

中文摘要 為實現淨零排放目標,企業及政府已陸續採取相關應對,如導入綠色技術、投資清潔能源以確保產業可符合淨零排放之目標,迎合國際發展趨勢;產業轉型之過程中如有使用重金屬則可能造成其排放特性之改變。近年全球提倡「循環經濟」觀點,為協助金屬產業推行廢水重金屬回收再利用,即時確認重金屬去除效率與控管放流水水質,選擇快速、適當的檢測或測量技術,亦是至關重要的一環;本計畫首先針對國內重金屬產業進行盤點及調查,歸納優先關切之重金屬項目銅與鎳,並透過文獻蒐集與評析,篩選具可行性之重金屬即時偵測技術後,分別以電化學感測法及電漿法為基礎,以前述項目為感測目標物,進行現地及即時重金屬感測器之開發研究,除建立量測方法及參數外,並針對前述技術進行可行性驗證,驗證項目包含檢量線範圍、精密度、準確度及偵測極限等,於實驗室測試階段均符合本計畫訂定指標及實際應用性,惟建議仍持續針對水樣基質干擾情形進行探討,以增加實際應用上之準確性;最後,本計畫並已初步針對開發技術進行後續3年之發展路徑規劃,包含原型機設計規劃、製作與試運轉及場域測試等,以提升本計畫開發之重金屬感測器於實際應用面上之完整性及適宜性。
中文關鍵字 重金屬、產業轉型、監測技術


專案計畫編號 經費年度 112 計畫經費 4550 千元
專案開始日期 2023/04/21 專案結束日期 2023/12/31 專案主持人 莊雅茹
主辦單位 國環院環境治理研究中心 承辦人 蔡宛君 執行單位 財團法人工業技術研究院


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 @1121214產業轉型水體重金屬檢測技術開發研究_成果報告定稿.pdf 6MB 產業轉型水體重金屬檢測技術開發研究

Research and Development of Water Body Heavy Metal Detection Technology in the Industrial Transformation Process

英文摘要 To work towards achieving the objective of Net Zero Emission, both businesses and governments have been progressively implementing various strategies, includes the adoption of green production technologies and substantial investments in clean energy source. These measures are put in place to guarantee that industries can align themselves with the Net Zero Emission target. Simultaneously, the transition process within industries may alter the emission properties of heavy metal species in relevant industries. In recent year, the global trend of the Circular Economy has emerged. Along with industrial development, raw material recycles (i.e. Heavy metal), effluent water quality control, and real-time detection technology can assist industries in implementing resource recycling and reuse. In this context, the selection of rapid, accurate and cost-effective detection apparatus is crucial. In this project, an inventory and investigation of the domestic heavy metal industry was firstly conducted. Based on the survey results, the copper and nickel are selected as target heavy metal ions since they are the most prominent heavy metal element applied in Taiwan’s industry. Based on the literature review, two innovative heavy metal detection technology includes electrochemical and plasma-based technology are established for feasibility assessments. In addition to establishing innovative measurement methods and optimized operational parameters, the relevant verification such as linear range, precision, accuracy and detection limits were carried out. The results showed that during the laboratory testing phase, two measurement technology shows the capability on heavy metal detection. However, for the analysis of real water samples, further investigation into water sample matrix interferences is needed to enhance future applicability. Besides, preliminary plans have been made for the suggested development path over the next 3 years, including prototype design, production, and filed testing, with the aim of improving the future practical feasibility of the development of innovative heavy metal sensing apparatus.
英文關鍵字 Heavy Metal, Industrial Transformation, Detection Technology