

中文摘要 本計畫為協助環境部掌握地方政府執行成效,於計畫執行期間蒐集與分析各地方政府環境負荷、空氣污染防制基金編列運用、空氣污染防制計畫執行情形、績效考核作業及補助執行空氣品質改善維護計畫作業,協助機關辦理空氣品質不良應變、災害及空污突發事故相關工作。此外,針對地方政府空氣品質管制計畫資源進行相關性評析,完成112年度地方政府空污基金編列及重點工作。 本計畫彙整評析112年地方政府執行空品維護改善工作執行成果,辦理22場次年中成果會議及6場次112年度年終績效展現成果會議,協助環境部研擬「113年度直轄市及縣(市)政府空氣品質與噪音管制績效考核計畫」並召開研商會議。辦理3場次空氣污染防制技術諮詢小組會議及1場次空污基金管理會,完成113年度環境部空污基金補助計畫。 為因應每年10月起的空品不良好發情形,成立跨區應變小組以跨單位、跨區域合作方式,辦理6場次應變成果聯繫會議。
中文關鍵字 空氣污染防制基金、環境部考核、環境部補助計畫


專案計畫編號 經費年度 112 計畫經費 3702.8 千元
專案開始日期 2023/07/14 專案結束日期 2023/12/31 專案主持人 呂鴻毅
主辦單位 環境部大氣環境司 承辦人 邱慶睿 執行單位 立境環境科技股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 計畫案號112AA226(系統)-112年整合及考評地方政府執行空氣污染防制成效計畫.pdf 7MB

The 2023 Integration and Evaluation of the Results of Local Governments’ Implementation of Air Pollution Control Measures.

英文摘要 This plan aimed to support the Ministry of Environment (MOENV) in evaluating the performance of local governments during the execution period. As the plan progressed, data related to environmental burdens, utilization of the Air Pollution Control Fund, progress of air pollution control measures, performance evaluations, and the execution of subsidies for air quality improvement and maintenance programs were collected and analyzed. Additionally, the plan aided governmental entities in addressing poor air quality events, environmental disasters, and sudden pollution emergencies. Furthermore, an analysis was conducted on the relevance of resources within local government control plans, and the allocation and key tasks of the 2023 Air Pollution Control Fund were finalized. The plan culminated in the formulation of 2023 Air Pollution Control Fund's allocation and primary objectives, marking significant progress in the effort to improve air quality. This plan consolidated and assessed the performance of local governments in air quality improvement and maintenance for the year 2023. We organized 22 mid-year achievement meetings and 6 year-end performance showcase meetings, assisting the MOENV in formulating the 'Performance Assessment Plan for Air Quality and Noise Control for Direct-Controlled Municipalities and Counties (Cities) for 2024' and hosting consultation meetings. Additionally, we conducted 3 meetings of the Air Pollution Control Technology Advisory Group and 1 meeting of the Air Pollution Fund Management Committee, completing the subsidy plan for the MOENV 's Air Pollution Fund for the year 2024. To respond to the frequent occurrences of poor air quality starting every October, a cross-regional emergency response team was established to facilitate inter-departmental and cross-regional cooperation, organizing 6 outcome coordination meetings.
英文關鍵字 Air Pollution Control Fund, Ministry of Environment Administration Evaluation, Ministry of Environment Administration Subsidy Plan