for situations involving minor offenses; 2."Regulations on Accounting and Estimation of Profits from Violating the Environmental Testing and Analysis Act ": The main focus is to prompt the competent authority to pay attention to the recovery of conspicuous benefits from violations and to specify the types of profits, along with their accounting and estimation methods; 3."Regulations on Penalty Notification and Deadline for Improvement or Correction of Each Violations of the Environmental Testing and Analysis Act": The main focus is on the penalty for each violations of the Environmental Testing and Analysis Act. In such cases, separate notices for improvement or correction with specified deadlines should be issued. Additionally, these notices must contain prescribed information related to the required improvements or corrections; 4."Regulations on Technical Capability Assessment and Blind Sample Testing for Environmental Testing and Analysis": The main focus is on the regulations governing the implementation methods, operational procedures, and deadlines for submitting results for technical capability assessment and blind sample testing in the field of environmental testing and analysis; 5."Regulations on Rewards for Reporting Violations of the Environmental Testing and Analysis Act ": The main focus is on the regulations for rewarding individuals who report violations of the Environmental Testing and Analysis Act. To be eligible for the reward, the reported cases must be verified by the competent authority and subjected to penalties before the reward is granted. Additionally, the regulations outline the prescribed methods for granting rewards; 6.”Regulations on Legal Aid for Whistleblowers of Violations of the Environmental Testing and Analysis Act”: The focus is on the eligibility for legal aid, the scope of assistance, the review process, and the delegation of implementation. 7.”Regulations on Receipt and Management of Environmental Testing and Analysis Fund”: The focus is on the need for stable and adequate funding to support the execution of environmental testing-related management, so the competent authority establishes and manages the Environmental Testing and Analysis Fund. 8.“Regulations on Awards and Incentives for Outstanding Environmental Testing and Analysis Organization”: The focus is on clearly defining the conditions for granting rewards, enabling the recommendation and evaluation process, and establishing more explicit guidelines to follow. 9.”Standards for Fee Charging for the Environmental Testing and Analysis Act”: The focus is on aligning with the promotion of various management systems and administrative measures under this law, specifying the scope and fee items covered by this law's fee collection. In the aspect of institutional promotion, four guidelines has been completed, as follows: 1."Graded Management System for Testing Institutions": This guideline focuses on the economic incentives of graded, factors for graded, and criteria for determining graded levels; 2."Inspection System for Environmental Testing Equipment": This guideline includes an analysis of the proportion of various testing business categories in recent years, instrument analysis for air quality monitoring vehicles, and the status of essential instruments used in testing institution; 3."Certification System for Environmental Testing and Analysis Technicians": This guideline examines the Japanese measurer system and discusses environmental testing personnel categories in our country, training programs, and diverse methods for obtaining certificates; 4."System for Collection and Transfer on Behalf of Another Party of Testing Fees": This guideline outlines the procedures for application management, fee collection and transfer, operational flow for application and collection, and the mechanism for verifying the accuracy of financial institution records during fee collection. In the aspect of administrative support, in order to successfully promote the policies related to Environmental Testing and Analysis Act and its sub-law, this project had assisted in the completion of the unveiling ceremony of the National Environmental Research Academy on August 22, 2023. Eight consultation meetings with expert and scholar and 5 discussion meeting on environmental test policy were assisted with during the project execution, also this project sought advice from experts with legal or testing backgrounds for 12 hours. The feedback and opinions collected from these consultations and expert inquiries have been utilized as reference foundations for the development of relevant legal frameworks by our team.
英文關鍵字 Environmental Testing and Analysis Act, Environmental Testing and Analysis Institution, Testing and Analysis Reporting System